Dota 6.58 Bug - Dota-Allstars 6.58 Exploit Abuse on Barathrum - DotA-Blog

Dota 6.58 Bug - Dota-Allstars 6.58 Exploit Abuse on Barathrum

Dota 6.58 Bug Well, Dota 6.58b is already released, but i just found Dota 6.58 Bug/Exploit on Barathrum while surfing. The Dota-Allstars 6.58 bug i found is about the new Cranium Basher. With this bug, you can get permabash! (100% rate of bash on each attack)

Here is how to do it:
1. Choose Barathrum
2. Farm for Cranium Basher, but don't take your Greater Bash yet.
3. After get your basher, hit the creep until you get a bash.
4. Immediately take your Nether Bash.
5. You will got 100% Bash from Cranium Basher and 17% Greater Bash.
6. Perma Rape!!!

You also can view this video if you are confuse.

Please note that this bug only working on Dota 6.58 and already fix on Dota 6.58b. I think this maybe work with other hero with passive bash, like Slardar/Troll, but i haven't try it yet ^_^" Feel free to share other bug on Dota 6.58 or Dota 6.58b :) Enjoy!

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  1. there's a bug in 6.58b when using abaddon, in lvl 17 there's no cooldown in his last skill

  2. the perma bash on the basher item only works for heroes with a passive bash skill like barathrum,void and slardar. but it doesnt work with jarakal

  3. when i try it, it works. but when i go back to the fountain, the effect stops. why?

  4. And you need first to wait the creep to be stunned the stop attacking it then put the greater bash. then it works. But when you go home to your base or fountain the effect of it stops. Why? please reply thanks

  5. I have tried to use this BUG on another hero as Dark Teror and Slardar, and this BUG is work !!! FYI, I use the same tutorial that you give it to us :
    1. Choose Barathrum, Slardar, or Dark Teror
    2. Farm for Cranium Basher, but don't take your Bash skill yet.
    3. After get your basher, hit the creep until you get a bash.
    4. Immediately take your Bash skill
    5. You will got 100% Bash from Cranium Basher
    6. Perma Rape!!!

    That's the simple tutorial from me ^.^

    Btw, thanks for the information. Sorry if my english is BAD ^.^

  6. How about sniper? He has stun but he is range... does it work on him too?
