Dota-Allstars 6.53 AIplus 1.52 Revision 7 Map! - Updated!

Here is what he said about this map:
It is the checked up map, works on 1.21b and 1.22a patches!Are made some my changes!
How's that for a quick update? =P
Normally I would take more time for testing but I have to leave again for another week or so, and you've all been remarkably patient so I decided to basically start a public beta test. I'd call this "Revision 0", but there's really no point in that, so here's the first revision of the newest port of RGB's AI to 6.53.
Note: Expect bugs. I haven't had time to find/iron them out. But please do report them as they show up.
I haven't had a chance to change -rd to the new format, or to address the removal of the "undroppable while in cooldown" system. Also, no "$" symbols for observers yet. I'll add these in the next revision, which I'll start on right after I get back.
In the meantime, go ahead and test the AI...I make no guarantees yet on quality and such. As far as I know, the item builds all work (though sometimes it screws up if you give the AI a bunch of money and they all go buy items simultaneously)...let me know if something breaks during an actual game.
One quick observation I saw in brief testing is that the AI tends to return to the fountain more frequently...I don't know if it was a fluke or some odd routine that's running too often. Confirmation would be good. If it is a problem, I'll try to fix it in the next revision.
As far as I know, all the other new content has been done (except for -ah, -afk, -kickafk, some exploits, and various bugfixes). As always, report bugs here as you encounter them, and be specific: "OMFG MY GAME CRASHED WTF" is not very helpful.
Thanks especially to Tenshinhan DN, Overflow_GR, Duvon, Strikur--, Counter_Helix_axe, Catalyst, and chaser02 for their hard work in creating the item builds for the AI. If you helped out and don't see your name here, let me know so I can give you props for your work. =)
Readme is as follows:
DotA Allstars 6.53 AI+ 1.52 Revision 01
This is a port of RGB's AI+ v1.52 (originally written for DotA Allstars 6.48b).
It behaves the same as the original AI, and has only been updated to account for balance changes, new item recipes, and most new features. As such, some new content does not work fully with the AI yet.
Known bugs with AI:
-Pathing on the top Sentinel lane is still the same as in 6.48b
-AI Sand King will not properly use Epicenter
-AI don't properly react to -nb and -nt modes
-Some exploits that should have been fixed are still in the game...just don't use them. If you really want to cheat against AI, just use -test.
Some commands have yet to be implemented properly:
Additionally, I have added a Fun Tavern in the lower right corner. Currently includes six legacy heroes (possibly more in the future): Old Invoker (6.12b), Old Lifestealer (6.48b), Old Silencer (6.12b), Gambler (6.06), Old Morphling (5.84b), and Old Stealth Assassin (5.84b).
To access the fun tavern, type -fun within the first 15 seconds of the game.
Rev. 01
-First update to 6.53
-New item system implemented, so all item builds for AI heroes have been changed
-Disabled all AI scripts pertaining to Lanaya, hopefully this should allow players to choose her without crashing the game
-Updated AI Lycan to use new Howl ability
-Fixed timing on AI going to lanes in -rd
-It is now possible to pick heroes from the Fun Tavern when repicking or rechoosing
-Test command -lvlupall can have a number after it to have all heroes level up faster (i.e. "-lvlupall 25")
-Fixed a bug with Viscous Nasal Goo that made it unstackable when cast on AI heroes
-Changed the way gold distribution is coded to hopefully prevent crashes
-AI also get the same gold bonuses as human players in -em now if using -ng
-Updated -unstuck to use the implementation in 6.52
-Changed Eclipse implementation to that of 6.50 (no ministun)
-Changed Wild Axes implementation to that of 6.50
-Changed Land Mines implementation to that of 6.50 (detect floating heroes)
-Changed AI item routine for Deathmatch
-Fixed a small bug with Puck respawning with a slightly smaller model size after dying (heh)
Thanks, and enjoy!
Here is the download link for DotA 6.53 AI Plus. You should note that this map has the same bug as 6.48b AIplus, read this post for further information. And yeah, this map is still revision 1, which means you must prepare for bugs. Anyhow, thanks BuffMePlz for this quick release :)
Rev. 07
-Addressed a timing issue with AI purchasing consumables
-Changed the preloading of Invoker's resources, hopefully preventing problems with the game locking up
Rev. 06
-Implemented new AI command -aiunstuck XX, which will call the -unstuck command on AI player XX
-Fixed a bug with Disassemble
-Fixed a bug with undroppable shared Rings of Regeneration on AI
-Fixed a bug with Kelen's Dagger being muted when hit
Rev. 05
-Fixed Howl from crashing the game at levels 2, 3, and 4
-Fixed consumable count on final scoreboard for AI
-Changed the way Syllabear and Spirit Bear purchase items
-Muted items and -pm work properly now
-Rewrote Run Down so that debuffs don't affect the increased move speed
-Fixed Backstab (Rider) to properly go off when the Backstab ability is learned
-Changed AI item builds for Panda and Leshrac (again)
-Reduced map size
Rev. 04
-Changed item dropping mechanism on AI so that they no longer appear at the fountain, which will hopefully reduce the chances of AI bots not completing their builds
-Slightly modified the AI to check gold before dropping items to prevent AI from prematurely selling them
-Redid the script for Power Cogs
-Redid the positioning for neutral creeps
-Fixed test command -lvlupfor
-Fixed Hookshot to properly detect marked units (goes through Power Cogs, dummy units)
-Fixed overhead text tags from showing through fog of war (as in 6.52)
-Fixed consumable count on final scoreboard for human players
-Fixed the timing on neutrals spawning
-Implemented -rickroll command (as in 6.53)
-Updated Doppelwalk illusion behaviour (as in 6.53)
-Updated Magic Missile cast animation (as in 6.53)
-Updated Old Morphling's Spellsteal ability to steal from Fun Tavern heroes
-Fixed Blink animation on Old Morphling and Old Stealth Assassin
-Added Void Demon (3.0d) to Fun Tavern
-Added Rider (5.72) to Fun Tavern
-Removed the word "Old" in front of the old heroes' names (i.e. "Nortrom, the Old Silencer" instead of "Old Nortrom, the Old Silencer")
-Changed AI item builds for Spectre, Tiny, Chaos Knight, Enigma, Leshrac, Morphling, Juggernaut, Treant, Weaver, Dragon Knight, and Panda
Rev. 03
-Fixed Invoker from breaking the game when picked
-Redid all of Lanaya's triggers using 6.53 script, hopefully this makes her stop crashing the game (if she still does I don't know what else to try)
-AI Sand King can now properly use Epicenter
-Fixed Clockwerk Goblin being unable to attack his own Power Cogs
-Fixed Rearm
-Fixed Essence Aura
-Fixed icons on Gambler's skills
-AI players that die with a Bloodstone will no longer be renamed "Bloodrune"
-Single player test command -powerup now properly spawns runes
-Added a warning message for when the AI randoms Lanaya, N'aix, Invoker or Clockwerk
-Removed the "undroppable on cooldown" system for items (as in 6.53)
-Added the "$" symbol above creep kills on replays and for observers (as in 6.53)
-Changed AI item builds for Terrorblade (Overflow_GR) and Rattletrap (Green_Sliche)
-Updated Old Morphling's spell database to allow stealing Rattletrap's skills
Rev. 02
-Changed the item consumeable code to an updated version of the original AI+ one that makes use of the new item system, which should fix the "return to fountain" bug with AI bots
-Made Clockwerk Goblin unpickable by AI
-Fixed Mana Void animation
Revision 7:
Download Dota-Allstars 6.53 AIplus 1.52 revision 7 via Mediafire (zip)
Download Dota-Allstars 6.53 AIplus 1.52 revision 7 via pluginbaby mirror (direct)
Revision 6:
Download Dota-Allstars 6.53 AIplus 1.52 revision 6 via Mediafire (zip)
Revision 5:
Download Dota-Allstars 6.53 AIplus 1.52 revision 5 via Mediafire (zip)
Download Dota-Allstars 6.53 AIplus 1.52 revision 5 via pluginbaby mirror (direct)
Revision 4:
Download Dota-Allstars 6.53 AIplus 1.52 revision 4 via Mediafire (zip)
Download Dota-Allstars 6.53 AIplus 1.52 revision 4 via pluginbaby mirror (direct)
Revision 3:
Download Dota-Allstars 6.53 AIplus 1.52 revision 3 via Mediafire (zip)
Download Dota-Allstars 6.53 AIplus 1.52 revision 3 via pluginbaby mirror (direct)
Revision 2:
Download Dota-Allstars 6.53 AIplus 1.52 revision 2 via Mediafire (zip)
Download Dota-Allstars 6.53 AIplus 1.52 revision 2 via pluginbaby mirror (direct)
Revision 1:
Download Dota-Allstars 6.53 AIplus 1.52 revision 1 via Mediafire (zip)
Download Dota-Allstars 6.53 AIplus 1.52 revision 1 via pluginbaby mirror (direct)
PS: Special Credit for pluginbaby for telling me this map and hosting direct link :)
Update: Now Dota-Allstars 6.53 AIplus 1.52 revision 7
i would like to share a mirror of the ai plus map since i know its hard to download it from mediafire.. so here is the direct link for it..
hosted on my webserver.. enjoy playin..
tis ai cant compared to the 6.51 ai++
ReplyDeletecoz it quality dropped too much n the ai become noober = =
i suggest 6.51 ai++
waiting for buffmeplz for another revision
there r bugs.. a lots.. but i kinda surprised to see improvements in ai's lategame item build..
ReplyDeletehere is a shortened version of the direct link.. cuz i noticed it wouldnt fit on this blogger page..
Thanks pluginbaby, i added your mirror on the post. And about the bug in this Dota-Allstars 6.53 AIplus, like BuffMePlz said, this is public beta, so you will find a lot of it. But anyhow, with this map, i can try Goblin Clockwerk, yay!! :D
ReplyDeleteWhen compared to 6.51AI+, I think the AI in 6.53 AI+ gains exp in a slower manner (in -ne). When I was in lvl 16, they are still in lvl 10 or stg. Some were still on single digit levels. And they are easier to be tackled with.
ReplyDeleteAnyway, got a chance to play the new hero. Clockwerk is somehow outstanding so far.
I wish there will be a harder and more human-like AIplus in the next version of 6.53AI+.
ReplyDeleteI just surfed and I was amazed to acknowledge the released of Revision 2. Here's the link.
Thanks guys for reminds me! :)
ReplyDeleteWow, i don't realize it until you guys tell me. I was reading General forums at when you say it. I guess i'm letting my guard down because he said he will update it one week again ^-^" Thanks again and i will check it more often for another revision. When he is on fire, one and another revision of Dota-Allstars 6.53 AIplus 1.52 will come out fast :p
Oh yeah, about what you said why the Dota-Allstars AI 6.53 AIplus 1.52 looks easier, it's because the return to fountain bug and thus the AI underleveled. And BMP already fix it in this revision and hopefully the AI will be more harder to beat :)
ReplyDeletethis is the direct link for it.. i shortened it up to fit the comment area...
the real url is :
ReplyDeletei lyk the revision 3
the ai level raised n so fun to play wif
thx BMP ^^
direct link for it :
or :
enjoy the map!
thanks god the ai now lvl up properly..
@Heav3nCl0ud - Yup, this map is alot better than the last one
ReplyDelete@pluginbaby - Wow, thanks pal for the link :) Mediafire sometimes makes you wait pretty long.
I've been waiting for this AI version, thank you.
ReplyDeletethere was still terrain bug havent been fixed...
at the scourge up there
lowest level creeps
one of them always been trapped between the tree
cant come out and oso cant attack
wish BMP could look into it and fixed it fast
Having some problems when my friends n i play this version of AI (rev. 2) on Lancraft. Loading speed at beginning of game is very slow, the whole team can't move a step once we choose it from their respective taverns, can't buy anything from shops and only 1 person (not AI) can connect to the game once the game reaches the 2 min mark, all others are disconnected. We tried to play with the 6.51 version from the same author, no problems encountered at all.
ReplyDeleteYup, hopefully the problem can be solved soon.
Can i ask a question?
ReplyDeletewad is a LANcraft?
hey guys BMP said on dota allstars that he added VOID DEMON to the fun tavern " a super-imba hero" yessss can't wait for revision 4 :D
ReplyDeleteWarcraft 3 Dota 6.53 Revision 3 AI Map -> Link
have anybody noticed that the syllabear bug exists on this ai version
ReplyDeleteThere is now the revision 4 for the DOTA 6.53AI plus ported by Buffmepls
ReplyDeleteGet it here..
ReplyDelete- gondar & any hero using sange & yasha
- lanaya still crash
Random crash with Clockwerk anyone?
ReplyDeleteThanks... this really rocks !! ;)
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
ReplyDeleteadmin.. plz be aware that sumone used my name.. i didnt post any rev5 and all those ziddu links.. they r using my name to post that crappy ziddu links.. ziddu offers them money and affiliate..
ReplyDeletei will post the direct link soon.. they used my name to gain for themselves T_T
this is for real by pluginbaby:
Thx pluginbaby
ReplyDeleteAnyways rev 5 ai still drop recipes and items and cannot complete their builds
@(real)pluginbaby - don't worry, i know what is ziddu are, and i think i know which one is real :)
ReplyDelete@pluginbaby - i already delete the comment using your name (and link).
ReplyDelete@(fake)pluginbaby - sorry for delete your comment. I really appreciate you have tell us there's a new map and i don't even mind you give your ziddu link here, but please, don't use someone else name. You can post your comment and your ziddu link again with your own name and i won't delete it ;)
Anonymous said...
ReplyDeleteThx pluginbaby
Anyways rev 5 ai still drop recipes and items and cannot complete their builds
July 26, 2008 11:28 AM
Is tht true ?
coz i havent tested the ai map yet = =
if its really > <
its really annoying a~~~
Dota AI 6.53 Rev 4 and 5 for users.....
this blog really takes time to update revision 6 is out !!
ReplyDeletewell.. its revision 7 already.. hehe
@pluginbaby - Thanks for the mirror :)
ReplyDelete@anonymous - Can't be helped, we can't stay 24/7 in front of computer right? :) All i can do is trying my best to get updated whenever i can, but sometimes you need to get a life out there :)
ReplyDeleteand you too.
how come the silencer's third skill HASN't been fixed in this version?? although it works on previous version. It doesn't work at all when the AI cast any spells.
ReplyDeletethanks to BuffMePlz hard work really appreaciate his work.
ReplyDeletegreat ai.
if lanaya won't crash the game it's be good.
achemist item build should be radiance and hearth of targus.
DOTA AI 6.53 Rev 7
how lanaya crash the game???
ReplyDeletewat happen when the game is crashed???
ReplyDeleteif ai use it it wont crash the game
but if u use it it sure crash in the mid-game about 20~30 mins
thts my prob
i cant train my lanaya > <
No, actually BMP made the AI to not choose lanaya, because it will crash the game too, CMIIW ^^" What will happen when the game crashed? Why don't you choose lanaya and see it for yourself? ;D
ReplyDeleteJust kidding. When the game crashed, you will see a fatal error message and your Warcraft get closed.
if life stealer and invoker got ai it will be very good....
ReplyDeletethey never learn their skill...
hopefully in next next aiplus map will see these ai hero action....
thanks to original aiplus map maker anyway. He really did a great great job,,,
i try d... use lanaya for whole game 45min no crash... hehe...
ReplyDeletevoid demon is too fake... hope it can be more real in next revision...^_^
ReplyDeletegood job!thanks!Welcome the new rev to china!
ReplyDeletedoes tis blog provide guide for set up gg client or blue server?
ReplyDeleteor can gimme some guide for gg 1st???
wanna ask rev 07 map when play reach lvl 25 or late game something like that the game become lag, p/s when 3 or 5 hero together to make kill...
ReplyDeleteanyone experience the same???
wanna ask rev 07 map when play reach lvl 25 or late game something like that the game become lag, p/s when 3 or 5 hero together to make kill...
ReplyDeleteanyone experience the same???
void demon is too fake... hope it can be more real in next revision...^_^