Dota-Allstars 6.57b AIplus 1.52 Update (20081215) - DotA-Blog

Dota-Allstars 6.57b AIplus 1.52 Update (20081215)

dota allstars 6.57b AIPlus Update BuffMePlz is releasing Dota-Allstars 6.57b AIplus 1.52 update, but not yet an official release. Therefore, i will call it Dota-Allstars 6.57b AIplus 1.52 20081215 just like the file name. Even though this map is not yet official, i think this map is provide more bug fixes than the previous Dota 6.57b AI, Dota 6.57b AIplus revision 2.

Here is the changelogs:
Changelog (12/15/2008)
-Restored resource preloading on Invoker
-Lowered manacost on Direct Vengeance (Avatar of Vengeance)
-Fixed the position of Leragas the Vile on the Scourge side
-Rewrote Fly (Bat Rider) to address a few bugs

*Formless fixes
-Added a small cast point value for Formless to fix a timing issue between spell cast and effect trigger events
-Fixed a bug with copying Meld
-Fixed some issues with behaviour when copying Feral Heart and Spin Web with Formless
-Fixed some bugs with activating Reset while Freezing Field or abilities based on immolation are active
-Illuminate on Formless is now channeling (instead of the Spirit Form version)
-Aftershock or Static Field on Formless no longer trigger on "fluff" spells (only a spell that would remove Curse of the Silent will trigger it)
-Formless can now copy Impetus, Glaives of Wisdom, Last Word, Phantom Edge, Spell Shield, Flesh Heap, Overload, Burning Spear, Berserker's Blood, Refraction, Soul Assumption, Gravekeeper's Cloak, Blur, Split Shot (Medusa), Crippling Fear, Hunter in the Night, Devour, Backtrack, Storm Seeker, Feast, Time Lapse, Frostmourne, Borrowed Time, Dispersion (Spectre), Arcane Orb, Essence Aura, Heartstopper Aura, Kraken Shell, Stygwyr's Thirst
-Implemented a system that prevents Formless from copying two skills with the same base order
-Added new command -override that removes the aforementioned base order check

*Unofficial fixes
-Fixed Last Word to trigger on end of spell cast (instead of end of spell cast animation)
-Cleaned up the way Refraction buff icons appear to provide better feedback on when the buffs are actually active
-Fixed the tooltip for Storm Seeker

Download link:
Dota-Allstars 6.57b AIplus 1.52 20081215 via Warcraft Map
Dota-Allstars 6.57b AIplus 1.52 20081215 via Mediafire

I think this map is more bug free, especially if you like to play Formless ;) You can check his post about this map here. Thanks BuffMePlz! It helps me killing time on long awaited Dota 6.58 ^_^

Update: DotA Allstars 6.57b AI+ 1.52 (20090112)

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  1. Those unofficial fixes would be good for the regular version

  2. wonder when RGB will make AI script for new hero such as invoker,Naix,Kunkka and etc.

  3. I can't imagine that Formless can copy Hunter in the Night...It must be funny!!!

  4. there are 2 new fun taverns and another tavern for bonus items! and theres even an additional hero if you repick in -fun mode!

  5. found a bug.. blood sword only lifesteals on buildings, good thing was I destroyed the well without a cheat you could lifesteal the well.

  6. Yeah, you can normally lifesteal the fountain. But, which hero were you using the sword on? It worked for me as Formless with no orbs.

  7. I wonder before what makes this map unofficial, then when ilooked in fun taverns wow more new imba hero plus imba items.

  8. Normally you can't lifesteal buildings, try putting down all of ur items except for the blood sword then get the enemies to make ur life to half and then attack the enemy creeps or heroes you can see ur life not going up at all. but if you attack buildings it lifesteals. you can see your hero's head shining(sign that the orb works) but its just that it doesn't lifesteal on creeps and heroes.

  9. I thought cool. So I choose hero Wanderer. He has a spell 10 sec stun and another spell 6 sec stun. And u can chain them. Err so incredibly lame. Then he has a 80 sec avatar (ie magic immune). Clueless designer.

  10. Incremental build update from BMP now released!

    Dota Allstars AI+ 1.52(20090112)

  11. Incremental build update from BMP now released!

    Dota Allstars AI+ 1.52(20090112)

  12. Normally you can't lifesteal buildings, try putting down all of ur items except for the blood sword then get the enemies to make ur life to half and then attack the enemy creeps or heroes you can see ur life not going up at all. but if you attack buildings it lifesteals. you can see your hero's head shining(sign that the orb works) but its just that it doesn't lifesteal on creeps and heroes.

  13. there are 2 new fun taverns and another tavern for bonus items! and theres even an additional hero if you repick in -fun mode!
