Dota-Allstars 6.54b AI Plus v1.52 Revision 5 (Updated!)

It's READY, here what BMP says about this map and the changelogs:
DotA Allstars 6.54b AI+ 1.52 Revision 01
This is a port of RGB's AI+ v1.52 (originally written for DotA Allstars 6.48b).
It behaves the same as the original AI, and has only been updated to account for balance changes, new item recipes, and most new features. As such, some new content does not work fully with the AI yet.
Known bugs with AI:
-Pathing on the top Sentinel lane is still the same as in 6.48b
-AI don't properly react to -nb, -nm and -nt modes
-Some exploits that should have been fixed are still in the game...just don't use them. If you really want to cheat against AI, just use -test
-Lanaya may crash your game if you use her, depending on how lucky you are
Some commands have yet to be implemented properly:
-rd (the new one in 6.53, -rd is in the game but done the same way pre-6.53)
Additionally, I have added two Fun Taverns in the lower right corner. Currently includes nine legacy heroes (possibly more in the future): Old Invoker (6.12b), Old Lifestealer (6.48b), Old Silencer (6.12b), Gambler (6.06), Old Morphling (5.84b), Old Stealth Assassin (5.84b), Void Demon (3.0d), Rider (5.72), and God of Wind (6.01).
To access the fun taverns, type -fun within the first 15 seconds of the game.
Dota-Allstars 6.54b AIPlus 1.52 Map Revision 1 Changelogs:
Rev. 5
-Fixed a bug with AI scripts not initialising on bots
-Mirror Mode is now playable; the game will hang for about 5-10 seconds at the 60 second mark but will be playable after that
-AI can now get secondary builds; build type is determined at random at game start
-Added secondary builds to several heroes (thanks to Overflow_GR, counter_helix_axe and Green_Sliche)
-Added No Necronomicon AI mode (-nn or -nonecronomicon), which will force AI to use builds that do not use Necronomicon
Rev. 04
-Fixed a bug with AI dummy spellcasters channeling spells
-Restored preloading but slightly modified some map mechanics to reduce latency
-Changed AI item builds for Tidehunter, Crystal Maiden, Beastmaster, Venomancer, Leoric, Pudge, Weaver, Sand King, and Pit Lord
Rev. 03
-Rewrote Meld, removing an exploit and fixing the crash that occurs when Lanaya attacks a hero while invisible
-AI can pick Lanaya again
-Added an additional check on timing for consumable purchases to prevent a bug with AI bots not completing their builds
-Implemented a skill build and a rough temporary AI for Lifestealer; N'aix AI is nowhere near complete
-Updated all map regions; this fixes the Sentinel creep pathing issue in the top lane
-Removed most instances of preloading from the map to reduce some latency
-Fixed AI Razor not learning Storm Seeker
-Fixed the bug with Earthshaker getting Double Damage when he picks up an Invisibility rune
-Fixed a bug with Phase
-Fixed a bug with Psionic Traps causing mana burn when detonated by AI
-Corrected the number of arrows for Split Shot on Old Gorgon
-Slightly improved Old Gorgon's attack animation
-Phase and Haunt (Avatar of Vengeance) can now be stolen by Old Morphling
-Added Astral Trekker (3.0d) to Fun Tavern (Extinct)
-Added a message if player picks Fun Tavern heroes that can use Aghanim's Scepter
-Added a reminder message if player picks Old Invoker for -oldinvokelist command
-Updated tooltips for Silencer (Old Silencer) and Poison Sting (Old N'aix) to account for new orb effect/buff placer tooltips
-Changed the -ne message to only appear if there are one or more AI bots in the game
-Added a -ng message if there are any AI bots at difficulty Normal or Insane
-Added a temporary warning message about -dm and -mm
Rev. 02
-Fixed a bug with AI Morphling using Morph non-stop
-Fixed a bug with Wall of Replica not properly creating hero images for AI Dark Seer
-Fixed the spell graphic for Illusory Orb
-Fixed Battle Hunger bufftip
-Redid Spirit Bear's item-handling script on death
-Implemented a crude fix for AI behaviour at fountain with Empty Bottle, resolving some issues with usage and item purchases
-Updated Inner Vitality to properly work with Fun Tavern heroes
-Rewrote Displace
-Added warning message if player forces AI to pick heroes from Fun Taverns
-Added Old Pudge (5.51) to Fun Tavern (Remade)
-Added Old Chen (5.64) to Fun Tavern (Remade)
-Added Old Medusa (5.84b) to Fun Tavern (Remade)
-Added Flame Lord (5.51) to Fun Tavern (Extinct)
-Added Avatar of Vengeance (6.32b) to Fun Tavern (Extinct)
Rev. 01
-First update to 6.54b
-Fixed the way AI Meepo purchases items with clones
-Fixed Last Word
-Fixed AI bots not learning Last Word (Silencer), Diffusion Aura (Necrolyte), or Command Aura (Vengeful Spirit)
-Fixed Impale affecting Juggernaut during Blade Fury or Omnislash
-Fixed hotkey conflict with learning Degen Aura on Void Demon
-Updated Phantom Lancer AI to properly use new Spirit Lance
-Updated Shadow Priest AI to properly use new Shallow Grave and Weave
-Changed behaviour of Mana Leak to not trigger on Invoker's reagents (as in 6.53) and Bottle (as in 6.54b)
-Changed the way AI Syllabear purchases items with level 4 Spirit Bear
-AI bots will drop muted items when given items by players; in -pm, AI will be unable to receive items from players
-AI bots can now properly buy, use, and sell Bottles
-Changed the way Lucky Stars looks and behaves to better reflect how it did in 6.06
-Changed the scaling on Mass Haste for levelling so that it's less...stupid
-Changed AI item builds for Viper, Priestess of the Moon, Queen of Pain, Nevermore, Vengeful Spirit, Troll, Dirge, Omniknight, Chaos Knight, and Morphling
-Restored Lanaya's AI, because it doesn't seem to make a difference on crashes
-Added warning message for when player or computer picks Lanaya; bots should not pick Lanaya unless through -ar or -tr
-Added new command -oldinvokelist, which replaces the Old Invoker spell list in the quest menu
-Separated the Fun Tavern into two separate ones for Remade heroes and Extinct heroes
-Added God of Wind (6.01) to Fun Tavern (Extinct)
Download link:
Dota 6.54b AIPlus Rev. 1
Dota-Allstars 6.54b AIPlus v1.52 Revision 1 via MediaFire
Dota-Allstars 6.54b AIPlus v1.52 Revision 1 via MegaUpload
Dota 6.54b AIPlus Rev.2
Dota-Allstars 6.54b AIplus 1.52 Revision 2 via MediaFire
Dota-Allstars 6.54b AIplus 1.52 Revision 2 via MegaUpload
Dota 6.54b AIPlus Rev.3
Dota-Allstars 6.54b AIplus 1.52 Revision 3 via MediaFire
Dota-Allstars 6.54b AIplus 1.52 Revision 3 via MegaUpload
Dota 6.54b AIPlus Rev.4
Dota-Allstars 6.54b AIplus 1.52 Revision 4 via MediaFire
Dota-Allstars 6.54b AIplus 1.52 Revision 4 via Rapidshare
Dota 6.54b AIPlus Rev.5
Dota-Allstars 6.54b AIplus 1.52 Revision 5 via MediaFire (zip)
Dota-Allstars 6.54b AIplus 1.52 Revision 5 via MediaFire (unzip)
Wow, anybody know God of Wind? ^^"
Download ready! :D
thankyou :)
ReplyDeletethank a lot to bmp..
ReplyDeleteu the great one...
now aiplus map can up to date with new map release...thanks
can't wait next revision map for bug fixing..
achemist get radiance and hearth of targus better.
nice map! thanx :D
ReplyDeletewow so fast aiplus is out... hope next rev will reduce lag at starting game...
big thnx.. :D
ReplyDeletefrom Russia thith love..:D
спасибо большое.. :)
i wish this site has a noob section to post a lot of funny noob behavior that we can see, just to tell them that what their doing is wrong just to help them out in playing better, like for example, after assigning the character to 1,2,3..0, some noobs claim that pressing the keys rapidly will make their character regenerate faster health/mana, where in fact its just an illusion caused by the fast recall change
ReplyDeleteit tat copy version of warcraft cannot ply gg client even the garena sw is installed???
ReplyDeleteI think u meant you need a section called "Things you never knew in DOTA" for noobs?
Orb Walking? (If you read forums you will know about this)
Animation Cancelling for Lina or CM
Or you can press jugganaut's Bladefury while you are teleporting?
Or pressing on blink dagger 2 times will automatically blink you backwards?
Or medusa's purge can actually remove eyes from the trees?
DotA Allstars 6.54b AI+ 1.52 Revision 02 is out.
ReplyDeletecheck it out
correction and oppologize a lot...
ReplyDeletethere r no revision 2 for 6.54b aiplus..
that map is suck and fake... can't open either....
ReplyDeletereally will blink backward when i click the dagger 2 times ?
how to use jugger bladefury when tping ?
Aww... I like your AIPlus maps but, my favourite hero is giving out crashing problems. I truly hope you can debug it. I pray for your success. xD
ReplyDeleteanyone experience lagging in late game in this 6.54b aiplus rev 01 map??
ReplyDeletepleaz... in dota portal there are some fool using topic as son_of_BuffMePlz and post DotA Allstars 6.54b AI+ 1.52 Revision 02
ReplyDeletewhich is a fake map...
pleaz b respect to BuffMePlz.
jus use ur own name.
dude you care to much. why the hell you want say about this on here, you all free to using any kind of names you want.
ReplyDeletelanaya does not crash often on 1.20 version, you can try if you like maybe that will help in debugging that error
ReplyDeleteRevision 2 is out pls. update it here
ReplyDeleteDownload Now
ReplyDeleteDOTA AI 6.54b REVISION 2
Download 6.54b Dota AI Rev 2 (26th August 2008)
Is there an exact changelog for revision 2 out?
ReplyDeleteThanks :P
i fell better and fun playing revision 2 tho cause seem buffmeplz added more old hero on it. but hope he added wraithlord and GOD in the next revision. :O
ReplyDelete@monkit - thanks, looks like it's real. I use that source for the previous version. The only reason why i haven't write it in this blog is because i've been sick since monday and must lay in bed. And i already better now :)
ReplyDeleteAt 6.54b AI rev 01, AI heroes will automatically deny "Ancient of War" when it still have blood, so enemy easier to have mega creep (??). I think this is a bug of 6.54b AI.
ReplyDeleteanyone pls tell me where can dl newest version of x hero siege map???
thnz........for dota fans meet u at dota bettle abe malay team.
ReplyDeletethnz........for dota fans meet u at dota bettle abe malay team.
aw dunno if is a bug... well it must be ^^ the blue wards (the ones that gives true sight, dunno the name xD) are not invisible anymore... i played some matches and the AI used lot of wards and all they were visible during the whole game... does some1 have the same prob?
ReplyDeletelets play dota at gerena client no lag and less delay...
ReplyDeleteDotA Allstars 6.54b AI+ 1.52 Revision 04
ReplyDeleteis out check it...
Rev. 04
-Fixed a bug with AI dummy spellcasters channeling spells
-Restored preloading but slightly modified some map mechanics to reduce latency
-Changed AI item builds for Tidehunter, Crystal Maiden, Beastmaster, Venomancer, Leoric, Pudge, Weaver, Sand King, and Pit Lord
Another Rapidshare Mirror
ReplyDeleteDota AI 6.54b AI Rev 4
i cant download revision 4 of 6.54 ai is the link broken pls help me.
ReplyDeletei think the link is working fine. Just click the link and another window will open :)
ReplyDeleteHey can anyone tell me the source for the ai maps? Don't worry, i'll come back here often enough =)
ReplyDelete^^if you want the official ai maps here's the official link.
all the official ai map(both old&new), including FAQ about ai found in this site.
rev5 is out update it here
ReplyDeleteCould you please fix the Rev. 05 download link please :D
ReplyDeleteWoops, sorry! Fixed already :)
ReplyDeleteSeems to be a problem with the rev .05 link
ReplyDeleteI just try it and it work fine. Just click the download link and a new window will open :)
ReplyDeleteFew mirrors to add :)
ReplyDeletewhere cn i hv an ai map?
its always ZIP...
it didn't work...
i need unzip or ready to play version...
Ok, i just upload the unzip/ready to play version :)
It is extremely interesting for me to read that article. Thanx for it. I like such themes and anything that is connected to them. I definitely want to read a bit more on that blog soon.
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ReplyDeletelike this
ReplyDeletelets play dota at gerena client no lag and less delay...
ReplyDeletehere a guide
ReplyDeletei fell better and fun playing revision 2 tho cause seem buffmeplz added more old hero on it. but hope he added wraithlord and GOD in the next revision. :O
ReplyDeletedude you care to much. why the hell you want say about this on here, you all free to using any kind of names you want.
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