Dota-Allstars 6.55 Beta Map Leaked! (Beta 30)

The current changelogs are :
DotA-Allstars 6.55 Beta 7-8
- Have a close look on the Black King Bar. It's a very interresting change
- Towers protecting tree and throne has been changed
- Ezalor's Mana Leak and Ignis Fatuus have been changed...
- Mana Leak is now "Mana Rupture", which does what it says; it's like Rupture of Bloodseeker, only MP is damaged instead of HP.
- Ignis now no longer spawns the healers, instead it has:
- Blinding Light, which affects like an area similar to Shiva's Guard, and it blinds enemies affects by 80% for 5 seconds, and knocks back as well...
- Recall, the Ignis channels for 4 seconds, targeting an ally hero. After 4 seconds, the hero is teleported to the Ignis... that's right... free travel... the ignis shouldn't be damaged while doing this or else the channeling will be interrupted... and the hero can freely move while waiting to be teleported
- Clockwerk was nerfed again stat wise, not sure.
- Chakra magic was changed also, at lvl 4 85 mana cast, 16s cooldown, restores 300 mana, instant cast, no buffs added (hp regen, + dmg, like it was before)
- Tango now 3 charges which heal 115 hp over 16 seconds.
- BKB recipe now 1300, but now use mithril hammer instead of broadsword
- Enchantress Base damage buff.
- Enchantress slight skill remake.(Untouchable is now normal skill, and Impetus is ultimate)
- Enchantress Impetus does 15/20/25 % of distance travelled as extra pure damage, but cost 65 mana.
- NightStalker's Darkness cd buffed (240/210/150 -> 240/180/125).
- BroodMother's Unsatisable Hunger nerfed (60/75/90dmg+60/70/80% lifesteal -> 40/80/120dmg+50% lifesteal all lvl, duration from 20 -> 17 seconds)
- Bounty Hunter Track buffed (When you track enemy, u and ur allies near tracked unit gain 20% ms, armor reduction from 1/2/4 -> 1/3/5, extra hero kill bounty 50/100/150 -> 75/150/225)
- Enchantress' Impetus now works against magic-immune units
Captain Coco / Kunkka the Admiral Proudmoore
Click the link to see hero details and screenshots.
Dota-Allstars 6.55 Beta 9 Changelogs
2 New items
- Magic Stick (+50 mana +10 mana channel)
- Whenever another hero casts a spell around you, not yourself, you get 10 mana, and they stack, so 2 sticks will give u 20 mana when a hero casts a spell. Costs :205 gold
- Poison Powder (heals from poison effects)
- costs : 100 gold
- Enigma blackhole cosmetic effect.(Darken the area nearby)
- New Dirge the Undying Model (smaller than before)
- New Silencer's "glaive of wisdom" missiles model
Dota-Allstars 6.55 Beta 11 Changelogs
Dota-Allstars 6.55 Beta 12 Changelogs
Layout Changes
- Sentinel base:
- Item shops are in a different arrangement.
- The paths into the towers is much much larger.
- Waterfalls are in the back of base
- Scourge base: no change
- New item: Dust of Appeareance (gives true sight in a certain AOE)
- Magic stick now gives +20 channel
- Rhasta has +10 MS
- Rexxar the Battle Master's Great Hawk no longer invis!
- Sentry wards now only last 3 minutes instead of 6 as before
- Sange / Yasha / S&Y recipes price and stats changed
- Sentinel Chimaera Roost shop is changed in model and name for "Ancient of Wonders"
Another New Hero!
Alleria the Windrunner
Click the link to see hero details and screenshots.
Layout Changes:
- Sent hero taverns now on bottom right
- Fountain is farther away from tree
- Waterfalls on left that you can walk into but has no effect
- Scourge base not changed at all
- Crow doesn't have mana upgrade=no more ward placing
- The courier has the skill Drop items (drops all the items the courier is carrying)
- Dagger is now not disabled by towers, neutral creeps, roshan, or his spells... looks like its only disabled if the source of the dmg is from an enemy hero.
- Phase Boots - Boots of Speed + Chain mail + Blades of Attack (No recipe cost).
- Before forming the item: +50 speed, +9 damage, +5 armor
- After forming the item: +60 speed, +14 damage, +6 armor and the active ability Phase which gives a further 10% MS boost speed and the ability to move through other units (similar to Spectre's phase dagger, i.e. 0 collision size) for 5 seconds. Cooldown: 10 seconds. Mana cost: 0
- So, on an average, you get +77 speed. More than Treads, less than Travels (but more than Travels when Phasing). The 0 collision size should be useful for chasers. Having to activate the ability every 10 seconds may get annoying. Also, Wind Walk-type spells removes the Phase buff. (You can still walk through units, as with any Wind Walk based ability, but you lose the 10% speed bonus from Phase.) Not sure if this is a bug or intended
- Blades of Attack: 500 gold
- Observer wards: Stock max=2 Replenish time: 6 minutes
- Scroll of Town Portal has no cooldown when you buy it (you can buy as many as you like without having to wait to it to replenish in the stock)
- When teleporting to a friendly tower (and only towers), it doesn't get +99999 armor but it can attack AND you can choose where to teleport in a 300 range or so of the tower without having a unit/building as teleport target. (only scrolls work, not boots of travel):
- Poison Powder is no longer exist
- Undying still tiny
- Enigma's ulti doesn't have dark effect (as stated on earlier betas)
- Ezalor's recall: 40 seconds cooldown, and it stops when the target is damaged, if ezalor is attacked the recall is not interrupted
- Coco's Rum is now ulti, 60 cooldown, it gives 3/4/5 seconds of 100% 2x criticals and you don't get any penalty (no more missed attacks) the next seconds.
Already check it. Thanks for all who contributing :)
Item Changes
- Lothars = Claymore + Quarterstaff + 1400 recipe
- Diffusal Blade = 2xblade of Alacrity + Robe of Magi + 850 recipe
- Sange+Yasha recipe = 500 less ms increase and dmg
- Magic stick now has "energy charge"
- Glyph of Fortification , you can instantly boost your buildings' armor for 4 sec every 6 min now in one of the shops. You don't buy it, just click the icon in the shop.
- Blades of Attack = 650 -> 500
- Gloves of Haste = 550 -> 500
- Armlet recipe = 700 -> 900
- You can buy scrolls of Town Portal in the shops on the side lanes now and some trees were removed. so the area around the shops is way more open now.
- Aegis no longer revives you at the base. you will revive where you die.
- Vanguard grants 50 extra hp
- Heart has 4 extra hp regen
- Scourge base was rearranged so base layouts are symmetric again
- Scourge tavern now in top-left of the map
- There is a message displayed whenever someone destroys a tower, "Drake has destroyed a tower", or "The Sentinel has destroyed a tower"
- Dirge: size back to normal
- New ultimate, Focus Fire. Seems to give max attack speed for 9 attacks as long as your attacking the target. At max level, you attack for full damage, at level one u do less damage per attack, don't know what the exact percent is, maybe 33%/66%/100%. Thanks God it's changed, the old ultimate is way too IMBA in my opinion ^_^
- Shackle Shot, Windrunner 1st skill is no longer pushes back, it will 'link' two units together and stun them both, hence, shackles... it wont stun nearly as long if there is no unit near by.
- Power Shot, Windrunner 2nd skill, now has a short casting delay, and i think it does more dmg. (360 dmg at max lvl, and -10% damage per target it passes through, or at least the second target takes 324 dmg)
- "Windrunner" now become 3rd skills. Looks like "sprint"gives a 50% ms increase, and 100% evasion for 3/4/5/6 seconds
Download Dota-Allstars 6.55 Beta 8 via MediaFire
Download Dota-Allstars 6.55 Beta 9 via MediaFire
Download Dota-Allstars 6.55 Beta 10 via MediaFire
Download Dota-Allstars 6.55 Beta 11 via MediaFire
Download Dota-Allstars 6.55 Beta 12 via MediaFire
Download Dota-Allstars 6.55 Beta 12 via Pluginbaby direct link
Download Dota-Allstars 6.55 Beta 20 via MediaFire
Download Dota-Allstars 6.55 Beta 30 via MediaFire
Here is a replay of the Beta Tester playing (Kwom, Loda, and missrinoa):
Dota 6.55 Beta 20 Replay
And if you want some pictures, go to this post, Dota-Allstars 6.55 Screenshots Beta.
PS: Looks like the source cannot show the changelogs because IceFrog is prohibit him. So, you must find the differents yourself ^^" If you find any, share it here, it's fun to share with the others :) So, read the comments of this post, a lot of changelogs there!
Credits: JBnev3rEnD, DeathRider_Zero, kiwon14, Monkit, PluginBaby, PykerYH, redrach, drake, ZyB-Er, Henry, sdfdsv, whatever, keke and all people who contribute :)
UPDATE: The Dota 6.55 Official map is released!
i did not notice anythin on bkb.. anyone??
ReplyDeleteit is now Mithril Hammer + Ogre Axe instead of Broadsword + Ogre Axe
ReplyDeletestarts off with 10 seconds of avatar mode with 75 sec CD
after you use it, BKB reduces avatar mode to 9 seconds with a lower CD
finally it will hit 5 seconds of avatar (cannot go lower) mode with 55 sec CD
first skill is Tide something(dunno) - Gives extra damaged and splash damage.
ReplyDeletesecond skill is Ghost Ship - slows enemies hit with the ship and draws them closer.
third skill is Captain's Rum - buff gives you a chance to miss but also gives you critical strike.
ultimate is X marks the Spot - marks a hero and leaves an X in its area, after a few seconds(not sure how many) the targetted hero moves back to the X mark.
yeah.. i totally agree with kiwon14..
ReplyDeletehis 3rd skill is totally awesome.. he will be feared even when he is lvl1.. imagine critical in early game ganking.. works awesome with stun ability allies such as sven, sk(both sk :P)..
i still havent figured out the point of an ultimate that dosent have any nuke or buffs.. he's a STR hero.. cmon, she should have a cooler ultimate.. ghost ship might be more unique as an ultimate but it really needs a buff if it becomes an ultimate..
i guess this idea of hero is way better than the imba clockwork.. on beta he is kinda stable to me.. not so imba, unique n cool.. nice str gain btw..
Agreed, his thrid skill is really good, though I am not sure whether the captain gain evasion or chance to miss...
ReplyDeleteHis ultimate sucks! It doesn't even look good... The X looks lame. I think he should have something like he summons the power of the sea, creating lots of waves and water explosion stuff :D
haha.. ill double on DeathRider_Zero's comment.. im sure that ice frog surely will make it up to it.. otherwise.. it will sure be lame.. its just not worthit.. he deserves sumthin uber cool..
ReplyDeletebeta testers should be readin more n more forums n blogs bout dota.. maybe they just dont realize n they din have the guts to give out aggresive critics .. dota forum ppl plays a big role on this.. community support benefits in a new revolution for dota maps.. cheers for dota ppl..
yeah his ultimate is kinda lame
ReplyDeletei wish the captain and the target moves back together to the X mark.
or something like that... or just change the skill entirely
well his ulti could be of some use.. hopefully. like when you rupture the opponent and the butcher hooks the ruptured guy and poof he comes back to his position with double damage.. not sure if it will work tho. still, he could have better ultis. like, tidal crusher, or sea behemoth form, or like capt jack sparrow he becomes invulnerable to any physical damage but magic resistance is lowered a lot. lol.
ReplyDeleteHis ulti returnes the hero to the X after 5 sec. Meaning = chasing enemy heros no more needed!!! X the enemy, and after 5 sec your allies will be waiting him at the X... owned...
ReplyDeleteAnd his 3rd skill i think that in the first few secs gives 50% 2x critical and in the next few 50% miss...
Also, don't know if you noticed, splash from 1st skill has 500 range!!!!!!!!
Ezalor's 1st skill, while hero is in Metamorphosis (his ultimate), is NOT channelling. I mean, he can cast start casting his orb and move/fire/attack and orb will still cast after its usual 5sec (if slvl=4) channel time.
ReplyDeleteHis mana leak stuns when the target reaches 0 mana, tested on creeps.
ReplyDeleteblind is great and being able to bringing in an ally for a gank will redefine "GLOBAL STRAT".
You can't mark an enemy right? Anyway, his first skill is the PWNAGE! The splash is about 100% I think and the damage bonus is really good. His ghost ship is quite weak ATM and so is his ulti.
ReplyDeleteLets just wait for another Beta so we can see if Icefrog changed anything.
Also, Assault for Captain CoCo will own! Maybe MKB or basher, Sange and Yasha or Satanic might work well too!
-Enchantress Base damage buff.
ReplyDelete-Enchantress slight skill remake.(Untouchable is now normal skill, and Impetus is ultimate)
-NightStalker's Darkness cd buffed (240/210/150 -> 240/180/125).
BroodMother's Unsatisable Hunger nerfed (60/75/90dmg+60/70/80% lifesteal -> 40/80/120dmg+50% lifesteal all lvl, duration from 20 -> 17 seconds)
Bounty Hunter Track buffed (When you track enemy, u and ur allies near tracked unit gain 20% ms, armor reduction from 1/2/4 -> 1/3/5, extra hero kill bounty 50/100/150 -> 75/150/225)
X mark the spot TPing enemy heroes. It's fucking GG
ReplyDeleteer is this even real?
ReplyDeletehis ulti is megacool, i dunno if u got it but with the x no hero can escape anymore cuase u take theh hero back to where he was! U requested a ulti with explosions waves and stuff like that.. its not an int crystal maiden its a str fighter hero, and combined his ulti with his first skill he owns for sure!
ReplyDeleteEnchantress' Impetus now works against magic-immune units... and
ReplyDeletedota 6.55 beta 8 is out...
untouchable has been nerfed
well i know something the 3rd skill we can combo with 1 skill event if miss it will deal damage and the first skill is deal 100% damage i have test it
ReplyDeleteI guess his ultimate is pretty good cos first time I tried him the ulti only affects himself (or so I thought). So I thought it sucked. Now, I find it pretty good, but it could still be better. Cos frankly, its quite useless if the enemy goes invis. So maybe a secodary effect for the ulti like gives you a treasure chest if target is kill when within x range of the X lol.
ReplyDeleteI can see a lot of potential in this guy. Cast Rum on an enemy, followed by 'X'. Then 5 seconds later, you've got a hero in front of you that can barely hit anything, and just Ghost Ship him to keep him around after that.
ReplyDeleteOr, use the cleave spell, followed by Rum and 'X' on yourself. Then, you can blink into a group of enemy heroes and cause mass damage before blinking back to the 'X' as your miss chance from Rum is about to kick in.
Great thing is that you travel back to the 'X' even if you're disabled.
i oso noticed tht captain coco aka kunnkka
ReplyDeletehis 3rd skill was so powerful
when u maxed it
ur ms will oso been incresed
i got a boots example
after i add the buff
ms become 419
overall added ms = 10~20%
nice skill lol
Also Additional to his first skill
ReplyDeleteIt also gives cleaving attack
dunno how many percent
Or maybe just damages enemy units around him
hey.. how come im the only one found beta 9.. lol..
grants : +50mana +10mana channel
costs :205gold
grants: heals from poison effects
costs : 100gold
my bad.. they already posted on the other posts on beta 9.. enjoy!!
ReplyDeletebecause beta 9 is fake i think
ReplyDeleteUh, i'm still not sure about this beta 9, my usual source (which i trust) is still get until beta 8. But i will check it and post the link, maybe some of you can confirm it too :)
ReplyDeletewe actually found the beta 9 within his folder.. it is kept together within beta 7 n 8 on the free file hosting server.. go n look for it.. its there.. and i do believe its true..
ReplyDelete@pluginbaby - Yup, looks like it's real, thanks :)
ReplyDeleteWow, that 2 new items will give huge impact i think.. Especially to Lesale Deathbringer ^^
ReplyDeleteFirst, thanks for these betas^^!
But I don't understand one thing: what does "+10 mana channel" mean?
I still don't really think beta 9 is a good idea..
ReplyDeleteif that guy hid beta 9 there must be a reason:
1. He made beta 9 himself just for the fun of it...
Reasons: Poison Powder looks very imba... you remove viper's ultimate is a bit over doing it. Not to mention veno's ultimate as well.
2. Icefrog allows him to only release older versions.. means perhaps the newest is beta 9, but he release beta 8 so that we could find out bugs and pass it to him. He just puts beta 9 there until beta 10 comes out.
Is it possible to mix this comment thread with the other screenshot comment thread? kind of irritating not sure where to comment at...
3. or maybe.. his blog got locked again...
ReplyDelete-Enigma blackhole cosmetic effect.(Darken the area nearby)
ReplyDelete-Undying Hero model changed to smaller one.
-Undying is now ranged (400)
-Undying's zombie's now heal nearby allies heroes as well when they die.
-Bounty Hunter's track bonus gold is no longer passive, but u will gain extra gold as long as tracked target it killed.(Doesnt matter who kills)
For those of you who think the new hero's ultimate is lame... have you stopped to consider the possibilities?
ReplyDeleteFirst off, the cooldown is very low. As long as you have the mana, you should be able to use it in every one of the following situations:
1. Excellent for chasing - no matter how much MS you have, no matter how much you blink, even if you manage to teleport to your base, if you've been marked by him, you cannot escape. The only solution would appear to be invisibility.
2. Great to initiate team battles - Now your allied Magnus/Earthshaker/Axe no longer need to get Blink Daggers. They just position themselves in advance where they think the enemy will show up and you cast your ultimate on them.
3. Perfect for 1 vs 1 battles - Cast it on the enemy slightly after the battle has begun. If it turns out that you need to run, he will be pulled back and unable to finish you off. If he tries to run, he'll get pulled back to you.
4. Good anti-gank escape mechanism - Cast it on yourself as you're running through the trees. When you vanish, they won't know where to look.
Taking all his skills into consideration, I'd say his ultimate is currently overpowered! Don't forget that he already has a MS boosting skill and a long ranged area mini-stun/slow!
-Undying Hero model changed to smaller one.
ReplyDeleteConfirmed. He's now even smaller than a ghoul, not to mention his own summons. DotA has a new tiniest hero.
-Undying is now ranged (400)
This is false. He's still melee in both Betas 8 & 9.
-Undying's zombie's now heal nearby allies heroes as well when they die.
Confirmed in single player using -noherolimit. Dirge's zombies heal all allies wherever they are on the map. I repeat, the heal is global.
It's not as imbalanced as it sounds. The heal takes a while to reach the allies when they're across the map, and it informs all the enemies that see it about the direction in which your ally lies.
@monkit - Actually, i made the screenshot another post to make this post is not too heavy to load. However some people make comment about beta in there, i'm not intend to make it that way ^^" So, to make it easier, please make comment about beta in this post :) And yeah,i'm still have a doubt about beta 9, well, let's see in few days if his blog is indeed got locked again lol ^^
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteMore explanation on Tide Bringer (Coco's first skill) here.
1 second after tide bringer when activated, it will deal about 300 damage to units in a 300 radius. After damage is dealt, it gives Coco an extra 60 damage and an 100% cleaving attack which affects units for around 500 distance. However, this buff only lasts for 8-10 seconds or 5 hits (Like Ursa's Overpower)
The AOE damage for tide bringer is actually about 220, sorry for the typo. FYI, enchantress' untouchable is a basic skill in beta 9 and at lvl 4, any units that attack her is slowed for 100%. Excellent for tanking creeps early game since they can't whack much anyway. Impetus becomes an ultimate and deals 15/20/25% of distance travelled as extra pure damage. Compared to the old impetus, it is better since lvl 4 impetus used to deal 16% distance as damage. However, the mana usage greatly increase from 20 per impetus to 65 per impetus (at max level)
ReplyDeleteSome more info about the new Admiral Proudmoore hero:
ReplyDeleteIn the newer versions, the hero is called Kunkka, not Coco. This is the name of the artist who made the current DotA loading screen. It looks like IceFrog is naming the hero after him as a tribute.
Kunkka's third spell is still called "Captain Coco's Rum". The changelog given above says that:
-third skill is Captain's Rum - buff gives you a chance to miss but also gives you critical strike.
The skill is actually a lot more complex than that.
When you cast the spell, the targeted ally hero gains 20% bonus ms and a high chance to crit for 2x damage. This buff lasts for 5 seconds. After the above buff ends, the hero gets a high chance to miss on every attack which lasts for another 5 seconds.
So basically the spell gives you good chasing and DPS abilities for 5 seconds, but reduces your chance to hit for the next 5.
"Confirmed in single player using -noherolimit. Dirge's zombies heal all allies wherever they are on the map. I repeat, the heal is global."
ReplyDeleteI think this happens because you are suppossed to just have one hero, I think that it doesn't work on multiplayer, the global heal thing (I saw this when beta 7 was leaked, and I thought this was the reason).
I think this happens because you are suppossed to just have one hero, I think that it doesn't work on multiplayer, the global heal thing (I saw this when beta 7 was leaked, and I thought this was the reason).
ReplyDeleteThanks for the correction. You are right, I went back and checked with 6.54b. The multiple heal is just due to -noherolimit, and it occurs there too.
So the only change to Dirge is his model size. Thank goodness.
Also, a quick update. The guy who leaks the Betas has put up Beta 9 on his blog.
Silencer's "glaive of wisdom" missiles model has changed, the new one is great.
ReplyDeletei think i figured out what the magic stick does.... it seems to activate when someone around u casts a spell, i was playing it with some ppl, and whenever i cast a spell they would show a little animation above their head, i dont know if this works on spells cast by the holder or not, ill check that later
ReplyDeleteya, i tested it, whenever a nother hero casts a spell around you, not yourself, u get 10 mana, and they stack, so 2 sticks will give u 20 mana when a hero casts a spell
ReplyDelete@drake,redrach,pkeryh - thanks for the update, i will try make the summary in the post :) Feel free to correct me if i wrong or missed something ^^
ReplyDeletedirect link :
ReplyDelete3 new betas, w00t
beta 12:
ReplyDelete-new item: dust of appeareance, which i think, gives true sight in a certain AOE
-sentinel base completely redesigned
early game and ganking is getting buffed a lot. poison is making heroes that couldn't perform an early game role actually be useful
ReplyDelete-sentinel base:
ReplyDeleteitem shops are in a different arrangement.
the paths into the towers is much much larger.
waterfalls are in the back of base
-scourge base: no change
-Magic stick now gives +20 channel
-Rhasta has +10 MS (ABOUT TIME!!!!)
-BM's Great Hawk no longer invis!
ReplyDelete-IT seems the character's walking animation have been slowed down. They still move at the same speed but they just look like they are running through water.
beta 12 direct link :
i think Crow's ability to place wards is gone. can somebody check?
ReplyDelete- Sentry wards now only last 3 minutes instead of 6 as before.
ReplyDelete- The above nerf to invisibility detection is more than countered by the new consumable - Dust of Appearance. A good counter to the increased usage of Lothar's Edge.
Sange / Yasha / S&Y recipes price and stats changed
ReplyDeletenow maim is call lesser or greater maim but both have same % ?
Sentinel Chimaera Roost shop is changed in model and name for "Ancient of Wonders"
Will post screenshots on the other post
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteJust a minor change but Faceless Void is now Faceless Gorz. LOL! I was like WTF when I realized it cos Faceless Void sounds so much nicer :(
ReplyDeleteAlso, Lightning Grapple grapples anyone that SS touches when grappling. Not sure if it is a change but I think it is.
SB also had his Charge nerfed stunwise if I am not wrong. Now its 1, 1.3, 1.6, 2.
I think chain frost was buffed.
Thats all I guess.
Like to confirm this once :
ReplyDeleteuse BKB on dirge , after avatar he doesnt get back to the normal size
they should made new visual for lich, witch doctor and luna (instead that spiked look) when use scepter.
ReplyDeleteI doubt its possible. The spikes are a default for the game and cannot be changed as long as the hero is a mounted one like luna etc. Lich has no visual as far as I know and same goes for witch I think.
ReplyDeleteMaybe lich should only get the icy things on his hands when he gets scepter and witch should get some voodoo thingy.
It's PkerYH not PykerYH although some ppl seem to pronounce it like that.
ReplyDeleteThe new sentinel side strongly reminds me of Guinsoo DotA where the shop placings for sentinel are exactly the same as beta 12. I seriously believe these betas are fake now.
ReplyDeletethe recent change of the two last towers of the sent base is gone :o
ReplyDeleteYeah, has t be false. WAY TOO much chance to enter the base, ridiculously smal dirge... c'mon thats just a test... maybe to find the betatester whos leaking the maps... I'm waiting for the final map... this one reminds me of the first Dota maps... btw: I'm happy that Dota changed this way. these old versions are just funny...nothing more to say
ReplyDeleteAnyway, let's just see wether this is true or not. But the leaker of this map is the same as the 6.54 beta leaker, and it's proven right, so i think we can trust it (at least until 6.55 beta 9 ^^), because we get the beta 10-12 from his shared mediafire folder, but not from his blog, don't know why he hasn't post it on his blog. That's why i also get a little suspicious about beta 10-12. But none of us can know the answer unless there's a real beta tester that kind enough to give us the answer lol ^^ Let's just take it easy and the fun way :)
ReplyDeleteIf this is fake i'll first blood you
ReplyDeleteI dont think its a fake. beta 10 is no fake, 11 and 12 is the same as 10.
ReplyDeleteDirge's minions heal everyone now.
ReplyDeleteredrach said...
The multiple heal is just due to -noherolimit...
I´ve got another new Hero named Slark.
ReplyDeleteI made the mode -sd and got this hero. I uploaded some screenshot. A murloc!?!?!?
@annoymous - i think the map is a fake, coz the captain coco's rum is the skill of the new hero(admiral proudmore)
ReplyDeleteit seems still yet...
the real beta maps oni till beta 10
Its no fake i think realy, why should it be a fake? Icefrog is changing and balancing the Side´s now, he started with Sentinel, next beta scourge is changed too.
ReplyDeleteThis Murloc is already a bit coded too, i dont think some 1 else is making the fake map like this. This Murloc is just in beta and not testable, thats why he has the skill of captain coco aKa Kunkka.
The Worldtree is balanced to the Throne of Scourge, so its a good change and the Map, Entrence´s etc, will be changed too at the scourge side.
Be patient we will see. ;)
I've used Slark in -sd, but has only 2 skills yet, the second skill is used on enemy heroes only (I think), so I don't know wtf it does, because I played in singleplayer. The first skill is an enemy unit targeteable, about 1000 range, and you charge against the enemy unit with windwalk and a lot of movespeed. When you charge the unit and you go across any enemy unit, it gets some kind of "curse" and it deals 10/20/30/40 damage every second for 6 seconds. And there is more, you can cancel the charge and run away, so you can go windwalk for about 20 seconds and lots of ms (25 seconds cooldown) (he has a base ms of 310, with windwalk it gets 465 oO) but then you can't spread this "curse". Well, sorry for my bad english, just play lots of -sd and test Slark ^^
ReplyDeleteSome more info on the change to Rexxar(Beastmaster) :
ReplyDeleteHis hawk no longer has permanent invisibility, but has 200 hp instead of 25.
Terrible change, in my opinion.
with slark's second skill, it makes the target hero's vision to basically 0 except he can only see slark. so he essentially becomes blind to everything around him
ReplyDeletebeta maps r tests and frog is testing new stuffs on a map and its up to him on wut to insert.. its not a stable release or an official map.. its only a beta map..
ReplyDeletethe leaker for now uploads up to beta 10 only, but the rests he shared it in his folder (11-12)... for previous happenings, he shared it one by one and it takes time.. so just we wait until he releases all of it .. no rush.. on the other hand, he is only allowed to release old beta map not the new one, so the one he released on the blog are considered "old"..
What are good items for Captain Coco?
ReplyDeleteCaptain Coco is clearly a "carry" hero, so his items must reflect that.
ReplyDeleteTidebringer and Coco's Rum are very strong DPS skills, so it's a good idea to get some nice +damage/IAS items to make the most out of the skills.
Also, the bonus speed from Coco's Rum + the slow from Ghostship greatly aid in chasing. So some chaser-oriented items would be a good idea as well.
So... Radiance, Cuirass, MKB and/or Sange & Yasha.
I'd probably pick Travels over Treads so you can make the most of his farming skills by teleporting around the map (like Juggernaut).
i dunno, just what i do, but i normally get MoM+armlet as core items. and then get the luxury carry items after
ReplyDeleteEzalor's Chakra is still without buffs at Beta 12.
ReplyDelete3 secs off cooldown (and reduced mana cost) is not worth the total removal of +28% damage buff. It's just not. Remember, arcane ring can replenish mana too (although lesser and AOE).
The damage bonus is excellent in harassing early game with normal attacks and damaging the tower. In late game it is even more valuable.
Please stop the insanity and add the damage buff, raise the mana cost a bit.
@pluginbaby - Ups, his mediafire folder is no longer shared ^^" I think we can assume that it's real and we have take a peek on a map that we shouldn't? :p
ReplyDelete@alief- he stop sharing his folder to private only but we still can look at his folder if we know where to look at.. hehe :P .., thats a hint!.. nvmind.. if they are new maps in that i will try to share it k.. maybe he dosent want anyone to see the folder content cuz icefrog forbids him to release new beta maps.. when it gets old, only then it will be released
ReplyDeletealief, i found sumthing intresting and ive posted the screenshot on my blog here.. hehe
have a look.. a new hero and item.. maybe it will come out on the next beta version... hopefully..
Alleria, the winrunner and also phase boots!!!
i donno to believe or not, but i heard there are already beta 18..
nice, try to get that map!
ReplyDeletetraxex is lady sylvanas windrunner model, actually that will be fun using original hero model in dota.
ReplyDeleteyup.. traxex is currently using her model.. i wonder wut alleria will look like in the full release..
ReplyDeletetraxes is NOT using the silvanas windrunner model... shes using the dark ranger neutral hero model, they are two VERY very different modles
ReplyDelete@pluginbaby - Wow, how do you get that ^^? Nice :) Too bad the the beta tester only leak the pictures :( well, let's hope we can get the map soon and try it by ourself :)
ReplyDelete@drake : maybe i was wrong, my bad T_T.. i thought that traxex is using her model.. so i guess that wouldnt be a problem for winrunner to appear on dota soon..
ReplyDelete@alief : i got my own tricks.. hahaha.. if i manage to get the map, i will share it for sure..
ReplyDeletehere i back to the old campaign "the dark lady" i took this picture itself so you can see this model which use by sylvanas.
for you imformation sylvanas also call dark ranger, model use by her same with those neutral hero you said (no different).
maybe the different about voice, but is about model. lol
is there any change to pit lord? that hero is buggy as shit and slows down people's computers everytime he is in.
ReplyDeleteOk, to clear up the confusion about the Sylvanas Windrunner model...
ReplyDeleteThere are actually two such models. One is undead and the other is not. Traxex is using the undead version, and the supposed new hero in pluginbaby's screenshot is using the other version. Just like how Abaddon is using the undead Arthas model, and Omniknight is using the other one.
hmm, i thought traxex was using the dark ranger model... is that really the same one as undead sylvanas?
ReplyDeleteEzalor in spirit form doesn't channel illuminate. Or rather, he summons an invulnerable (and unselectable) spirit to channel it for him.
ReplyDelete@drake : yes, those actually same.
ReplyDeleteexactly in which map did u find the new boots item and alleria? cz i don't seems to find them anywhere.?!
ReplyDeleteI think he found the screenshot, not the map
ReplyDeletewhen new dota map out i have waiting so long
ReplyDeleteEzalor in Metamorphosis (his ultimate) makes PitLord's ultimate is useless. I think IceFrog will change PitLord's ultimate
ReplyDeleteThe idea making undying smaller is not good, i think it should change its color instead.(maybe dark color).
ReplyDeleteThe new hero is so beatiful and great,it is a real hero in dota not like stupid Clockwerk.
After make a lot of great heroes in dota,( i love all heroes) i dont know why icefrog make an imba stupid hero like Clockwerk Goblin(may be use his skill but his model is ...).
I think the 6.55 is better if change Clockwerk Goblin (his model and his mini stun).
The building values have been changed.
ReplyDeleteTowers are now 500/550/600/650
Instead of 500/550/600/450
Random buildings in the base have changed too, unless there is something I'm messing...One building went from +14 godl to +300
Anyone know how to build the Phase Boots?
ReplyDeleteAlleria - Windrunner:
ReplyDelete1: Shackleshot - Cast to knockback and stun target unit for 0/1/2/3 seconds. (700 unit cast distance)
2: Power shot - Deals 100/200/280/360 damage to all enemies in straight line. The arrow has vision and knocks down trees in the process. (1200 unit cast distance)
3: Fight in the Shade - 15/20/25/30% of remaining health dealt in damage dealt in 100 AoE after 1 second. (600 unit cast distance)
4: Windrunner (ultimate) - Hero morphs into a cyclone and gains 100% evasion and 55/80/105 increased ms for 10 seconds.
omg, where did u get that
ReplyDeleteI figured it out through experimentation in game using beta 20. I still haven't figured out how to create Phase Boots yet though. There is no recipe cost, description, or item list.
ReplyDeleteCould you upload the beta somewhere and post here the link? pleeeaaaase? ;)
ReplyDeleteyeah, it would be awesome if you upload the map :D
ReplyDeleteomg i think i found beta 20
ReplyDeleteClick on my profile name for Beta 20.
ReplyDeletew00t, confirmed. Lots of changes, you have to see it by yourself :D
Changes I see:
ReplyDeleteSent hero taverns now on bottom right
Fountain is farther away from tree
Waterfalls on left that you can walk into but has no effect
Scourge base not changed at all
Crow doesn't have mana upgrade=no more ward placing
Undying still tiny
Hyperstone now says +55 attack speed instead of 55% (dunno why)
New Heroes: No Slar
Captain Coco is now Kunkka
Ulti is now Captain CoCo's Rum
X Marks the spot is now 3rd skill
Pirate ship travels towards him
Windrunner is exactly as the other guy stated
Phase boots recipe...I have no idea yet/dont have patience to find it
meant no Slark...though haven't played any SD to know
ReplyDeleteHyperstone has always been +55 attack speed
ReplyDeletephase boots = boots + blades of attack + chainmail
ReplyDeletei think the activatable ability just gives a speed boost por a short amount of time
haha.. i dont give fake screenshot didnt i ? :P .. yeah... alleria is finally here!!
ReplyDeleteSome clarifications and corrections to Mr Jag's post about Alleria:
ReplyDeleteAlleria Windrunner:
1: Shackleshot - Always knocks back the target. If the target hits a group of units or a tree, the struck units (including the target) are stunned for 0/1/2/3 seconds. (700 unit cast distance)
2: Power shot - Deals 100/200/280/360 damage to all enemies in straight line. The arrow has vision and knocks down trees in the process. (1200 unit cast distance)
3: Fight in the Shade - Each unit in the target AoE loses 15/20/25/30% of its maximum health after 1 second. (600 unit cast distance)
4: Windrunner (ultimate) - Hero morphs into a cyclone and gains 100% evasion and 55/80/105 increased ms for 10 seconds. The hero is effectively a flying unit, can see over trees, fly over them, etc. She can use all her skills while in this form.
Compared to other agility heroes, Alleria has a very low agility gain. She fires very slowly compared to other archers in the game. The majority of her damage is spell-based. Therefore, she cannot be a carry hero.
She is very good at chasing and ganking. Her ultimate, Windrunner, is incredible for chasing and escaping from ganks. Being able to see and fly over trees means that it is impossible to juke her. Even without her ultimate, Shackle Shot and Power Shot make for great chasing abilities. Power Shot can be used to create shortcuts through trees to catch up with your target.
'Fight in the shade' is arguably her worst skill. The AoE is pathetic, and 25% max HP damage isn't much considering the long cast time. A properly aimed Shackle Shot (to ensure the enemy hits other units or trees and gets stunned) is necessary to make full use of this skill.
All in all, a fun hero. A bit lacking in damage, but makes up for it with interesting abilities.
As for Phase Boots, the ingredients are indeed Boots of Speed + Chain mail + Blades of Attack (No recipe cost).
ReplyDeleteBefore forming the item:
+50 speed, +9 damage, +5 armor
After forming the item:
+60 speed, +14 damage, +6 armor and the active ability Phase which gives a further +35 speed and the ability to move through other units (similar to Spectre's phase dagger, i.e. 0 collision size) for 5 seconds. Cooldown: 10 seconds. Mana cost: 0
So, on an average, you get +77 speed. More than Treads, less than Travels (but more than Travels when Phasing). The 0 collision size should be useful for chasers. Having to activate the ability every 10 seconds may get annoying. Still, I can see myself getting this on Spirit Breaker. Charge + Phase for a quick stun and nice damage from his passive.
it's reasonable to have low agility gain, because she is an intelligence hero ahahaha
ReplyDeleteOops, a quick edit to my previous post:
ReplyDeletePhase gives a 10% MS boost, not a fixed +35 MS boost. So it should be really good on heroes with pre-existing +speed abilities or those who get SnY.
Also, Wind Walk-type spells removes the Phase buff. (You can still walk through units, as with any Wind Walk based ability, but you lose the 10% speed bonus from Phase.) Not sure if this is a bug or intended.
it's reasonable to have low agility gain, because she is an intelligence hero ahahaha
ReplyDeleteLol, how did I miss that? I saw an archer and immediately assumed she was agility. :D
she is a clever type of hero indeed.. not a speedo type..
ReplyDeletei wonder about other changelogs.. found any?
btw, who plays on garena here? mind sharing your id? we can test this map together perhaps
ReplyDeleteLol, you can walk through units with wind walk also, ie. 0 collision
ReplyDelete"'Fight in the shade' is arguably her worst skill. The AoE is pathetic, and 25% max HP damage isn't much considering the long cast time."
long time cast? that would be? and yeah, reducing by 25(30 max, you said) of max hp is indeed pathetic, 500 dmg (600 if 30%) to 2k hp hero, yeah, worst ability ever
also what i'd like to point, that someone stole changes posted by me and other users, and claimed it to be from "Monkit", what i mean, is
ReplyDelete"-Have a close look on the Black King Bar. It's a very interresting change
-towers protecting tree and throne has been changed
-Ezalor's Mana Leak and Ignis Fatuus have been changed...
Mana Leak is now "Mana Rupture", which does what it says; it's like Rupture of Bloodseeker, only MP is damaged instead of HP.
Ignis now no longer spawns the healers, instead it has:
- Blinding Light; which affects like an area similar to Shiva's Guard, and it blinds enemies affects by 80% for 5 seconds, and knocks back as well...
and another ability (which will most likely be edited like hell)
- Recall; the Ignis channels for 4 seconds, targeting an ally hero. After 4 seconds, the hero is teleported to the Ignis... that's right... free travel... the ignis shouldn't be damaged while doing this or else the channeling will be interrupted... and the hero can freely move while waiting to be teleported
and I think Clockwerk was nerfed again stat wise, not sure.
-chakra magic was changed also, at lvl 4 85 mana cast, 16s cooldown, restores 300 mana, instant cast, no buffs added (hp regen, + dmg, like it was before)
-tangos got modified too (i don't know if it is a buff or a nerf)"
take a look
my comments are exacly same as those "from Monkit", at least he could give credits, stupid monkey
blades of attack: 500 gold
ReplyDeleteObserver wards: Stock max=2 Replenish time: 6 minutes
ReplyDeleteScroll of Town Portal has no cooldown when you buy it (you can buy as many as you like without having to wait to it to replenish in the stock)
Ah, something very rare: When teleporting to a friendly tower (and only towers), it doesn't get +99999 armor but it can attack AND you can choose where to teleport in a 300 range or so of the tower, I'll show you a screenshot(only scrolls work, not boots of travel):
More things:
ReplyDeleteEnigma's ulti doesn't have dark effect (as stated on earlier betas)
Ezalor's recall: 40 seconds cooldown, and it stops when the target is damaged, if ezalor is attacked the recall is not interrupted
I don't see any change when Ezalor is using Aghanim's Scepter
Coco's Rum is ulti, 60 cooldown, it gives 3/4/5 seconds of 100% 2x criticals and you don't get any penalty (no more missed attacks) the next seconds.
And this is some wtf (I don't know if this will be in the final version): When you kill a tower you get 500-600 gold, when the creeps destroy it, you get 700-800 gold! oO
Oh, I forgot, when using scroll of tp, the tower can attack; when using boots of travel, it can't.
ReplyDeleteAh, I just tested Slark, no changes yet, just the same 2 skills.
ReplyDeleteu can add me
my garena id is JBnev3rEnD ^^
@JB .. added
ReplyDeleteanyone else.. add me up.. id : nanako_san :P
i think the beta 20 its a fake =.="
ReplyDeletehaha.. u can say so if it is easy to make a fake map.. could u see the progress beta by beta.. they evolve and gets updated..
ReplyDeletelook carefully and u will notice the development within every map..
they improve and improve..
beta 20 is the best i guess.. i really did like the changes.. its just get better and better.. congratulation to icefrog..
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteBlink Dagger does not go mute if you are hit by creeps!!!!
ReplyDeleteAlso, poison powder gone.
No wards....blink dagger more justifiable.....and item for chasers.....
this map is going to be aggressive and a gankfest. hopefully at least. .52e sucks balls.
Anyone can upload 6.55 beta 20?
ReplyDeletedota 6.55 beta 20
long time cast? that would be? and yeah, reducing by 25(30 max, you said) of max hp is indeed pathetic, 500 dmg (600 if 30%) to 2k hp hero, yeah, worst ability ever
ReplyDeleteI did say 'arguably her worst ability', didn't I? Also, all that damage isn't amazing, there are easier abilities which do similar damage to a group of units. For example, Starfall does 300 damage to units in a 600 AoE every 12 seconds (compared to 25 second cd for Alleria's nuke) for 160 mana, with a 50% chance to do a further 150 damage within 200 AoE. And all you need to do is press the button.
I'm not saying it's a bad ability, it's balanced enough. Making it any stronger would make Alleria overpowered. It's just the ability that interests me the least.
Also, I really don't like the animation. With a name like that I expected Alleria to fire hundreds of arrows into the air that would fall down at the target location after a second. Instead all we get is a black shadow. I hope IceFrog improves it before release.
The courier has the skill Drop items (drops all the items the courier is carrying)
ReplyDeleteoh my gosh,,
ReplyDeletewhere the hell is fun tavern??
it's not fun :lol:
is it normal that there is no fun tavern?
and also we can't revive dead hero [wtf]
and also new dirge is very cute just like a teddy bear or puppy doll
check this image:
tell me if you can notice the present of dirge..
i swear there is a dirge in that screenshot :lol:
3,56 MB :S
ReplyDeletealso, her power shot skill does less dmg the more units it hits. cause u can kill a nercomancer at full hp if u hit just it, but if u shoot it through a line of creeps the necro wont die.
ReplyDeleteand also to Anonymous, the reason u get 700-800 gold, i think, is cause you were playing in single player, and u got the gold from your missing allies, when u destroy a tower, everyone gets 200 gold, and when your team isnt full u get a portion of the extra gold. so when the creeps destroy the tower you get your 200 gold, and then your 4 missing teammates 200 gold which is 800... however, if u werent in single player, then i dont know what happeend.
also, i dont know if it still happens, but in beta 12, KotL's recall was instant, i didnt know if it was instant cause they got hit, or it was just set to instant for some reason, but maby that should be checked
and a little clarification, dagger is not disabled by towers, neutral creeps, roshan, or his spells... looks like its only disabled if the source of the dmg is from an enemy hero.
ReplyDeleteanother update... i think the tp scroll thing is intended... dont know why but w/e. and the range from the tower u can click is roughly the size of the aoe of fight in the shade... i couldnt give u a real range even if i tried. i dont know if multiple heros can tp at once, but im betting they can
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteone mroe thing :P someone check the dmg on the hero arrow... it might be physical dmg, i dunno, but i did 332 dmg to neutral creeps... and i dunno whats goin on
ReplyDeleteThe Windrunner is an INTELLENGENCE HERO not an AGILITY. I think everyone is overlooking that.
ReplyDeletehere is a replay of loda and some betatesters playing the last map :D (beta 20)
awesome! where'd you get it?
ReplyDeletejust searching in google, i found some posts in a forum
ReplyDeletealso, the host says the dagger change might not be permenant.
Clockwerk goes 25/2 and they spend most of the game talking about how Icefrog is going to nerf him. Hopefully....
Loda goes Enigma btw. Seems like the consensus is Magic Stick is kindof useless
ReplyDeleteone mroe thing :P someone check the dmg on the hero arrow... it might be physical dmg, i dunno, but i did 332 dmg to neutral creeps... and i dunno whats goin on
I checked using Omniknight to repel neutrals in -noherolimit. Power Shot does no damage to magic-immune units. So it's definitely doing magic damage. As you said before, the damage seems to be reduced by the number of creeps you fire through.
The Windrunner is an INTELLENGENCE HERO not an AGILITY. I think everyone is overlooking that.
I made that mistake too at first, but then sdfdsv corrected me. (Check some posts up.)
what is this stuff with the port 3984 the guys talking at the beginning in the replay?
ReplyDelete@ redrach:
ReplyDeletethe first creep i hit took the 332 dmg, unless it gets reduced for trees being knocked down? :P
ReplyDeleteOh boy, another thing for me to test out! lol.
Anyway, I fired a bunch of arrows all over the place in -wtf mode, and I can say for sure that the damage reduces for every tree you fire through. I believe Power Shot loses 10 damage for every tree you fire through, and 50 damage for every unit.
Woot! Thanks for all the update! Just left the blog for a day and suddenly there's 61 new comment ^^" Sorry, yesterday i took some rest and playing Dota all the day, hence cannot update the blog yet :) Ok, i will make a summary about the changelogs of Beta 20, even thought i haven't confirmed it yet coz i'm still in the office ^-^ Wow, i really excited for the 6.55 official release if there are so many changes!
ReplyDeletelol! the senti changes sucks! i hope icefrog didn't changed the original placements of the the taverns..
ReplyDeleteand one thing i noticed, you can't buy your hero when it dies.. nice huh? ^____^
@critlock - i think the sentinel layout change is needed because it's give the advantage for them. When you attack the bottom line Sentinel barrack, you will get hit by the Life Tree tower which is not happen when you attack the Scourge. I think Icefrog just want to balance this. But i agree with you, the current Sentinel layout is suck! ^-^ I hope he will change it again but still make the balance :)
ReplyDeleteVisit mY bL0G
ReplyDeleteFor All h0tk3ys,maps, garena icon hack , warcraft3 stuff d0wnloads
you can't buy your hero when it dies
ReplyDeletethat awesome!! /:)
WOOT! 2 new heroes, new items, hero remake, layout changes, cosmetics, balances... all in one update? Wow, can't wait for this release!
ReplyDeleteI'm not sure about if it's a good change that you can't revive your hero for money anymore... What makes you say it's good?
Cool update!
he is trying to fix the main problem with the competitive scene: games take entirely too long, and viewers just aren't interested in waiting so long for the game to get exciting. The ward buffs and dagger nerfs are the reason why in .52e(current stable map).
ReplyDeleteby getting rid of buybacks it is harder to defend, same with widening the entrances into base. also, phase boots are meant to help chasers.
the poison powder was probably meant to do the same thing, and i guess it didn't work out that well since it seems to be gone.
Windrunner in beta 23 have other ulti!
ReplyDeleteupload beta23 please?
i think this was added in beta 20
No, that was added a few versions ago
ReplyDeleteChangelog for v6.53
* Observers and replays now see a $ symbol above a dying creep when a player gets gold for killing a unit
omfg, sry you are right. how could i miss that change?
ReplyDeletewhere did you download the beta 23? please post the link please..
ReplyDeleteadmiral proudmoore should have passive ability considering his a strength type charac and about alleria the windrunner i think they might consider to change the 3rd skill. thaks@
ReplyDeletekunkka is more of a gank/chaser/ semi carry, who relies on his spells. the way they have him set out now is pretty damn good
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteI think I posted in the wrong spot but...
ReplyDeleteBara ult can target magic immune, Abaddons shield take into account hero armor, perhaps Coil cast point buffed, Guinso seems to have shorter range (like 750). CM has lich nova spell and lvl3 mana aura is +3...and ult no longer channels. Bloodseeker damage is 15 -> 5, instead of 20 -> 5, castable every 10 seconds. Slight +damage reduc I think. Armlet is $850. Furion has 5 treants at lvl 4 (I thought it was 4 before). Shiva blast animation is improved (less intensive).
phase boots can not be used by meepo (or at least shared).
ReplyDeleteSome clarifications and corrections to the Anonymous post above:
ReplyDelete(In Beta 20)
- Only change to Crystal Maiden is that her Brilliance aura gives 0.75/1.5/2.25/3 mana regen instead of 0.6/1.2/1.8/2.4 mana regen. She always had Frost Nova (same spell as Lich). Her ultimate is still channeling.
- Bloodseeker's "Bloodrage" ability now has a 10 second cooldown instead of 20 seconds. No other change.
- Furion's "Force of Nature" ability is unchanged. It always summoned 2/3/4/5 treants.
- Spiritbreaker's ultimate could target magic immune units in previous versions too. It just doesn't do any damage to them. So no change there.
ReplyDeleteFor people who do read the DotA Allstars website, this should be very obvious to you. For others, please continue experimenting with the fake betas that were made by a bored person who decided to release fake and boring betas.
@pkeryh - Hmmm.. I'm not sure, this is just my personal opinion, but the latest beta is progressing pretty much. I'm not a beta tester and cannot guarantee it is fake or not, but really, i never found a fake map that progressing so much and with that much details changes. If you have proof that this is a fake, could you tell me the link, i will gladly look for it :) And whatever it is, the only way to know is until Icy release the official one. Until it released, let just have fun and don't take it too hard, peace. :)
ReplyDeleteIf i wouldn`t have seen the replay with Kwom , Loda, and missrinoa playing beta 20 i would have said it is also fake.. but.. i really have a feeling that the betas from 10 onwards are real.
ReplyDeleteThe new heroes, Alleria is broken i think, her ulti is just too great
ReplyDeleteEnigma's ulti doesn't have dark effect (as stated on earlier betas)
ReplyDelete@Beta 20: It still exists, I can confirm that.
ReplyDeleteAnd yeah. Phase boots are too gay on Pudge and VS, if you know why they banned them from using Kelen's.
ReplyDeleteHow is phase boots gay on pudge and vs? The boots dont let you past through cliffs or trees so you arent able to trap people. Its just through creeps. It might be a good option on pudge but not broken or anything
ReplyDelete@PkerYH; IMO too much effort has been done on new betas for just a "bored" person.
ReplyDeleteAs alief has put so well, fake or not, it's fun to play. I'm having fun trying out builds for Alleria and it gives us something to do till the real 6.55 comes out.
Yeah, I can see how an ultimate that gives you flight + 100% evasion for 10 seconds every 40 seconds can be imba. Still, with a bit of nerfing I think it can be balanced. Anyway, someone above said that the ultimate has been changed in beta 23. I'd be sad to see it go.
p.s. Please upload Beta 23, so we can see for ourselves.
In 6.55 Beta 20 the circles of power from the sentinel side are to close to the shops, so you can buy items without being in base... You can`t do that from the scourge base. i think you should fix that...
ReplyDeleteSomeone said that you can`t place wards with the crow because it doesn`t have mana...
ReplyDeleteThe fact is that you can buy a MagicStick (205 gold instead of the 200 gold for the courier mana upgrade)and you can plant wards with it...
mana stick is usefull indeed at last.. without manastick, perhaps u need to buy a booster perhaps for ur chicken.. lol.. thats wicked and costs a lot of gold.. a 205gold manastick is usefull for placing wards using chickens or crows..
ReplyDeletecan it get the shield and burst spells anymore? i'm not anywhere near my wc3 copy but without those spells ward placing is dangerous with that thing.
ReplyDeleteCrow still has shield and burst spells.
ReplyDeletemana stick is usefull indeed at last..
Are you serious? I think Mana Stick was a great item for many heroes even without the benefit to Crow-warding. 50 mana might seem like less, but it allows Tiny to pull off his ava-toss combo much earlier. Similarly for Venomancer, Spiritbreaker, etc. Stunner heroes like Sven can now stun twice a lot more easier than before, just because they start off with more mana than before.
And I haven't even taken the +20 mana channel into consideration. Imagine a Sven paired with a Bristleback in lane. Free uber mana regen!
maybe c.nobility worths less and give bonus to all stats compared to 205 gold unsellable item if you want mana.. bonus mana might be right for destroyer cuz it relies on the mana pool.. an early larger manapool is an early GG for destroyer
ReplyDeleteActually, a Circlet of Nobility costs a lot more than a Magic Stick. (150 + 185 + 150 = 485)
ReplyDeleteThe real power of the Magic Stick is that you can buy it straight at start, and it gives more mana than a Mantle of Intelligence (3*13 = 39 mana for 150 gold).
Coupled with a good spell-spammer, it allows even strength heroes with low mana pools to spam their stuns.
Still, I agree that it isn't extremely useful because it doesn't add stats, is unsellable, etc. But it will be featured in a lot of builds, and I think that's good.
In beta 20 you can sell it. And in 5vs5 clashes, if everyone has a magic stick and everyone has some kind of nuke spell, they don't lose too much mana.
ReplyDeleteAlso, spells like frost armor (lich) or the healing aura from witch doctor, and some other spells have low mana cost and low cooldown, so you can replenish mana to everyone.
If harbinger has level 4 esence aura, and witch doctor has level 1 voodoo restoration, he can activate/desactivate the voodoo restoration 4 or 5 times per second and he replenishes his mana thanks to harbinger (already tested in 6.54b, it works ^^). If harbinger or any other hero is near and have a magic stick, they also replenishes themselves in a few seconds (I haven't tested if voodoo restoration activates the magic stick). When I first saw magic stick I thought "OMG, with level 7 you can push all the team and you don't run out of mana, what a great advantage!!".
So I don't know why everybody says magic stick is a stupid item, maybe I'm stupid, maybe they are the stupid who can't see the great potential it has. I don't try to offend anyone, I have just told you my very secret strategy and I think it will work pretty fine and you will see it in competition. Or not.
that stick is going to make pit lord even gayer
ReplyDeleteUnless they changed it recently, the +20 mana regen only works when an *enemy* hero casts a spell. Having your lane partner spam cheap spells won't help you regen any faster.
ReplyDelete"Whenever another hero casts a spell around you, not yourself, you get 10 mana, and they stack, so 2 sticks will give u 20 mana when a hero casts a spell."
ReplyDeleteWhen I saw the replay with Loda and they said magic stick was useless I thought "maybe only works when enemy heroescast spells" and then my strategy scrumbled. I dunno, because I haven't played multiplayer. I'll keep dreaming.
when i posted that description, it was back in an earlier beta, and it did work for spells not cast by the hero, it got changed however, and now only works when an enemy casts a spell... alot more useless..., good *againt* BB and zeus, but only limited goodnesss.... >.>
ReplyDeletemaybe lothar will get nerfed and diffusal buffed
ReplyDeleteJust wanna make the comment reach 200 lol :D
ReplyDeleteAnyway, have somebody found beta 23? I try to look for it but cannot find it :(
Ah, can't wait until the official release :) beta_30 ?