Dota 6.56 Exact Changelogs - DotA-Blog

Dota 6.56 Exact Changelogs

dota allstars 6.56 loading screen Images Dota-Allstars 6.56 Exact Changelogs. Just like previous version, here is the exact changelogs of Dota 6.56 that was taken from Dota-Allstars Mechanics Forum.

* Improved Magic Stick a little
12 charges max, 12 HP and 12 mana/charge --> 10 charges max, 15 HP and 15 mana/charge (Don't stack with ally anymore)
* Slightly reduced gold cost on Dust of Appearance
190 gold --> 180 gold
* Slightly Improved Death Prophet's base movement speed
280 --> 285
* Improved Lucifer's cast animation point
0.5 --> 0.3
* Lowered Admiral Proudmoore's starting Strength
24 --> 21
* Slightly reduced slow duration and increased manacost on Torrent
Slow duration: 2/3/4/5 seconds --> 1/2/3/4 seconds
Manacost: 105 mana --> 120 mana
* Tweaked the scaling of Tidebringer's AOE
425/450/475/500 AoE --> 380/420/460/500 AoE
* Nerfed Untouchable a bit
30/50/70/90% reduction --> 20/40/60/80% reduction

Well, this change hopefully make the game more balance :)

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  1. care for a link exchange?

  2. DOTA 6.56 is a ganking game again :D

  3. Ever since 6.55 Barathun's skill Charge of Darkness was changed; it's starting a heal effect on its target? Besides letting them know you are coming which makes it pretty pointless to use the skill from far distances, the healing removes any further use besides the stun. Is this a big bug?

  4. No, as far as i know, the target will have effect, but it is not healing. And the animation/effect is only visible by your allies just like Sniper's Assasinate. Please correct me if i wrong ^-^

  5. hihi
    i m here again
    for the new change on barathrum
    its only a allied visual effect
    it will not heal ur foe nor see the mark
    so u dun hav to woory ^-^

  6. JB.. go n study 4 ur pmr la.. few days left till its over.. lol


  8. Ever since 6.55 Barathun's skill Charge of Darkness was changed; it's starting a heal effect on its target? Besides letting them know you are coming which makes it pretty pointless to use the skill from far distances, the healing removes any further use besides the stun. Is this a big bug?

  9. No, as far as i know, the target will have effect, but it is not healing. And the animation/effect is only visible by your allies just like Sniper's Assasinate. Please correct me if i wrong ^-^
