i, DotA - A video by Blurpi - DotA-Blog

i, DotA - A video by Blurpi

This one is a nice Dota video! There's plenty awesome scene in here. The most interesting part is when a combination of swap and hook at minute 1:55 , you must see that one! :) Another epic scene is when Venge swap her friend to destroy all the trees, make the invisible Rootfellen appear and finish him for sure (2:18) ^-^ Oh yeah, don't forget the part when Naix infest the Rexxar's Hawk, flying away and then killed Techies :D (5:23)

In summary, this video will give you some crazy ideas on playing DotA while waiting for Dota 6.55 release :)

Click here if you want to see it in another window.

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  1. alief.. check ur email.. do check it..

  2. Pro
    How did he make Elune's Arrow weird>?
    And the rocket Void xD

  3. roshan thing was hillarious, I loled hard. xD

  4. aww... i wanna have that Elune's Arrow skin T_T i been searching on google but i cant find it... does some of u know how to skin it?

  5. it is not a skin, its just video-editing effect.

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  8. Great video. I am searching for the more skins for the cellphones. Please upload some clips of the video of the skins.
