Important Dota-Allstars 6.52 Changelog - Anti-Pooling Implemented - DotA-Blog

Important Dota-Allstars 6.52 Changelog - Anti-Pooling Implemented

Dota-Allstars 6.52 Multiple Heroes
Important Dota-Allstars 6.52 Changelog. Well, there's a lot of improvement made in this version, but there's some important change we should notice. The most controversial one is anti-pooling system. In this version, items now have muted form when carried by non-owner (with a few exceptions like regeneration and leaver items), you can still use -pm can be used if you want to allow pooling in your games. If you take the other players item, the items will be muted and don't have any effect. The only items shareable is Divine Rapier and Gem of True Sight.

Dota-Allstars 6.52 Anti-Pooling

Anti-pooling for Divine Rapier

This -noherolimit command is give you so much fun. You can choose as many heroes as you like, even the same one. The another fun part in this Dota-Allstars 6.52 version is the music! Boring with the old stuff boring music? Now you can change it. You must have music enabled to use these. Use '-music xxx' where xxx is one of the following added options: off, random, nightelf1, nightelf2, nightelf3, human1, human2, human3, orc1, orc2, orc3, undead1, undead2, undead3, other1, other2, other3, other4, other5.

Another interesting stuff is, looks like IceFrog want to balance the heroes in this version. That's why there is so many nerf in most used heroes in league like Akasha the Queen of Pain, Bristle Back and Rexxar the Battle Master. On contrary, there's some buff with other heroes that rarely picked.

Mark Sniper
A lot of cosmetics is added in this maps. The most interesting is the multi color Power Treads with each different type, a target mark when Sniper use his ultimate and a counter when Alchemist using his channeling stun.

Power Treads color change depending on selected attribute (Str: Red, Agi: Green, Int: Blue).

If you don't have this map yet, you can download it on Download Dota-Allstars 6.52 Map and also Download Dota-Allstars 6.52 AI Map.

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1 comment:

  1. oh my now hard ply...many leaver
