DotA Allstars 6.57b AI+ 1.52 (20090112) - Incremental Map - DotA-Blog

DotA Allstars 6.57b AI+ 1.52 (20090112) - Incremental Map

dota allstars 6.57b AIPlus 20090112Another update from BuffmePlz on his Incremental Map, Dota-Allstars 6.57b AIplus 1.52 20090112. This map is unofficial, because it contains additional Hero and Items that BMP added himself. If you want the official Dota 6.57b AI, try Dota 6.57b AIplus revision 3.

Here is the changelogs:
...didn't write one. I added some more Ramza stuff, misc. bug fixes, and one new hero, with which I'm fairly pleased. He has no attack - instead, he marks targets to use as projectiles with his abilities. Try it, you'll see what I mean.

Formless can copy Conjurer's abilities in this version, and a few typos are fixed as well. Aside from this, not really all that much new (for now). Ah well. Enjoy!

Download link:
Dota-Allstars 6.57b AIplus 1.52 20090112 via Warcraft Map
Dota-Allstars 6.57b AIplus 1.52 20090112 via Mediafire

Well, if your getting bored with the official Dota 6.58 Map or waiting for Dota 6.58 AI, you can try this map. Formless is fun hero! ;) You can check his post about this map here. Thanks BuffMePlz!

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  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Got a typo on the links Dota-Allstars 6.57b AIplus 1.52 20080112 it should said 2009 instead :)
    Ths for the new map !! :D

  3. @ZyB-Er - Woops, sorry ^^"
    Thanks for remind me :)

  4. Is there something wrong with the samurai?
    cant seem to leatn any skills other den the 1st and 2nd =X
    Izzit jux me or....??

  5. thnx for updating, but update your blog layout also!

  6. where is the new hero? I can't find him in any of the fun taverns

  7. nvm I played older version...

  8. So now, after trying slobby, I think he's fun to use but sucks compared to other heroes. his insta kill ulti is awesome tho. I also don't think conjurer was in the old version, he's a sick pusher.

  9. can some1 post some pictures of new hero in ai

  10. bug?? samurai can't learn any skill another than skill jop 1,2

  11. That's not bug, i quote this from BuffMePlz:
    "He's not bugged. Didn't you see the disclaimer saying he was unfinished? I never finished that class, it only has two abilities. =P"


  12. hi sorry but i cant seem to choose the heros at the start of the game.. am i doing something wrong? thanks

  13. @Benjamin - type -fun in the beginning of the game

  14. i can't find the samurai! what tavern is he in?

  15. woot!!!

    you should use ramza..

    by the way, my question what should i type when i want use desert terrain anyway?? example -ts= terrain snow

  16. only terrain snow is a mode available currently.. the others can only be chosen if u use the dota theme manager.. if im not mistaken..

  17. blood swords life steal dont work with ganji gloves..

  18. only terrain snow is a mode available currently.. the others can only be chosen if u use the dota theme manager.. if im not mistaken..

  19. @Benjamin - type -fun in the beginning of the game

  20. hi sorry but i cant seem to choose the heros at the start of the game.. am i doing something wrong? thanks

  21. can some1 post some pictures of new hero in ai

  22. So now, after trying slobby, I think he's fun to use but sucks compared to other heroes. his insta kill ulti is awesome tho. I also don't think conjurer was in the old version, he's a sick pusher.

  23. nvm I played older version...
