Dota Theme Manager Christmas Edition (DTM XMAS) Released! - DotA-Blog

Dota Theme Manager Christmas Edition (DTM XMAS) Released!

Dota Theme Manager Christmas Edition
Wow, Infrisios really spoiled us. After release the Dota Theme Manager 3 just a while ago, now he's releasing Dota Theme Manager Christmas. Way to go! Well, i haven't try it yet, so i cannot post some picture right now. But i believe that Infrisios never let us down with his masterpieces.

Here is the download link for Dota Theme Manager Christmas:

DTM XMAS Edition - Rapidshare
DTM XMAS Edition - MediaFire

If you have installed it, feel free to post some picture. I will really appreciate it :)

Credits: Chal, thanks for notifying me ;)

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  1. Can u add more link cause rapidshare doesnt work for me. it would be best if u add it to rapidshare cause it always work for me thank you

  2. Actually.. That's exactly why i haven't download it ^_^" I hope anybody can provide a link on Mediafire or Megaupload

  3. here's a mirror for the file..

  4. thanks dcAens for the link its working :D

  5. It's just snow terrain with little things on the trees.

  6. Can you guys help me plz, i tried the DTM 3,it worked perfectly offline but when i use Garena, it does not work, help help help

  7. Here's my link to the mediafire

    Hope it works!

  8. Beautiful pictures.
    Very nice blog.

    Please visit:

    Keep blogging.
    Happy holidays.

  9. >>> so i cannot post some picture right now

    now you have it...

    btw, I prefer dtmv3...

  10. np khalily.. ^_^
    yeah its just a snow terrain with those little decorations on the trees.. but still it's good..
    im looking forward for the next version that roshan has a santa hat..

  11. np khalily.. ^_^
    yeah its just a snow terrain with those little decorations on the trees.. but still it's good..
    im looking forward for the next version that roshan has a santa hat..

  12. To feel the spirit of christmas in this theme

    during play type -weather snow
    then -music nightelf1(to play jingle bells)and maybe -water green.

    Well i think that is my last post for this year, if BMP will release the official rev3 anytime soon, i'm not able to download and play it. I will be back here maybe 2nd or 3rd week of January,on that time i hope more new stuff on this blog right Alief.:)

  13. @chal - thanks for tip ^_^ Are you going to vacation? If so, have a nice trip :) See you on January, i hope dota 6.58 is already out at that time ;p

  14. Cant wait for DTM to work on 6.66b onwards :|

  15. do xmas theme works on 6.77?

  16. Guys help please ASAP

    I have been looking for the DotA Theme Manager V7 for over a month and had no luck. Can Anyone upload it here for us or can you reply the page if it's here all ready?? Thnx
