Dota-Allstars 6.54b Screenshots - DotA-Blog

Dota-Allstars 6.54b Screenshots

Dota-Allstars 6.54 provide a lot of nice cosmetics changes. I got these pictures from Dota-Allstars forums. Enjoy it! :)

Now it's more like a wave lol

I like this one the most, cool!

Dazzle new ability, still in debate wether this is better than the previous one

Wow, i like this one too!

Now it more like a hole than a big black ball :D

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  1. Now All of the Phantom Lancer's Skill are making an illusion, PL could get a firstblood easily..
    Keep Update..

  2. I can already own with PL by just spamming his spirit lance. 7 Seconds cooldown is just gg for anyone who can't run faster than pl
