Goblin Techies Guides (Basic) - DotA-Blog

Goblin Techies Guides (Basic)

Goblin Techies Guides Do you love to play Goblin Techies? Or you always interested on playing him but afraid to messed up your teams and called noob? Well, i think this video will help you! It's really great for you who want to try Techies but doesn't have experience with him. Techies is a unique character, but it still can be learned with some effort. Just learn from for this video :)

Actually, Goblin Techies play style is rather unique and rarely changes. Even in the future Dota 6.58, i believe his game play is still the same. The recent ward nerf on Dota 6.57b also really help him. And back to the video, how about it? Feel better? Or you didn't agree and have other suggestion? Just share it here :)

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  1. Almost the same on how i play techies only differences are that, i don't stack bombs and don't usually go for suicides.

    Next time i play techies i'll give you a replay ^__^

  2. i only know that the level of globin is always the lowest =.=

  3. This is offtopic, but IceFrog has started his own blog:

    Just thought you should know, alief.

  4. @redrach - thanks a lot pal. Really appreciate it :)

  5. same way i play techies :D he's a pretty neat character to play and probably most satisfying to learn. The best thing about him is you learn to adapt to different play strategies :)

  6. Necronomicon should be a core item since it is good for countering wards and countering lanaya's refraction. Mana burn and added dmg hurts too.

  7. i love techies coz its fun but its hp is INSANE!

  8. techies rock! except when i play techies i always lowest level.. but not always. i saw a techies highest level once! :D what level u may think? it is level 23! :) i was level 21 earthshaker lol i his team

  9. disgrace right? es lower level than goblin lol

  10. well because goblin gain exp from killing people by mines last time it doesn't i can get golbin to lvl 25 Oo

  11. I think earthshaker is the greatest support,..,.

  12. Goblin's ability to damage towers using it's mines is jus AWESOME!!!! Earn quick bucks!!!

  13. The core items are

    Aghanims, Boots of travel, Ginso

    Luxury items

    HoD's, hearts, forcestaff, bloodstone, linkens, blademails, shivas, skadi's, molj, radiance, diffusals, mantas, necromoicons, euls.. whatever.. Just get the 3 core items first. Aghanims being the first target rushed item.

  14. use force staff for early game...then aghanims..

  15. very fun charac. is techies

  16. oi.. why i cant see the video?

  17. i know hes awesome lvl 3 i just landmine and then suicide heheheheheeheheh ...... lol..... kill doombringer......

  18. best item for techies:
    first thing to buy..
    robe of magi
    void stone
    ultimate orb

    first buy boots..then upgrade it to travel for ganking...
    second..void stone to make battlefury
    robe of magi to make blademail...
    ultimate orb for manta style...
    broadsword for buriza...
    javelin for basher...

    alternative items

    sacred relic for radiance[recommended]
    mask of death...for vladimirs[best item]
    ring of basilius...[best alternative to support your mana]

    i have proven it working it depends on your play and in your enemy....study hard guys...for you to become strong and intelligent like me

  19. did techies need basher??

  20. you forgot to add sange yasha and stygian.. hahah

  21. real items for goblin are 3x vanguard and 3x aegis of immortal !!!!!

  22. wrong items for him my friend ! the nice items for goblin are 3x treads

  23. your items are so funny:) you will build vladimirs w/ techies is he a melee
