Dota-Allstars Blog Newsletter - 11 September 2008 - DotA-Blog

Dota-Allstars Blog Newsletter - 11 September 2008

dota allstars Blog Newsletter Well, actually i'm a little confused before on how to remind the feed subscriber or the regular feed reader when there's map update. As you know, when i make a new post, you will see it in the top post on the blog or you got email if you subscribe one. But the problem is occur when there's a post update. The example is this new map, Dota-Allstars 6.54b AIPlus 1.52 Revision 3. Even if i update the previous post, Dota-Allstars 6.54b AIPlus 1.52 Revision 2, but since i don't write a new post, the reader won't get email for the update.

So, i decide to make a new post category, Newsletter ^^ Don't worry, i won't spam you with unnecessary post. I will only make a newsletter if there's an important post update, like new Beta map version or AI version. And the other one is, maybe there will be another category, Reviews. Just like the name, it is a review about another site. Don't worry, i'm still consider this one  :)

And here we go, let's started with:
1. Dota-Allstars 6.54b AIPlus 1.52 Revision 3
A must download one! BuffMePlz has fix the fatal error because of Lanaya. Hence, you can now use Lanaya and the AI can pick Lanaya too! Not only that, BMP also made temporary AI for Naix the Lifestealer and add a new hero into fun tavern.

2. Dota-Allstars 6.55 Beta 12
Yup, it is now Beta 12 and there's couple of interesting things. The most interesting one is another new items, Dust of Appeareance, and new Sentinel layout. Well, for more detailed changelogs, you can go directly to Dota 6.55 Beta post and if you want to see some picture, go to Dota 6.55 Beta Screenshot.

Have a nice day! :)

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  1. Wow! Thanks alief!
    This is one of the best DotA-Allstars resources ;)
    Keep up the good work

  2. your site is loading fast

  3. i`m your permanent reader now
