Dota 6.60 AI & Dota-Allstars 6.60 Official Map News - DotA-Blog

Dota 6.60 AI & Dota-Allstars 6.60 Official Map News

Dota 6.60 AI - Dota-Allstars 6.60 Dota 6.60 AI & Dota-Allstars 6.60 News, Tauren Chieftain will be back at this version as IceFrog said. What kind of hero you are imagine for Tauren Chieftain? Share your wish about Dota 6.60. Dota 6.60 beta information will also be great ^_^

Latest Update: It's here!! Get the download link on Dota-Allstars 6.60 post!
For Dota 6.60 AI map, check the Dota 6.60 AI post!

Update 1:
IceFrog in his blog revealed that on Dota 6.60 there will be a new mode and chance for a new item aside from the previous talked new hero Tauren Chieftain. Here is the quote from the latest IceFrog post (04 March 2009):
While I'm posting this, I'll give a brief update regarding the next version because many people have been emailing asking about it. I've had lots of hardware problems in the past few weeks that have slowed development, but I got everything back to normal now.

The next version still has a bit more to go before it is ready, but I'll give a rough summary of what I hope to release in it. It will have at least 1 new hero, many hero remakes (mostly partial remakes not complete revamps like the recent ones), some functional improvements to existing Items, Hero balance changes and a new mode or two. There is a chance that a new Item will make it through to the final version as well, but it's hard to say with any certainty.

Woot!! A new hero is already exciting me, but IceFrog also add new mode, (hopefully) new item and lot of hero remake. Ok, i'll patiently wait for Dota-Allstars 6.60 Icy :)

Update 2 from IceFrog Blog:
"03/05/09 Update: There seems to be a lot of confusion going on the net. Various leak websites have people posting under my username to confuse players. I'm not sure why some players think that I would post there, but it seems like many do based on the volume of emails regarding it.

Aside from the data in this post, I have not said anything regarding 6.60 at all. It is also not my last version. As I have stated before, I have no plans to stop updating the map anytime soon. "

Well yeah, i know which blog IceFrog refer to, but it's definitely not on this blog :)

Update 3 from IceFrog Blog:

I'll probably be releasing 6.59d in a day or two. There are a couple bugs/exploits that started appearing recently. While I know that some players don't like to keep downloading new maps, I think is best to fix this now instead of holding it off for 6.60 so it isn't too rushed.

That being said, I'm still working very actively on 6.60 development since I got my hardware problems fixed. I'll try to post a preview for it when it is close to release.

There will also be a few new language translations available at when 6.60 is published. The site has been updated to more easily support the addition of extra languages with localized pages for each one. If your language doesn't appear at that point and you want to help translate, send me an email.

IceFrog decided to release Dota 6.59d because he doesn't want to rush Dota 6.60 to fix Dota 6.59c bug. Um.. I think that's means Dota-Allstars 6.60 will take some more time ^^;;

Update 4 from IceFrog Blog:
One issue I'm debating right now is the current tavern layout. I am trying to improve it so that it is easier for players to quickly find their heroes and in small part to make more room.

There are a few different options, ranging from making just one tavern area and sorting by classes (3 taverns per class [9 total], and then making heroes available or not available based on the game mode) to other ideas like 5 taverns for each side [10 total] with Int/Str/Agi/Hybrid/Hybrid. Hybrid is a bit hard to define though and might not be intuitive for all players. Another option is to have 2 taverns for each class on each side [12 total], but that comes with its share issues as well.

Let me know what you guys think of these different options and if you have any other recommendations to consider.

Also, as I mentioned in the 6.59d change log, if anyone has any other suggestions for the things you would like to see in either 6.60 or the versions that follow, please let me know.

C'mon guys, share your thought about these tavern on Dota 6.60 ^^ And you can also vote the name for the Tauren Chieftain too ;)

Update 5 from IceFrog Blog:
I'm hoping to add some team-only sounds in the next version for when an ally gets a rune (it would announce which specific rune it is that he got). This has been requested before by a lot of players, but the main problem is that I don't have any appropriate sounds to use for them right now.

I've tried some of the Quake/Unreal ones that people usually suggest, but they would require some modifications before they could fit in with the other sounds. If anyone has experience with sound development and can either adjust those ones to fit DotA or just make new ones send me an email. Also, if there are other sounds that you find online and think would work in DotA, let me know.

Another interesting things to be added to Dota-Allstars 6.60, but i'm starting to worried when Dota 6.60 will be finish with that much changes ~_~

Update 6 from IceFrog Blog:
I figured I'd take a short break from coding to give you guys a sneak peak at one of the new features in the upcoming version.

It is basically a new game mode that is a mix of RD and CM. Each team has one captain that is responsible for the drafting phase. The game starts with a hero pool of 22 (2 more than RD) presented in a circle. The captains start off by banning 1 hero each and then they move on to drafting heroes for their team. The order of each phase alternates like CM. After the heroes have been chosen by the captains, they are placed in the starting area and each player gets to choose which hero he wants to play with.

The exact size of the hero pool and the ban count are not final yet, so I'd like to hear any input you might have on this. The goal for the mode is to provide the gamers that prefer playing with a small hero selection the ability to enjoy the drafting experience that takes place in competitive CM games.

Well, yet another new feature on Dota 6.60, maybe this can be an alternative if you already boring with the usual mode ^_^

Update 7 from IceFrog Blog:

Hey guys. I'm here to give a quick update on development status. I'm still working very hard each day to try and get 6.60 to you guys as soon as possible, I know you are all waiting. While there are indeed new heroes and items in the next version, there are also lots of hero and item remakes which can be very time consuming to get right sometimes.

For Heroes, the main challenge is getting just the right mix of changes and new abilities that will both keep the existing fans of that hero happy and satisfied while also making the hero more enjoyable to other players. There are many heroes getting at least one changed ability this time around, but not every change ends up making it to the final version if they don't pass those requirements after some play testing. For Items, whenever one is added or changed, all other items need to get checked. Sometimes older items require more changes to be consistent with other game balance adjustments that are done. This is a process that items go through many times during the beta phase and it makes the exact timing of updates a bit hard to predict because the goal isn't to just change something, but to make sure it offers something enjoyable to the players in the end.

Of course there will also be lots of balance improvements as well, and not just new/remade heroes and items. However, to try and make up for the long wait, I'll share with you guys some more specific information about the next version.

Aghanim's Scepter has been remade and in addition to its new functionality, it will also provide ultimate upgrades to many other heroes that didn't get it before (and not just Intelligence heroes).

Another new feature is a dynamic terrain morphing command available on a per user basis (including trees). For example, you will be able to change to snow terrain and snow trees at any point in the game while the other players are still using the standard forest theme. The way the new system has been developed allows easy addition of more terrains without much work, so if there is a specific terrain style you like, let me know.

Thanks again for the patience, I'll do my best to give you guys an update as soon as it feels ready and when it is only a day or two away from release. My hope is that it doesn't take too much longer. I've also been receiving some pretty nice ideas through the email, so keep them coming.

Gulp, i never though it will be this much change on Dota 6.60..

Update 8 from IceFrog Blog:
Hey guys. I apologize for the delay since my last post. I've been focused on the next update. It has a huge change log with many things that need playtesting.

One issue I've been trying to tackle in this patch is the organization of recipes. Most would agree that they are pretty disorganized right now, especially the 5th shop. With the addition of some items in 6.60 and the overdue need to organize the shops, I've been working on sorting them. I'm looking for input on organization approaches, as well as thoughts on the matter in general, so feel free to drop me a line. I might post a few screenshots of the shop layouts here.

Another extra tidbit of information, regarding Linken's Sphere: many abilities have now been rewritten to provide better compatibility. This has been one of the most requested items to fix, so I have given it some much needed attention. While there are still some spells that do not interact well with it, there are many more that do now.

This update has taken much longer to finish than I had hoped for originally, but rest assured I won't take a minute longer than absolutely necessary.

Do you have better idea for the recipe shop on Dota 6.60? IceFrog need our feedback :)

Update 9
IceFrog already show us the new items layout, check it on Dota 6.60 New Items Layout

Update 10
IceFrog give us an estimate release date, check it on Dota 6.60 Released on Early June post.

And don't forget to subscribe by email or reader so you can have Dota 6.60 as soon as it is released :)

PS: If you curious, you can check the beta Dota 6.60 changelogs and download link on Dota 6.60 Beta post (Spoiler alert!)

Latest Update
It's here!! Get the download link on Dota-Allstars 6.60 post!
If you search for Dota 6.60 AI map, check the Dota 6.60 AI post for updates!

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  2. wen will it be released??

    respond pls

  3. great hero yeah.............


  5. make the item "Axe of the Chieftain" pls...... tnx

  6. make TC a str type w/ high agi.....

    SO IMBA!!!!

  7. 1st skill - permabash
    2nd skill - frenzy
    3rd skill - buff strength
    4th skill - knockback+stun+200 dmg

    wow soooo imba goood!!!!!
    TC rulezzzz!!!!!!
    hope ICEFROG will read and consider this skill...thanks!!!!

  8. Nah, i doubt he will accept it.
    You see. 1st skill - permabash = too gay. some more 2nd skill frenzy even gay... 3rd skill add str also gay....ulti knockback+stun(AGAIN) + 200dmg...totaly IMBALANCED

  9. Right. If you want that: Play bara...
    Guys, there are some Heroidead fpr him out in the Dota Allstars forum. And just guessing won't make Icefrog give him some uberwtfpwnz0r-skills...

  10. Tauren is WEAK!! theres no hero like invoker...

  11. tauren skill

    str type.. sure..

    - clap
    - blink strik(big hero can blink too)
    - TaurenStrike
    - (anything!!!)

  12. chieftrain .......
    combine skills of barathrum and earthshaker.....
    knockback bash...
    thats all

  13. kok yo sue men to cok!!!!

  14. Wtf wahahaha tauren strike? Wahahaha that made me laugh haha the name's so hillarious haha!

  15. again this is 6.59c not 6.6. pls delete his comment

  16. @ Geoffrey Nablo it is not a 6.60 map they just rename it.. it is originally 6.59c.... lol

  17. I'm really anxious about the new hero in 6.60...

    visit my site:

    you can download the infamous YAWLE. Please follow the neccesary things that needs to be done to play YAWLE and play with other people around the world with dota...

  18. is that true that there will be a new hero in 6.60???

  19. yes there will be 2 heros in 6.60 taureeen and master bator

  20. WTF? 6.60 is the LAST version???

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. strength hero with skills similar to barathrum & bristleback? LOL

    i would like it to have 1 stun skill, 1 bash skill, 1 passive skill which increase its speed and a skill which increase its attack with under certain condition..

  23. Make the skill summon the totem !!!

  24. ., really there will be two heroes in

    6.60 and their names are taureen and

    master bator..

    Just wandering!!!

    What would be the possible skillzz


    those two heroes???

  25. Sure, you will habe a hero thats called Masturbater, he will wank the shit out of you with his ulti....

  26. Master Bator is the master of all bat-riders. Can't wait for this hero even more than Taureen.

  27. make him have only passive skill


  28. ., really Master bator is the master of all bat-riders..

  29. ., what about Taureen???

  30. .,i hope he has reincarnation.,

  31. i have a hunch its musturbate not master bator

  32. hahaahah master bator rules!!!! his ulti would be massive fertilization

  33. Update from IceFrog Blog:

    "03/05/09 Update: There seems to be a lot of confusion going on the net. Various leak websites have people posting under my username to confuse players. I'm not sure why some players think that I would post there, but it seems like many do based on the volume of emails regarding it.

    Aside from the data in this post, I have not said anything regarding 6.60 at all. It is also not my last version. As I have stated before, I have no plans to stop updating the map anytime soon. "

  34. @ZyB-Er - Thanks for post it. I think i know which website IceFrog is refer to. At that time, i also confuse if that's real or just fake, but after thinking for a while, i make this logic: if IceFrog can wrote that long explanation about Dota 6.60 in a comment, why he didn't write directly on his blog. So i assume it's fake and didn't include it in this blog, glad i am right ^^

    And that blog is claimed that it's from IceFrog directly ~_~;;

  35. I guess i knew that blog too...What a relieve 6.60 is not the LAST version ..

  36. But since he said : "There is a chance that a new Item will make it through to the final version as well"... That sentence really confuses

  37. @above - "There is a chance that a new Item will make it through to the final version as well" -> i think that means now the new items is currently beta tested and if it reach final version (of the items), it will included on Dota 6.60 :)

  38. Oh.. I c...thanks for ur explanation..

  39. ., Can you give me some

    information about Master Bator??


  40. Master Bator:

    Skill 1: Summon Pedobear.
    Skill 2: FAPFAPFAP.
    Skill 3: Come shot.
    Skill 4: Raep.

    ask if u wnat mor info.

  41. TB will prolly get 320 ms again
    Sven is getting remade with a charge-like ability
    New razor will have electric rave and an ulti which gives ms but gets lower as there are more people around

  42. Lina's 3rd skill may become a passive

  43. gnamit n ung model ni Tauren Chieftain sa map ng mini dota aa ?

    i think you should check it out ..
    might give you some clue to what he wil be in 6.60 ..

    haha .. Bayot Boys , all hail !

  44. to alief... can you check this site lol i think most of the content here were copied to your blog tsk tsk tsk

  45. hmmm TC skills maybe
    1st- thunder clap
    2nd- wave
    3rd- bash
    4th- knockback

  46. hmmm TC skills maybe
    1st- thunder clap
    2nd- wave
    3rd- bash
    4th- knockback

  47. oh! a new item!? i wan an item which can increase range a bit for ranged hero just like sniper's skill! then echantress will be even scarier!

  48. An item that would increase your attacking range is not possible.

    C'mon guys, Thunder Claps? Bash? Knockback? Shockwave? If those are the skills of Tauren then I'd be REALLY disapointed in Icefrog. I know that they aren't and I believe Icefrog will make clever skills for this hero. Honestly, you guys have narrow ranges of imagination.

  49. Anonymous said...

    hmmm TC skills maybe
    1st- thunder clap
    2nd- wave
    3rd- bash
    4th- knockback

    p.s. bluekk.. dude seriously this is really old school, is that all you can get?

  50. alief, i have found a website copying all the stuff from your blog "" @_@ destroying our community

  51. i think it's better if ICE remove abaddon's horse, so he can stand and figt mano de mano to other melee heroes such as SVEN,OMNIKNIGHT,JUGGERNAUT etc..and also change his skills is now taxing..i think that would serves him great.

  52. crap, even Nessaj rides a horse and even the girlyfraction like Potm or Luna have theri pets, so why change him. Abba is fine the ways he is. Tauren will have some decent and surprising skills, im sure of that as Icefrog's idead were alwys great... well most of the times. He'll be strong as hell on his first appearance as all new heroes are, but hell be nerfed within the next 2-4 versions^.^

  53. yaeh that is copying diff dota blogs not only here....WFT!!!

  54. My only regret is the number of quitters there will be in online game when someone gets Tauren before they do. It's always that way when there's a new hero.

  55. Yeah you cant play -ap public agmes the first 2 weeks after a new version was uploaded

  56. How come no beta map leaked yet???
    I can`t believe it that they didn`t leak any betamap yet, although there are many beta testers working on testing the map....

  57. @Yoyo - yeah this time i cannot find any beta map, maybe IceFrog tightened the Dota 6.60 Beta Map security ^^

  58. Guys c'mon, the guy is working his ass off for no money whatsoever and all you can think about is having a peek when he doesn't want to?

  59. That's a nice sentiment kid, but IceFrog has already told the community multiple times that he receives some sort of monetary compensation for DoTA.

    So, false.

  60. And what compensation would that be?

  61. im pretty sure hes told the comunity many times the he does *not* receive any money for DotA... find a statment from him that proves me wrong plz

  62. hey all of you people!!! you all sucks!!!! whether icefrog recieves money or not for doing maps, ITS NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS!!!! cant you jaz wait for the map to come out???!!!!

  63. @anonymous - yes it fake.. That's why IceFrog wrote a note that he didn't write anything aside from his blog.. And for that reason i delete your comment because it can cause confusion ^^


    6.60 is out!!!!!!!!!

  65. Master Bator Skill

    1. Penny Enlargement
    2. Condamn Blow
    3. Force Entry
    4. Semen Explosion

  66. dota allstars 6.60 will release date is isnt out yet mark this date march 25, 2009 is the releas date of 6.60

  67. i'd read MARN THUNDERHORN'S (tauren chieftain) skills in this site
    and according to this site
    dota-allstars 6.60 release date is at the 25th of march

    1st skill- challenge
    2nd skill- curse of the coward
    3rd skill- spirit link
    ultimate - ancestral spirits

    CHALLENGE (Active):
    Marn Thunderhorn challenges an enemy hero to a duel, and thanks to ancient, tauren magic, the loser of the duel (the hero which is damaged most by the other hero) will receive heavy damage.

    Marn Thunderhorn inflicts an enemy with a powerful curse which will stun the enemy in 5 seconds. The duration of the stun is based on the distance traveled by the enemy in the next 5 seconds.

    SPIRIT LINK (Active):
    Marn Thunderhorn establishes a Spirit Link between himself and a target hero. Marn can instantly teleport to that hero whenever he wants for the whole duration of the Spirit Link.

    Marn Thunderhorn summons several Ancestral Spirits, which will channel a protective barrier around a chosen target which blocks a certain percent of all incoming damage. The effectivity of the barrier is weakened as the Ancestral Spirits are destroyed by the enemy. The Spirits last for a set amount of time.

  68. LOL.. that was Rindurion's idea of tauren chieftain but i'd like Rindurion's idea for marn thunderhorn more than bama21's idea of marn thunderhorn....

  69. Yes, as it already said, that is just people suggestion about tauren chieftain. But it is IceFrog that will decide what is he will be like ^_^

  70. Well, we can predict a massive change in the version as IceFrog took more than usual weeks to release the next map...And i'm still waiting and wondering when is the next map coming out .........

  71. ., please give me another information

    about master bator.,!!!

  72. Ah c'mon! I can't hear it anymore: What do you expect? Other heroes called Uberwank0r and puzzyeatz0r? Sheesh...

  73. Master Bator

    Skill 1: Penny Enlargement
    - His sword will turn into a big Dildo that has double damage for a certain duration.

    Level 1 - 5 seconds,
    Level 2 - 8 Seconds,
    Level 3 - 10 Seconds,
    Level 4 - 15 seconds.

    Skill 2: Condamn Blow
    Active skill that will create barrier from hero friend or foe. Looks like mana shield that will regen mana equivalent to the damage received when struck with a physical damage.

    Skill 3: Force Entry
    Works with first skill, when penny enlargement is activated Master Bator can blink strike to an enemy hero with the dildo like sword that stuns an enemy depending on skill 1 level.
    - skill 1 Level 1 - .5 Second
    - skill 1 Level 2 - 1 second
    - skill 1 Level 3 - 1.5 seconds
    - skill 1 Level 4 - 2 seconds

    Semen Explosion
    - A watery Explosion that can be cast in an AOE (of 150, 200, 300, 350) and create 2,3,4,5 a Mini Master Bator that is immune to magic with LVL1-50, LVL2-150, LVL3-200, LVL4-250 attack damage. When attacked will explode dealing damage to attackers LVL1-100dmg, LVL2-250dmg, LVL3-350, LVL4-450.

    Master Bator stats
    Str: 17 + 2.5
    Agi: 13 + 1.3
    Int: 24 + 1.5

    Base MS: 320.
    Base Armor: 4.
    Base AS: 1.7.

  74. long life chieftian..

    but.. where the earth elemental..

    he suppose to have a powerful and amazing skill :/

  75. I think it will be like this

    1st skill: sumtin
    2nd skill: sumtin
    3rd skill: sumtin
    and the ulti...... OMNISLASH!!!

  76. @anonymous - thanks, i already move your update about Dota 6.60 from your comment into the post :) I guess we have to wait some more for Dota-Allstars 6.60 ^^;;

  77. maybe for tc
    1st skill permanent bash
    2st skill echo
    3rd skill reverse polarity
    4rd skill permanent aspd adding maybe
    +500% aspd n permanent add damage 200
    % also permanent add str n regen hp


  78. I think he would have 1 spamming spell, 1 stun, 1 passive and 1 spell for survival.
    This is modelled after the TC in Melee game.
    Shockwave (spam), War Stomp (stun), Endurance Aura (passive) and Reincarnation (survival).

  79. I Love this game i play in Garena
    u can play too download here

  80. the release of 6.60 is tomorow right?.. can someone confirm of its true

  81. Well, i doubt it's true IceFrog did not stated when he will release the map. And there is no fixed date for a map to be released because, you'll never know if suddenly some bugs appears..

  82. i haven't read about icefrog given an official release date of 6.60..did icefrog wrote it in his blog? i think not..for those people who said that it will be release on March 25, 2009, better not trust them...

  83. The people who said that DotA 6.60 is coming out tmr are noobs...If dota 6.60 is coming out tmr, IceFrog would probably update his blog.

  84. So, be patient and wait for DotA 6.60 xD...It should be released quite soon..

  85. i think he might have a a stomp jump(may not cause his big but)
    just hits the ground damaging the units and stomps on someone like tiny jump.secound could be shpere echo:makes a cyrcler echo
    3:hits the grond that the ground flyes up with the units on it(plausible seen a model like that)
    ult: idk

  86. hey! today is the release of 6.60. where is the map.. i cant wait.. damn.. i love dota

  87. @ Anonymous

    IceFrog did not state that today will be the release of 6.60. So it most probably wont come out today...depends on him...


  89. wahhh.... i think 6.60 map will be delay for a week or two... many major changes..

  90. be patient ice is working hard

  91. oh my...release it ice! common men!

  92. if any1 knows when it is releasing plz teell me i badly wanna kno

  93. Is Dota Allstars 6.60 is the last Map?

  94. No. latest one is 6.59d

  95. Its going to be (soon)

  96. ~~~~~~~~~~~DUDE I DRANK 9 RED BULLS SINCE YESTERDAY WAITING FOR 5.60!! WHERE IS IT????!~~~~~~~~~~~~

  97. LOL how come we all waiting for 6.60 and u r waiting 5.60, u musta been drunk for a long time

  98. Icefrog only releases maps on fridays and saturdays. Not thursdays, what a weird day to release a map... y would you stay up all night on a thursday?

  99. Hi mates, its me the guy that drank the red bulls! xD

    Do u guys think that Icefrog wil release this weekend?

    I cant wait anymore!

  100. Well even if you complain about it... i'll express it the usual Blizzard-way: It's done when it's done. Please don't be angry or frustrated. The only thing you may achieve is that Icy will be pissed, just like BMP is right now...

  101. i have a feeling that icefrog will release the map on april 1... wanna bet :)

  102. im thinking in 3 days icefrog will release the final version because he is that awesome :))))))


  104. he will release it today i feel it

  105. come on ice frog...release it..

  106. got a feeling it wont be long now...a few more days perhaps?

  107. look at the frist comment on this topic, it was last february 2, 2009. now, it's almost the end of march 2009. this map is taking so long, i hope this map is a good update and worth to wait.

    ice frog, we're not rushing you, just take your time, just be sure to give us a more balanced and more interesting to play map.

    just a question, is there any leaked map out there?, if there is, please post here. ty

  108. Tommorow i'll wake up and 6.60 will be posted.

  109. ahwhhw!!! I have gone in the future yesterday to see what map do they have their. I'd go to 2099 and i'm shock!!!! the current version their is 6.59z WTF!!! and the maker their is already FrozenFrog!!!! GG

  110. LOL......they cant fix some bug so it's still v6.59

  111. @ Anonymous

    its not they cant fix some bug...Their trying to improve and make DotA more fun and balanced...since there would be hero minor remakes and new hero...

  112. don't rush icy people...
    coz if he does released it now,
    be sure to not brag him about any errors or bugs...

    one more thing, there is no such name like marn thunderhorn its rindurion's idea about in TC... check for list of names that he would give to TC...
    visit his blog to vote in the poll for TC'c future name...
    vote for Cairne Bloodhoof, ^_^ ok?

    that suits him well...

    still waiting for more updates about the much awaited version...

  113. its my birthday today i'm 26M, i wish ice will release it today...and
    i will appreciate this very much.

    KUDos ice!

  114. its my birthday today i'm 26M, i wish ice will release it today...and
    i will appreciate this very much.

    KUDos ice!

  115. it's a fact that, he is waiting for 1st april. get ready for joke ;)

  116. I already know the joke/ He willnt release 6.60 until next year

  117. Maybe hes releasing it on April 1st, but i was hoping that we get another April's Fools map

  118. well this is fu**** up
    we waited for too long and now we r waiting for this for too long


  120. WTF!!! even though there are many beta testers still the map progression is slow and still I can't find any beta map leaked yet.

  121. to Anonymous...
    I am one of the beta testers and I admit that thing you said....
    But i have news for you... the good news is IceFrog will release 6.60 on May 2009 and the bad news is IceFrog tightened the beta maps security so you can't find any beta map leak now.

  122. WaTaFaK!!! 6.60 will be released on May 2009...That is a bad news.

    Hey beta tester your news is both bad, why can't you leak any map??? what kind of security did IceFrog tightened up????

  123. dont believe him. asshole.. 6.60 will release in april 1 .

  124. yes! I don't believe him! may 2009 is much longer!!!!!

    but if 6.60 will be released on april 1, think of it idiot!!! icefrog must have post updates in his blog as IceFrog said "I'll try to post a preview for it when it is close to release."

  125. This is wrong. You should let someone work on their map and not allow anyone to DownLoad it. Icefrog unfortunately put trust in the wrong person and this is what he gets. You guys are selfish asshole animals.

  126. @ Neon-Blue: Lol. You're funny.

  127. It will never release and all dota addicts will commit suicide ^^ muhahahaha

  128. I am dota addict i wanna suicide now
    Where is the freaking map arghhh

  129. I have the beta 21 map if anyone wants it?

  130. LOOL everyone have it. We had it king time ago

  131. Please, delete the above post, incentiving mh

  132. alief, please delete all these bullshit mybrute ads.
    While you're at it, please delete the post promoting Garena client with Maphack support as well.

  133. Stealth Assassin + Aghanims = He will be reomved from game. Super Perma invi.


  134. impetus + arghanims = GG

    doom + arghanims = instant death

    song of siren + arghanims = sleep forever

    coupe de grace + impetus = 5x crit

  135. for ice, we appreciate the effort you put in 6.60., and i do respect you as the mind behind dota, but i think we've exerted too much waiting...just a reminder "what's the use of the grass if the horses are dead." hope you understand! a concise message from a loyal enthusiast of your works... let your masterpiece come to life. thanks

  136. impetus + arghanims = GG

    doom + arghanims = instant death

    song of siren + arghanims = sleep forever

    coupe de grace + impetus = 5x crit

    April 10, 2009 10:23 AM

    hahaha wtf!!!

    darkness + aghanims = forever night

    ravage + aghanims = 2500 units AoE stun + 600 dmg

    gods strength + aghanims = 5x base damage

    amplify + aghanims = up to -50 armor last 60 seconds

    imba good for STR!!!xD

  137. for ice, we appreciate the effort you put in 6.60., and i do respect you as the mind behind dota, but i think we've exerted too much waiting...just a reminder "what's the use of the grass if the horses are dead." hope you understand! a concise message from a loyal enthusiast of your works... let your masterpiece come to life. thanks

    April 10, 2009 10:39 AM

    hey man!!! i understand what u r squabbling about, but sometimes its us gamers should understand ice and show some patience and support on him..lets jaz wait a lil more time, hmm it should b worth the wait when the time comes...even me cant wait any longer....but u see we are not on the drivers seat, jaz seat back and relax..xP

  138. to alief

    hi i'm using dota version 1.23 and i just want to ask why my "save replay" button is gone or not found..

    i click the auto save replay function but still i can't find any replay of it...

    my tempreplay located at dota folder is corrupted can you alief give me a copy of this file its in kb. size...

    i don't have installer of dota so can you give me a copy of tis i will really appreciate if you could .. here's my email

    sorry for this post.. hope you can help me

  139. i think people who calls warcraft as DotA are stupid, for the fact it is only a map inside the game, and it is not the only good game in warcraft, :/ sux and people who are suggesting ridiculous hero ideas they are just plain dumb,1.) it's too imba, he would place it in the map. 2.) things like double something, is has no ORIGINALITY!!! :/ and besides if you want your voices heard post it in the official forum...(duh)

  140. for the person above, what do you mean "i think people who calls warcraft as DotA are stupid"? so in what title can we call dota?, we should call it warcraft?... that's more stupid than stupid men!!
    and why u're saying the people who are suggesting ridiculous ideas were dumb.. its just suggestions u know..
    they just want to help icefrog in developing new spices in dota... some of new heroes nowadays came from "dumb people" that u're flaming dude example is warlock...

  141. i remember warlock use to be puppet master in beta map before its release and changed to warlock...
    and its idea came form a forum user..

  142. It's not that the idea's people are giving are stupid. It's that they have no sense of originality/ imagination/ practicality. I don't think it helps when someone suggests shockwave or thunder clap for TC to Icefrog.

  143. Here is the changelogs i have just discovered in the beta21 of 6.60

    *2 new heroes- batrider and tauren chieftain
    *2 new items- magic wand and force staff
    *remake Razor
    *rearranged all the taverns into the top left of the map having 9 taverns.
    *change viper's frenzy to nethertoxin
    *changed slayer's 3rd skill (ultimate) into boost
    *sven's first skill is now an AoE, it stuns and deals damage to enemies in a targeted area
    *changed sven's devotion aura into rush
    *Assault Cuirass now also gives bonus armor to nearby ally tower and reduce nearby enemy tower's armor
    *changed magic stick icon
    *changed bottle icon. If used to capture runes, it will now change color according to the rune's color
    *new mode (-cd) "captains draft"
    *swapped beastmaster and troll's 3rd skill
    *Tiny's craggy exterior now gives bonus armor
    *the buff Regeneration(rune) now disappears if your HP is full
    *Bristlebacks's ulti(warpath) now also gives bonus speed to allies

    Go here via phone GPRS-->
    Download here-->

  144. Bristle's ulti does not give boost to allies. It's just triggered to boost your hero, and since you have many heroes because of -noherolimit, those heroes get the buff too. (Like Lycanthrope's Feral Heart.)

  145. I think that ICEFROG will post the firest 6.60 map by the middle of May.Don't rush...kepp your patience in 6.59d as of now. If you forced ICEFROG to do that he will surely collapse and dota will be gone.....

    The like the remaked troll..its kinda imba....

    UNDYING is a strength hero!!!
    I think that the batrider(master bator?) will gain the frenzy skill if it was totaty removed from viper and razor

    On the TC?
    I conclude the his skills won't be typical and copied from other heroes(THUNDER CLAP,BLINK)...ICE FORG WILL SURELY MAKE IT MORE EXCITED probably with super strength and powerful devastating skills. It will be 90%STR, 9%INT unfortunately 1% he will be an agi type. I BELIVE THAT HE WILL BE SURELY SLOW AS COMPARED TO THE TC ON WC3.








  146. tauren chieftain
    1st skill : cleave
    2nd skill : endurance aura
    3rd skill : stomp
    4th skill : wild axe

    Dirge has been a strength hero ever since he was remade. Check your current version.

  148. @redrach - thanks for your concern, i already clean up some spam comment. I've been pretty busy last week ;)

  149. i don't get it whats so bad about mybrute?
    Its a pretty fun game that is addicting and can help people kill time for 6.60
    If u wanna try it heres the link.

  150. nothing bad, but many people are flooding this game, mybrute in every place xD

  151. dam it i dont get y ppl would flood this game.
    If one person already said that the game is on
    theres no need to post any other links

  152. TC
    Axe Crusher
    - stamp the ground with his wild axe dealing 340 damage at level 4

    Ancestral Genocide
    - harness his bulky body with the spirit of his ancestor knocking back those who hit him in battle.

    Totem Aura
    - increase his movement speed and vitality per level aging him in the battle.

    Maximum Overload
    - jumping towards the target area and smashes the ground with all of TC's might causing the ground explode with rocks.

  153. to poster above ^

    nice try dude!!!

    but its not enough for us to believe it!!!

    the 1st skill is quite obvious,,
    340 aoe damage??? whoaaaaa...

  154. the skills were obviously came from the TC secret boss in 6.59c, and he named it so fugly....

    axe crusher? are u a child or retard?

    he made his own changelog to TC... lols...

    verry phunnny....

  155. here's for real

    wipe Out(active)
    - slam the ground with his devasting axe.
    - like echo slam of rigor

    - knocking back enemies by chance

    Totem Aura(passive)
    - rejuvinates TC' vitality, increasing his movement speed and allies near to him

    - jump towards the target area and slams the ground with all of TC's might.
    - the animation is like on shivas guard's explosion.

  156. your mama is so sexy

  157. when it will come... it's just too long... T_T

  158. if u wanna kill time for 6.60
    play this
    its addicting

  159. ang kati ng kiki koApril 22, 2009 at 9:43 PM

    OMG to alief

    do you have any news about the progress of dota 6.60??? damn almost 2 months??? still there is no update about it..

    putang ina naman

  160. Seems LIKE 2 F@K#N YEARS!!!

  161. yeah its taking a long time
    i tried te game and its great
    thx for sharing

  162. Dota addiction sux, when new maps don't come soon! :D

  163. I think I must believe this comment now.....

    to Anonymous...
    I am one of the beta testers and I admit that thing you said....
    But i have news for you... the good news is IceFrog will release 6.60 on May 2009 and the bad news is IceFrog tightened the beta maps security so you can't find any beta map leak now.

    Aw! May 2009! sowe AW!

  164. does someone noticed???
    No DotA hero have magnetic powers!
    I have emailed IceFrog to make a hero with magnetic skills",

  165. I think IceFrog is remaking the hero stories because the Taverns are rearranged so that's what makes it delayed.
    Also for those people keep requesting to icefrog, well stop it because if Icefrog grants your wish 6.60 will be delayed but i'm not saying that "don't email icefrog ever" i mean dont request now for it will make 6.60 more delayed.

  166. to esequel...

    magnetic powers? how about magnus...

    he had the ultimate "reverse polarity

    isn't it a magnetic ability? one

    more,...dark seer's vacuum were

    similar to magnetic abilty that

    u're saying...



    think before u post...

  167. bullshit!!!! another 2 months i think!!!!! just release the 6.60!!!!

    i don't care about the shops or linken!!!!

    fuck you icefrog!!!

  168. Hush, hush. It'll probably be no more than a few more weeks to get his current plans fully implemented. I'm actually really looking forward to a new item arrangement scheme. It's about time they've been rearranged. And Linken's is totally broken in its current form. There are too many abilities that nullify it while still going completely through.

    *shrugs* Sorry to hear you can't wait for it. I'm really excited to hear that there are so many changes that aren't completely aesthetic.

  169. People forget about Dota. Demigod thats what im talking about this game is much interesting.

  170. LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL!!!!





  171. there better be 5-10 new heroes at least, to add up for this 4 month wait. 20 heroes and i will be happy.

  172. Yeh keep playing dota 6.60 all u beta wankers

  173. I'd rather suck cock than endure this wait.

  174. yeah yeah yeah at least 10 heroes wtf

    3 months for 2 heroes 30 months for 10 lol

    yeah i agree to shop change or item change but better to do that thing in future release..we are so anxious waiting to this fucking map!!!

    for those people who post their acct on mybrute??? brute bullshit!!! find your own site!!!

  175. new item... force staff

    +120 damage
    +35 int
    +7 armor
    -35 agility
    -15 str

  176. the force staff is castable and knocks back the target unit without stunning

    good for interrupting channelers I guess

  177. To the anonymous person who told me to think before i post, well he must be told for that thing. Well! think before you post!

    If you don't understand what i mean i will make it clearer to you! here it is....

    I mean, zeus has the power of lightning, fire for batrider, water for morphling, ice for rylai, nature for rooftrellen, earth for raigor, darkness for balanar, light for omniknight, and many more. Only magnet is nothing.

    And so again....
    "Think before you post"

  178. Oh god. The combination of broken English and some sort of prepubescent pokemon-fixation is so painful to read.

  179. ^
    LOL. I somewhat agree. :)

  180. To esequel :
    lol...Why must there be a hero that posses the "Magnet" power? It's not even an element...

  181. LOL! i just want it! to be unique!

    Here are my idea on its skills!
    1. Magnetic shield - like mana shield.
    2. Magnetic power - like reverse polarity.
    3. Magnetic levitation - uses magnetic energies to levitate and pulls all enemies closer.
    4. Magnetic wave - deals an aoe damage and knockback.

    Everything is magnetic...LOL

  182. there's always magnus, though tbh thats pretty pathetic

  183. i suggest the combined item of mekansm and arcane ring, this could be good.

  184. magnetic force.... hmmmm...

    all u've mentioned above were


    but why there's magnetic force?

    was it an element?

  185. This comment has been removed by the author.

  186. This comment has been removed by the author.

  187. O'cmon! Still don't understand?

    Here's more...
    mana for magina, life for terrorblade, moon for luna, poison for venomancer, chemicals for alchemist, illusions for azwraith, and??? Hmmm... who else can i add???
    Ah... blade for yurnero, axe for mogul khan, modern weapons for tinker, explosives for techies, trees for furion, etc. etc. etc.
    Again, there's no MAGNET for!

    Now, are they elements?
    LOL... is DotA an element TD-like game wer all units should be elemental?
    OMG- Oh! My! Godlike!

  188. Oh god. Your English, it makes my brain hurt so much.

  189. hope icefrog can make it fast..more time to wait more bug found...haha..more make me


    esequel said...
    LOL! i just want it! to be unique!

    Here are my idea on its skills!
    1. Magnetic shield - like mana shield.
    2. Magnetic power - like reverse polarity.
    3. Magnetic levitation - uses magnetic energies to levitate and pulls all enemies closer.
    4. Magnetic wave - deals an aoe damage and knockback.

    Everything is magnetic...LOL

    Lol, this combination of the hero is too gay..You also can send this as a suggestion to IceFrog anyways, see what he'll do to

  191. Magneto in DotA....he3

  192. WTF.... WE ARE WAITING.....
    people are getting fidgety now, and i think dota's gonna be forgotten if 6.60 is not released soon...
    well.. that's the way it goes...
