Playing Cloud Strife on Dota-Allstars 6.57b - DotA-Blog

Playing Cloud Strife on Dota-Allstars 6.57b

Cloud Strife on Dota-Allstars
Cloud Strife is joined the Dota-Allstars hero list? Wow, what makes IceFrog change his mind? But no, it's BuffMePlz with his Dota 6.57b AI Incremental Map that include Cloud and several custom heroes on his map. That's why BMP didn't post this map on Dota-Allstars forums, because there's so many new things he add, including new items (i call it tier 5 Dota items) and a lot of new heroes.

Final Fantasy on Dota-Allstars

You can choose a lot of heroes now from the fun tavern. Including characters from Final Fantasy, Starcraft and more.

Dota-Allstars Special Items
Check the requirement for the items, it's really expensive. I think it deserve to called tier 5 items.

Here is the more details on fun tavern heroes i got from Overflow

1) Final Fantasy (Cloud Strife, Templar, Beowulf's Spellblade, Dragonkin Reis, Cleric)
2) Beowulf (Templar's name refers to an old English heroic poem, also a movie)
3) Star Trek (Ensign Ricky, Terran)
4) Starcraft (Koprulu Sector, Terran)
5) Heroes of Might and Magic (Cleric, Nighon, Erathia, Loynis)
6) Puff the Magic Dragon (an old song, the hero's description is the starting lyrics except for the eating part xD)
7) Boomerwang (possible movie reference)
8) Petey the Penguin

Interesting? Check the Dota 6.57b AIplus 20081215 for the download link. Lot of new things ready to entertain you while waiting for Dota 6.58 :)

Update: Newer Map : DotA Allstars 6.57b AI+ 1.52 (20090112)

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  1. wow +100 agility
    but it requires so many items..
    Nice !!

  2. when i have all of material that item
    such us : kelen dager 2X
    bots of speed
    bot of travel
    and then when i want to change those item i can't because they say need recipe, but i don't know where i must buy the recipe?
    and then if i want to pick the hero
    they say must have naerby patron
    Please answer to my email

  3. albertuschw, make sure you type -fun on the beginning of the game.

  4. YES Cloud. Well at leat there are enough ideas for heroes/items. Though including Cloud would be ridiculous, hes fun to play, like a much more upgraded Jugger^^ And still, those uberwtfzomg0r Tier 5 Items, are much to powerful. Imagine a 30 sec global blink, a 5 sec huge Chronosphere, a items that gives you max att.speed and another one giving uberliveleech

  5. albertuschw:
    Its kinda hard to find the thing.
    See the middle of all 4 big hero selector(fun tavern location)

    For me: Ahhh... I love Magic Dragon... lol I can change my dragon form to a different one... and the Spirit Boots with +500ms and a Dimension Door, better than BoT

    BoT + BoS + 2x Blink Dagger,

    Then you can fly anywhere you like.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. did u know that there is also Ramza Beoulve from War of The Lion? it doesn't show in the tavern but it is playable.
    this is what i found out:
    - choose any hero (i pick puff,magic dragon)
    - then -repick
    - after that look back at the new hero tavern and Ramza can now be pick.
    - have fun.

    maybe he is suppose to be included or left out? this ai keep me entertaining

  8. cloud ulti lv2 can kill entire team... sooooooo imba.... but soooooo fun

  9. Cloud..y r u came to dota? how about Sephiroth and the world?

  10. sad, you cant play it online

  11. You can play it on Garena...

    What will Ice Frog think of that? Oo

  12. no, you cant i tried

  13. Found a fast way to lvl up Ramza Beoulve. Buy a magical bottle n keep spamming it at the fountain...

  14. the +100 int thing is crazy

    it grants you mode like WTF...


  15. bong : albertuschw, make sure you type -fun on the beginning of the game.

    ow Thanks

  16. yeah the no mana no cooldown item is super sick, especially with that hurricane hero's ulti ^^ the second best item is imo the bloodsword, 2500 instant damage to 500 aoe is pretty neat ^^ From heroes I think the best is the Disruptor(beats cloud any day)and I also found the mana fiend pretty imba ..anyway what's the point of these heroes and items when it can't be played online? :(

  17. for fun as the mode suggest lolx

    chemist ramza can just farm 100k gold in 20mins & buy all the "tier 5" items

  18. 1 - grab a bottle
    2 - change to chemist class
    3 - spam bottle at fountain until
    u get the discover gold skill
    4 - use discover gold den change to
    any class & change back to
    chemist (this refreshes the cd)
    5 - rinse & repeat

  19. uhm. I just downloaded this Dota version. I typed -fun in the beginning of the game but I just can't find the "Fun Tavern"

    please rep.

  20. The fun taverns are in the right corner of sentinel's side.

  21. I have found a strat even better than the mass gold one. Buy a bottle, change job to chemist and spam it with a hotkey while fighting in your lane(it doesn't need to be filled). ASAP change to black mage and repeat the procedure. Now change to Time mage, spam a few bottles and when you get mana shield, you can start spamming that instead(no manacost, no cooldown) Now you can enjoy the uberpwnage with his imba spells.

  22. The most imba hero is the hero like thunder lizard in warcraft (I forgot the name...)

    He can get enormous stat for str, agi, int. (For 2 stat => lv 8, for 3 stat lv 12 is recommendable)

    This is the trick...

    1. Lvlup your hero and buys int boost item until your int become 100

    2. Then spams mind flux + power/speed flux rapidly

    With this trick I was able to achieve 200+ for all stat in 20 minute. LOL...

  23. How to pick up new heroes

  24. Cleric OWNS. LOL. 30 second refresher orb, AOE stun, super imba.

  25. Time mage and the Summonner are the best by far.

  26. loading a game automatically enables -wtf mode

  27. Where to buy the tier 5??? i cant find the shop

  28. Its in the middle of the 4 fun-hero taverns. Just get the required items will do.

  29. whaddaya guys mean ya can't play it online? i just did on gg. i used philippines server. 1.22 dota room 02

  30. Hmm... its look like BMP has skill to make his own DotA

  31. just wanna make sure, how about play lan? versus friend?

  32. lolx..where to download it?

  33. I'm greatly confused how to access the new heroes beyond the remakes and extincts, or the new items. When I type -fun only two taverns become available and no tier 5 items.

  34. Hoi... di sana kurang 1 herona.. There is 1 more hidden hero that requires -repick to be unlocked... That hero is Ramza Beoulve from Final Fantasy Tactics War of The Lions.. If you didn't believe, try -apnp, following -fun, pick 1 hero, and then -repick... TADA!!! In 1 of 4 tavern, look for hero named Lion Hero...

  35. Summoner is my favorite job for Ramza... His skill are very2 imba... Imagine Bahamut with 1000 Damage and AOE combined with Zodiark with 1500 Damage and AoE and Efrit with 850 Damage in a Medium-High AoE... TRIPLE KILL!!!

  36. This comment has been removed by the author.

  37. yeah ... almost all hero in this map is imba ....

    but so fun to play with this map ..

    my first fav hero is terran marine

    my second fav hero is petey penguin... his ulti is chanelling for 25 second global targeted immoblize !

  38. plz finish the samurai and shift the taverns to new ai map!!!

  39. i really want to play samurai but it hasn't finish yet...really upset

  40. wow ramza is owning.
    just use "death" skill from his black mage job. in the description it says it can't kill a hero, but it CAN!
    it can even kill ROSHAN!
    it can even kill super creeps!
    it can even kill astral trekker!
    and if you still waiting "death" 30 secs cooldown, why don't you try "flare" and deal 3500 damage to your opponent?
    ramza is beyond DotA like! Someone killed by him!

  41. Why can't I see it the map when I try to make the game?

  42. It is extremely interesting for me to read this article. Thank you for it. I like such themes and anything that is connected to this matter. I definitely want to read a bit more on that blog soon.

  43. NOTE: THIS VERSION DO NOT CONTAINS THE HERO "BEOWULF". He's a "Militia", I had this version, but i can't find it no more. Now i'm sad. :'(
    Beowulf's the best!

  44. Actually what I'm after is that Model.... Where can I find Cloud models out there?

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  46. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  47. wow ramza is owning.
    just use "death" skill from his black mage job. in the description it says it can't kill a hero, but it CAN!
    it can even kill ROSHAN!
    it can even kill super creeps!
    it can even kill astral trekker!
    and if you still waiting "death" 30 secs cooldown, why don't you try "flare" and deal 3500 damage to your opponent?
    ramza is beyond DotA like! Someone killed by him!

  48. i really want to play samurai but it hasn't finish yet...really upset

  49. Summoner is my favorite job for Ramza... His skill are very2 imba... Imagine Bahamut with 1000 Damage and AOE combined with Zodiark with 1500 Damage and AoE and Efrit with 850 Damage in a Medium-High AoE... TRIPLE KILL!!!

  50. I'm greatly confused how to access the new heroes beyond the remakes and extincts, or the new items. When I type -fun only two taverns become available and no tier 5 items.

  51. lolx..where to download it?

  52. (darn i hate it when people refer warcraft as dota but now nothing changes but the PROBLEM IS THERE IS NO ZACK I have a model and so on but oh well )
