Dota Sound Effects Archives | Dota-Allstars Sound - DotA-Blog

Dota Sound Effects Archives | Dota-Allstars Sound

Dota-Allstars Sound Effects Free Download. Want to have the Dota-Allstars cool "GODLIKE!!!" and "FIRST BLOOD!!!" sounds on your PC or cellphone tone? I have it for you! :D You can get the link in the end of this post. Maybe some of you already use and have it. But i want to share it to you anyway ^-^

I already zipped the sound effects files into a single file. This file contains:


Okay, here is the download link. Enjoy the sounds :)

PS: If you want to request another Dota-Allstars sounds, just post a comment in here and i will try to get it. Just don't push me too hard :)

Download Dota-Allstars Sound Effects (1.21 MB, Zip)

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  1. Replies
    1. Metode penyerapan Memek ekstraksi sangat mirip dengan menggunakan penyerapan untuk dehidrasi. Perbedaan utama adalah bahwa, dalam penyerapan, minyak menyerap digunakan sebagai lawan glikol. Minyak menyerap ini memiliki 'afinitas' dalam banyak cara yang sama seperti glikol memiliki afinitas untuk air. Sebelum minyak telah mengambil apapun, itu disebut minyak penyerapan 'ramping'.Silahkan Lihat Foto yang sudah kami sediakan Hal ini dilakukan melalui berbagai suhu, antara 450-750 ° C dan tekanan dari atmosfer ke 70 bar. Suhu dan tekanan tergantung pada jenis bahan baku dan kebutuhan produk. Pada temperatur tinggi, molekul hidrokarbon besar menjadi tidak stabil dan secara spontan pecah menjadi molekul yang lebih kecil.Adalah Hammer Of Thor Yang bisa anda jadikan solusi untuk mengobati bahkan menambah rasa percaya diri yang sangat bagus , karena thor hammer tidak hanya bisa membesarkan saja , tapi bisa membuat anda tahan lama saat berada diatas ranjang bahkan bisa membuat stamina anda semakin bugar tidak sedikit sedikit loyo begitu kata iklan yang ada di radio , orak cucuk olehe ados kramas , hahaha .Sebuah sistem Bugil pengumpulan kompleks dapat terdiri dari ribuan mil dari pipa, interkoneksi pabrik pengolahan ke atas dari 100 sumur di daerah. Menurut, ada sekitar 36.100 mil dari minyak sistem pengumpulan pipa. Untuk memproses dan transportasi terkait gas alam terlarut, BBM bagus Motor harus dipisahkan dari minyak di mana ia terlarut. pemisahan ini gas alam dari minyak yang paling sering dilakukan dengan menggunakan peralatan yang dipasang pada atau dekat kepala sumur.Residu dari distilasi vakum, kadang-kadang Hammer Of Thor disebut sebagai residu pendek, digunakan sebagai bahan baku untuk upgrade lebih lanjut atau sebagai komponen bahan bakar. Berbeda dengan kolom fraksionasi untuk distilasi atmosfer, sistem tidur dikemas bukan nampan digunakan untuk kondensasi uap tekanan rendah.Anda bisa mendapatkan produk Apakah Thor Hammer Aman ? asli hanya disitus kami yang memang kami datangkan secara langsung, agak sulit memang untuk mendatangkan produk tersebut agar bisa kami jual kembali di indonesia , tetapi sesulit apapun kalau sudah cahnelnya pasti semua bisa dibikin mudah , dan itulah yang kami lakukan agar anda para pelanggan setia kami bisa mendapatkan produk hammer of thor yang asli agar saat anda gunakan anda tidak kecewa karena memang akan mendapatkan hasil yang maksimal dan sesuai yang anda inginkan .Solid-pengering dehidrasi adalah bentuk utama dari dehidrasi gas alam menggunakan adsorpsi, dan biasanya terdiri dari dua atau lebih menara adsorpsi, yang diisi dengan pengering yang solid. desiccants umum termasuk alumina aktif atau bahan silika gel granular. gas alam basah melewati menara ini, dari atas ke bawah. Sebagai gas Thor Hammer basah melewati sekitar partikel dari bahan pengering, air dipertahankan pada permukaan partikel pengering tersebut.Pertamina Solusi Bahan Bakar Berkualitas GuestBook Hammer dan Ramah Lingkungan Ada dua jenis mesin pembakaran internal sedang dalam produksi: mesin bensin spark ignition dan mesin diesel compression ignition. Sebagian besar adalah mesin siklus empat-stroke, yang berarti empat stroke piston yang dibutuhkan untuk menyelesaikan siklus. siklus mencakup empat proses yang berbeda: intake, kompresi, pembakaran dan stroke kekuasaan, dan knalpot Gambar Foto Bugil.

  2. please fix this pls.. the url don't work.. thanks!

  3. @both above - hmmm, i just check the url and it's work.. I don't know what's wrong, but i think the problem is belong to Mediafire, the file hosting i used. I will try to search another file hosting - not rapidshare - and (hopefully) give you a new url soon..

  4. the link work fine

  5. do you have a link 4 the sounds made by the heroes themselves?..

    like "Frostmourne Hungers!"

  6. They'll be my ringtone.
    Thx for cool stuff !

  7. the link works, pips...

    btw, the first comment is a nice idea. an you give us heroe's voice overs?

    thanks in advance!

  8. Hmmm, that's good idea. Just give me sometime to work on it :)

  9. get the heroes´ action sound.
    like "dont run, we come in peace!"
    chicken sound its funny too!
    and the sound qhen the game begins, that bass-horn.
    nice blog!
    see ya!

  10. firstblood.wav is corrupted. I wonder why...

    Can I request for sounds of "mask of madness" and "black king bar"?

    1. mask of madness and black king bar sound effect can find in worldeditor they have it self already

  11. Hmmm.. The firstblood.wav work fine,i just try it. Maybe you should re-download it again :) About the other sound effect, i will try to look for it. And i planned to post the heroes sound, although not all of them. What do you think?

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. if you want other sound effect like heroes dialogue and items sounds then approach or email me personally at

  14. Ok heres a link for my sample dota sound effects (

  15. Hi guys and author, if i could request it i would love to get the sounds together and i'm not quite good at editing, you know;) So if someone could post a link with the sounds combined - i would love it - Ty!Hope, im not pushing u too hard. ;)(L)

  16. Hey Anonymous,I saw your comment so I decided to try it out.I managed to work the songs out but...I don't know why,it sounds empty.

    Here's the link:

  17. Argh,I gave the wrong link sorry.

    This is the correct one:

  18. Good day. I would like to request for the DOTA-ALLSTAR HERO famous lines (sound) that i can use as ringtones.

    Thank you!


  19. there's more killing sound effect but they dont have it in dota.. i heard it in 'avatar arena' and it have ludicrous kill and others.. plz upload it, thanx =P

  20. one more thing, where did you get this sounds? i cant find in the dota maps.. if you tell me then i can find other sounds =) plz help

  21. hi there, since i post my email in this topic, i got received many request.

    Ok i got this another dota sounds, this archeive was also uploaded in the Dota-AllStars forum, so it must be also uploaded here.

    Here it is:

    The archieve compose of random hero pissed dialogues.

    So enjoy!!!

  22. wow! tnx a lot for the upload.. this is what ive been looking for.. ^^

  23. download at

  24. sorry wrong link, it should be

  25. gg with the sounds... wanderful :D and i hope there are more to come :D

  26. Can i have the sound effect like ultra kill in mp3 form?

  27. I NID SOME SOUND EFFECT URGENTLY LIKE `KILLING SPREE , RAMPAGE ` YA BUT I WAN THEM TO BE IN mp3 form ty tell me if u have found it .Pls report to me asap ty :)

  28. thx..

    it's difficult to find those files..

  29. Can you get Anti Mage's voice just for SMS Alert. :)


  30. did u know u can just extract all this sounds using winmpq?

  31. Can i request the hunt skill sound effect

  32. how to download this sounds into my cp?

  33. y cant u just convert the sound effects to .mp3 format using some form of media converter?

  34. Download here

    work 100000%

  35. can anyone post a link of the dusk wolf sound effect plsssss..

  36. anyone post a link of venomous gale sound effect plizzz....i like that laugh sound... as soon as posible

  37. f we can dp thos to me

  38. it it possible to get juggernaut's voice?

  39. Hi Can Have the Venmous Gale sound of Venomancer? Thanks! pls send it to

    MOre Power to DOTA-BLOG

  40. nid kill sprees in one file

  41. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  42. hey , can i have the sound effects for : Our hero has fallen
    our allies troop need help

  43. how can i download those wav tone?

  44. how can i download those wav tone for my mobile phone?

  45. PLZ MAKE A VOICE Of all hero ^_^

  46. sir sounds of the horn!!!
    when the game starts, before the creeps go out!!!
    can you please post it!!

  47. It would be great to get the sound when spectre haunts

  48. b^___^d
    Nice one
    Nice blog

  49. can export EVERY SOUND from Warcraft III using the world editor's Sound editor..from spell sounds, attack sounds, unit/building sound sets....

  50. thanks for the sound
    i like it

  51. good day sir, i cant open the zip file i download it but cant open. need help

  52. good day again iam dan i just message you while ago, i cant open the hero sound/voice can you send me a file?

  53. iT WorkS people! The Link that is... :-)
    Thanks! My son and I gonna Enjoy this one for sure!

  54. sir can u post an all in one kill tones like in 1 file there is first blood to beyond godlike

  55. DOTA- The BEST GAME EVER. My favorite game with lots of features and cool graphics.

  56. i ilke yuor sounds effects... cn you post a sounds efects like this go go go hhmMMasterkill!!!
    thanks.. i can't find it on any sounds efects website or free...

  57. Very Cool post!

    I was wondering if you would be able to post the sound file for Spectre's Haunt ability?


  58. can i get the shadow strike sound?

  59. i would like the laughing sound of techies,can u gv me??

  60. if you dont mind.. can you pls send all this files to my e,ail? its
    i will appreciate it very much.. pls.. its just that i cant download all those stuffs here.. pls pls... thanks!
    hoping for a good response..

  61. can you send me the voices of mirana nightshade at my email?? my email is todeebiason@yahoo:disqus .com

  62. voice of BKB, MOM or MENEVOLENCE

  63. hi, d'you have "What, mortal?" of Nevermore?  would you be so kind and send it over to

  64. how to put this sounds in dota????

  65. ...can i request the sounds of heroes

  66. Hi can you take some sound effect of items like BKB or mask of madness ?

  67. spectre haunt sound!!! 

  68. mirana "the damage has been done" and sand king "what is done is done" :))

  69. Thanks kua.. yong mga skill po please salamt ^^  Misha™

  70. Post some heroes' sound effects

  71. Fuck you muslim bitch

  72.  Fuck you too asshole....

  73. I have an idea .. its free no e-mails

    just go to Warcraft III folder then open World Edit then search for "Dreadlord" then find the "What, mortal?" in it

  74. Shadow Fiend "I must hunt soul" & "Dieeeeeee"

  75. Please give sounds folder of warcraft because my warcraft game on my pc dont have sound.. please and more power

  76. tnx po sa founder ng web na 2....

  77. But i want moghul kan voice..plz upload all hero sayings

  78. I got a question. I wnat to use this sounds in my game so for commercial purposes. Can I do that or its licensed? ... and if it is, is there any chance to contact the autor ?

  79. man i can't thank you enough for this ^_^ thank you so much
    love u man

  80. Can you send me sound of spectre haunt skill and venomancer skill venomus gale, I'll realy appreciate that, this is my email address thanks:)


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