Dota-Allstars 6.53 Released Next Week - New Hero Added! - DotA-Blog

Dota-Allstars 6.53 Released Next Week - New Hero Added!

Dota-Allstars 6.53 will be released next week if everything working fine. IceFrog has said this in the forums. There will be balance and the most waiting change, new hero added! The other language version will also released, Chinese/Korean/Russian. Curious? This is the statement form IceFrog.

I'm sorry for the delay. When i said it was near, it was very close.. however some things came up that i'll explain below. The plan for 6.53 was: a new hero, balance changes, bug fixes, various mode improvements and most importantly the simultaneous release of the Chinese/Korean/Russian cross language compatible versions.

Because of the special nature of this event as it relates to the Asian audience, their satisfaction level with the translations was important. Soon after the quick 6.52d update, a final translation specific feature request was made (primarily by the Chinese communities) for inclusion before 6.53's worldwide release. Normally i'd save last minute requests for the following version, but because of how special this version was to the foreign communities, i decided to delay 6.53. My hope is that the final version will be ready in a week, but it'll depend on how the translation testing goes. It could be a bit before or after that.

Thanks for everyone's patience :)

Can't wait for it! :D

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  1. For god sake i've been waiting for it everyday. Checking, dota blogspot, dota forums and everything and atlast next week will be the day!

  2. Carlos, get a life.

  3. do sou know wht is the new hero?

  4. And Carlos, next week will be the WEEK.

  5. well about added new hero, hope they will add murloc hero on it..

  6. maybe a Tauren Chieftain, huh?

  7. i bet its maverick...

  8. I'm certain it would be melee hero with range spell...
    like spiderman with web shot hehehe

  9. ehmm....

    i hope the hero is golem

  10. Or some kind of fish ..
