Level 1 Roshan Kills on Dota 6.57b with Spinning Technique - DotA-Blog

Level 1 Roshan Kills on Dota 6.57b with Spinning Technique

Level 1 Roshan KillsLevel 1 Roshan Kills on Dota 6.57b with Spinning Technique. The recent changes on Roshan is make us possible to kill him when we're still on level 1 and even before the creeps spawn. The question is what the advantages for early Roshan kill.

Well, it pretty much worth it. When you attempt to kill Roshan and leave the last hit to just one hero and all the other hero get out from the exp range, that hero will be level up to level 5 and even 6 in -em mode! Note that it will be a great difference when the other hero is still level 1. But of course, there's a risk that the enemy will be gank you if they are realize it.

And after searching for information, i found some interesting technique to kill Roshan. That is the spinning technique! Yeah,the name said it all. With this, you can make Roshan spinning around without hitting you for several seconds. Well, i think a video is more descriptive than thousand words. Here it is:

Actually this video is a contest in Bored Aussie, but i take this as a proof and example that actually you CAN kill Roshan even before the creeps spawn. The spinning technique i said is when the Lycan solo Roshan. The basic rule is you team work and Heroes that can summon to tank the damage. I even found Level 1 Roshan kills in the pub games already. What do you think? Ever try it? ^___^

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  1. in pubs can be done.. in competitive gaming, kinda impossible unless ur facing a team that dosent do the early scout n warding procedure.. most pro teams scout n wards certain areas within the early start of the game..

  2. nice background music is that a song from dragonforce??? thanks for the video

  3. well, i have try be4, my friend have seen one clan which trying to kill roshan in lvl 1 when competition. but according to my friend, they failed becoz the others team found out what they trying and stop them.

    but after that me and my friends have tried this, and we successful kill roshan in lvl 1. all of us straight up lvl to lvl 2, almost lvl 3.(one of the enemies even ask if we are using bug, lol!)

  4. that one with lycan and spinning technique was awsome o.O i have got to try that, thx so much for the vid

  5. and how do you spin it exactly?

  6. That song is "She is my Sin" from Nightwish, I think.

  7. The second one is "Through the Fire and Flames" from Dragonforce.

  8. You spin by having the weakest wolf run in circles. You have to keep manually click around roshan so your wolf is always behind him.

    You can't really solo it as well in a 5v5 because you dont start out with as much gold. In the video he already had armlet because he was the only player in the game.

  9. if you wanted to do team rosh.
    which heroes and which items would you get?
    we just tried with

    -undying [zombies]
    -venomancer [wards]
    -syllabear [bear]
    -dazzle [heal]
    -lycan [wolves]
    we had pots and one RoB and one HoJ

  10. Lich can be a help very much combined with Syllabear. Just cast the frozen armor on the bear and it will help you a lot.

  11. bear, tinker, trellen, lich, and skeleton king. cast armor on bear, lifesteal from sk. tinker gets all experience and then gets first blood. ganks all the way. no need for fancy spinning technique. just hit roshan.

  12. Razor,Lich,Rhasta,Puck and Clinkz is a very good group because lich will defend them all with is frost armor and razor has the biggest dmge also clinkz rhatsa will cats his snakes and puck also has big dmge

  13. well, i have try be4, my friend have seen one clan which trying to kill roshan in lvl 1 when competition. but according to my friend, they failed becoz the others team found out what they trying and stop them.

    but after that me and my friends have tried this, and we successful kill roshan in lvl 1. all of us straight up lvl to lvl 2, almost lvl 3.(one of the enemies even ask if we are using bug, lol!)
