Rikimaru The Stealth Assassin Guide, Build, Strategy and Walkthrought

Rikimaru The Stealth Assassin Guide, Build, Strategy and Walkthrought.

Born as the heir to the satyr dominion, Rikimaru was trained by the mightiest warriors of his race. However, the power of the Burning Legion managed to corrupt many of his kind, leaving them as mindless beasts in the forest. Vowing revenge against the Scourge, he sharpened his skills for battle. Using his small size to his advantage, he can render himself invisible, enabling him to stab his enemies in the back. He can also use thick smoke as a cover, to silence his enemies and become nearly untouchable.

Base HP: 473
Base Mana: 182
Strength - 17 + 2
Agility - 24 + 2.9 (Primary)
Intelligence - 14 + 1.3
Base damage 48 - 52
Attack range of 125 (melee)
Base Armor 6.4
Movement speed of 300
Blink Strike

Teleports to a unit and strikes it if it is a foe, dealing bonus damage.
Level 1 - 30 second cooldown, deals 30 extra damage.
Level 2 - 20 second cooldown, deals 60 extra damage.
Level 3 - 10 second cooldown, deals 90 extra damage.
Level 4 - 5 second cooldown, deals 120 extra damage.
Can now teleport to an ally.
Mana Cost: 50
Great skill for chasing and help last hitting in the early games.

Throws a smoke bomb down in the area, silencing opponents and causing them to miss on most of their attacks. Also slows by 25% at all levels. Doesn't silence item spells.
Lasts 6 seconds.
Level 1 - 250 AoE, 40% miss.
Level 2 - 275 AoE, 50% miss.
Level 3 - 300 AoE, 60% miss.
Level 4 - 325 AoE, 70% miss.
Mana Cost: 75/ 80/ 85/ 90
Cooldown: 15
This skill is really usefull for team battle and ganking enemies. Silencing enemies and yet enemy almost cannot hit you. Smokescreen can also destroy trees, use it to kill Treant’s eyes or Furion’s Sprout if necessary. Smokescreen can’t silence item spells, which means any hero with Guinsoo’s Scythe of Vyse can hex you immediately after you’ve cast smokescreen.

The Stealth Assassin isn't afraid to fight dirty, and specializes in attacking his opponents from behind.
Level 1 - Deals .25x the Agility of the SA to the target.
Level 2 - Deals .5x the Agility of the SA to the target.
Level 3 - Deals .75x the Agility of the SA to the target.
Level 4 - Deals 1x the Agility of the SA to the target.
This skill makes almost SA guide focusing on buy agility items. The bonus damage only given when you attack the enemies from behind. In certain angles, you can still get this bonus when you attack beside the enemies. Just watch the blood animation for the successful backstab.
Permanent Invisibility

Hero becomes permanently invisible when not attacking.
Level 1 - 3 second fade time.
Level 2 - 2.25 second fade time.
Level 3 - 1.5 second fade time.
Rikimaru’s unique skill. Permanent invisibility means you can slip away to enemy territory without worrying. Getting exp without harassed. Unfortunately, good enemies player will counter you with wards or gems.
Skill Build
1. Blink Strike
2. Smokescreen
3. Blink Strike
4. Backstab
5. Blink Strike
6. Permanent Invisibility
7. Blink Strike
8 – 10. Backstab
11. Permanent Invisibility
12-14. Smokescreen
15. Attribute Bonus
16. Permanent Invisibility
17 - 25. Attribute Bonus
Blink Strike is your primary skills for early games. It can be cast on both allies and enemies, which means you can always Blink Strike to your allied creeps if accident happens and to chase fleeing enemies if opportunity appears. You also need one level of Smokescreen to silence/ mini-stun enemies just in case and Backstab to help your last hit creeping.
Some people will say it is better to take Backstab than Blink Strike because it doesn’t need mana. But in reality, there is nobody outside that will let you hitting creeps from their back. Stealth Assassin will be harassed pretty much until he gains his invisibility. With Blink Strike, you can steal last hitting and getting some gold. The second reason, in the early games bonus damage given by Backstab is smaller compared to Blink Strike. Your agility is still small and your items is still nothing. That’s why we should max blink strike first. Invisibility is taken immediately for obvious reason.
Item Build
Starting Items

Rikimaru priority on early level is last hit and leveling up as soon as possible. Healing Salve will be your backup when the enemies harass you. Slipper and Circlet will be little stats boost to help last hitting. If you have money, but Poor Man's Shield as it will help you from getting harassed. Keeping it up until you can reach level 6 and every thing will be easier.
Core Items

Get your Treads and Yasha as soon as possible. With them, you'll strong enough to get a kill by ganking with your team mates. After getting them both, aim for Diffusal Blade. It gives you agility, mana break and Purge. Purge combined with Smoke Screen is almost a dead to typical Int heroes.
Manta Style is the best counter against gem carriers and all kinds of silence spells. Panic when Silencer/ Death Prophet/ Drow Ranger cast Silence on you, because you’re revealed? Use Manta to break the silence spells and confuse enemies! When Bounty Hunter or Slardar track you, split images to break it. While gem and silence spells are a counter to invisibility, illusions are a counter to gems and silence spells. In particular, using Manta can immediately counter all kinds of silence spells, because AoE silence cannot stop heroes from using item spells. Manta also gives you some sort of HP bonus.
Pick a solo lane because Stealth Assassin needs to level up to learn Permanent Invisibility as soon as possible. But if you facing a hard lineup and does not feel confident get a lane mate. Early game your own job is to survive and get last hit. Don’t try to be ambitious and harassing with Stealth Assassin. This simply doesn’t work. Your early game goal should be to gain last hit and survive. Unless the chances are really favorable and you’re sure that the enemies will be forced to retreat after you’ve cast a smokescreen, forget about harassing. In most cases, you’ll end up being harassed. Most Stealth Assassin players have serious problems in farming throughout the game. If you can stay in lane for a reasonably long time and take advantage of Backstab to do last hit creeping, you’ve already done half the task.
When your enemies place Sentry Ward on any particular lane, just get Scroll of Townportal and go to another lane. With just 135 gold, you can enjoy painless last hit creeping, so it is worth the price. In addition, do yourself a favor. Watch the timer right after you’ve spotted the Sentry Ward. You don’t want to go there again until the Sentry is gone.
When you reach midgame, continue to do last hit.It is boring and requires attention, but this is the sad fact of all Stealth Assassin players. When you hitting randomly, it means more time that you’re revealed in battlefield. Therefore you will be vulnerable and can easily got killed. With Level 4 Backstab, Blade of Alacrity and Boots of Elvenskin, you have +32 damage so it isn’t insanely difficult to gain last hit. Once you have your Diffusal Blade, help out your team by casting smokescreen and purge. However, before you have Manta, ask your teammates to avoid pushing the lanes that are with Sentry. By doing so you’re spending 200% effort with 50% reward. It is just not worth. Stealth Assassin can’t do anything substantial other than throwing smokescreens and a few occasional Blink Strikes unless he has a first major item, this should be common knowledge.
When your enemies starting to have Gem / Necronomicon it means they want to kill you before you can cast smokescreen in team battles. Smokescreen is very annoying especially in team battles. So, your main task is to throw a smokescreen on enemy heroes before you die. How to do that? The trick is to split images and march in with all the images. Yes the enemies will still see you, but they will be confused on which unit they should hit. That’s the thing you want! Now just cast Smokescreen and then whack your enemies together with your allies. Silence will break your invisibility, but fortunately Manta can break silence spells. Whenever you’re silenced, use Manta. When you are facing Gynsoo user, Manta first before engaging your enemies.Sometimes you also can have advantage with your invisibility by patrolling jungle. When you find enemies jungling, initiate ganking immediately.
In the late game, now that you have Manta and can afford to be aggressive. Continue to do last hit creeping when you’re not in major battles, and confuse the enemies/ protect yourself by images and smokescreens. Once you have Yasha/ Butterfly you can even engage in close combats with enemies, but before that you’re just a combo started/ chaser/ harasser, rather than the power house of your team. The most important thing you should remember, Stealth Assassin is not a 1 on 1 killer. His ultimates does not buff the hero's damage at all, definitely tells you that you should not focus on pumping his fire power. In fact, Stealth Assassin is an assassin and a team combo starter. The ability to blink and drop smokebomb implies that he's the person to set up combos for allies.

Born as the heir to the satyr dominion, Rikimaru was trained by the mightiest warriors of his race. However, the power of the Burning Legion managed to corrupt many of his kind, leaving them as mindless beasts in the forest. Vowing revenge against the Scourge, he sharpened his skills for battle. Using his small size to his advantage, he can render himself invisible, enabling him to stab his enemies in the back. He can also use thick smoke as a cover, to silence his enemies and become nearly untouchable.

Base HP: 473
Base Mana: 182
Strength - 17 + 2
Agility - 24 + 2.9 (Primary)
Intelligence - 14 + 1.3
Base damage 48 - 52
Attack range of 125 (melee)
Base Armor 6.4
Movement speed of 300
Blink Strike

Teleports to a unit and strikes it if it is a foe, dealing bonus damage.
Level 1 - 30 second cooldown, deals 30 extra damage.
Level 2 - 20 second cooldown, deals 60 extra damage.
Level 3 - 10 second cooldown, deals 90 extra damage.
Level 4 - 5 second cooldown, deals 120 extra damage.
Can now teleport to an ally.
Mana Cost: 50
Great skill for chasing and help last hitting in the early games.

Throws a smoke bomb down in the area, silencing opponents and causing them to miss on most of their attacks. Also slows by 25% at all levels. Doesn't silence item spells.
Lasts 6 seconds.
Level 1 - 250 AoE, 40% miss.
Level 2 - 275 AoE, 50% miss.
Level 3 - 300 AoE, 60% miss.
Level 4 - 325 AoE, 70% miss.
Mana Cost: 75/ 80/ 85/ 90
Cooldown: 15
This skill is really usefull for team battle and ganking enemies. Silencing enemies and yet enemy almost cannot hit you. Smokescreen can also destroy trees, use it to kill Treant’s eyes or Furion’s Sprout if necessary. Smokescreen can’t silence item spells, which means any hero with Guinsoo’s Scythe of Vyse can hex you immediately after you’ve cast smokescreen.

The Stealth Assassin isn't afraid to fight dirty, and specializes in attacking his opponents from behind.
Level 1 - Deals .25x the Agility of the SA to the target.
Level 2 - Deals .5x the Agility of the SA to the target.
Level 3 - Deals .75x the Agility of the SA to the target.
Level 4 - Deals 1x the Agility of the SA to the target.
This skill makes almost SA guide focusing on buy agility items. The bonus damage only given when you attack the enemies from behind. In certain angles, you can still get this bonus when you attack beside the enemies. Just watch the blood animation for the successful backstab.
Permanent Invisibility

Hero becomes permanently invisible when not attacking.
Level 1 - 3 second fade time.
Level 2 - 2.25 second fade time.
Level 3 - 1.5 second fade time.
Rikimaru’s unique skill. Permanent invisibility means you can slip away to enemy territory without worrying. Getting exp without harassed. Unfortunately, good enemies player will counter you with wards or gems.
Skill Build
1. Blink Strike
2. Smokescreen
3. Blink Strike
4. Backstab
5. Blink Strike
6. Permanent Invisibility
7. Blink Strike
8 – 10. Backstab
11. Permanent Invisibility
12-14. Smokescreen
15. Attribute Bonus
16. Permanent Invisibility
17 - 25. Attribute Bonus
Blink Strike is your primary skills for early games. It can be cast on both allies and enemies, which means you can always Blink Strike to your allied creeps if accident happens and to chase fleeing enemies if opportunity appears. You also need one level of Smokescreen to silence/ mini-stun enemies just in case and Backstab to help your last hit creeping.
Some people will say it is better to take Backstab than Blink Strike because it doesn’t need mana. But in reality, there is nobody outside that will let you hitting creeps from their back. Stealth Assassin will be harassed pretty much until he gains his invisibility. With Blink Strike, you can steal last hitting and getting some gold. The second reason, in the early games bonus damage given by Backstab is smaller compared to Blink Strike. Your agility is still small and your items is still nothing. That’s why we should max blink strike first. Invisibility is taken immediately for obvious reason.
Item Build
Starting Items

Rikimaru priority on early level is last hit and leveling up as soon as possible. Healing Salve will be your backup when the enemies harass you. Slipper and Circlet will be little stats boost to help last hitting. If you have money, but Poor Man's Shield as it will help you from getting harassed. Keeping it up until you can reach level 6 and every thing will be easier.
Core Items

Get your Treads and Yasha as soon as possible. With them, you'll strong enough to get a kill by ganking with your team mates. After getting them both, aim for Diffusal Blade. It gives you agility, mana break and Purge. Purge combined with Smoke Screen is almost a dead to typical Int heroes.

Manta Style is the best counter against gem carriers and all kinds of silence spells. Panic when Silencer/ Death Prophet/ Drow Ranger cast Silence on you, because you’re revealed? Use Manta to break the silence spells and confuse enemies! When Bounty Hunter or Slardar track you, split images to break it. While gem and silence spells are a counter to invisibility, illusions are a counter to gems and silence spells. In particular, using Manta can immediately counter all kinds of silence spells, because AoE silence cannot stop heroes from using item spells. Manta also gives you some sort of HP bonus.
Pick a solo lane because Stealth Assassin needs to level up to learn Permanent Invisibility as soon as possible. But if you facing a hard lineup and does not feel confident get a lane mate. Early game your own job is to survive and get last hit. Don’t try to be ambitious and harassing with Stealth Assassin. This simply doesn’t work. Your early game goal should be to gain last hit and survive. Unless the chances are really favorable and you’re sure that the enemies will be forced to retreat after you’ve cast a smokescreen, forget about harassing. In most cases, you’ll end up being harassed. Most Stealth Assassin players have serious problems in farming throughout the game. If you can stay in lane for a reasonably long time and take advantage of Backstab to do last hit creeping, you’ve already done half the task.
When your enemies place Sentry Ward on any particular lane, just get Scroll of Townportal and go to another lane. With just 135 gold, you can enjoy painless last hit creeping, so it is worth the price. In addition, do yourself a favor. Watch the timer right after you’ve spotted the Sentry Ward. You don’t want to go there again until the Sentry is gone.
When you reach midgame, continue to do last hit.It is boring and requires attention, but this is the sad fact of all Stealth Assassin players. When you hitting randomly, it means more time that you’re revealed in battlefield. Therefore you will be vulnerable and can easily got killed. With Level 4 Backstab, Blade of Alacrity and Boots of Elvenskin, you have +32 damage so it isn’t insanely difficult to gain last hit. Once you have your Diffusal Blade, help out your team by casting smokescreen and purge. However, before you have Manta, ask your teammates to avoid pushing the lanes that are with Sentry. By doing so you’re spending 200% effort with 50% reward. It is just not worth. Stealth Assassin can’t do anything substantial other than throwing smokescreens and a few occasional Blink Strikes unless he has a first major item, this should be common knowledge.
When your enemies starting to have Gem / Necronomicon it means they want to kill you before you can cast smokescreen in team battles. Smokescreen is very annoying especially in team battles. So, your main task is to throw a smokescreen on enemy heroes before you die. How to do that? The trick is to split images and march in with all the images. Yes the enemies will still see you, but they will be confused on which unit they should hit. That’s the thing you want! Now just cast Smokescreen and then whack your enemies together with your allies. Silence will break your invisibility, but fortunately Manta can break silence spells. Whenever you’re silenced, use Manta. When you are facing Gynsoo user, Manta first before engaging your enemies.Sometimes you also can have advantage with your invisibility by patrolling jungle. When you find enemies jungling, initiate ganking immediately.
In the late game, now that you have Manta and can afford to be aggressive. Continue to do last hit creeping when you’re not in major battles, and confuse the enemies/ protect yourself by images and smokescreens. Once you have Yasha/ Butterfly you can even engage in close combats with enemies, but before that you’re just a combo started/ chaser/ harasser, rather than the power house of your team. The most important thing you should remember, Stealth Assassin is not a 1 on 1 killer. His ultimates does not buff the hero's damage at all, definitely tells you that you should not focus on pumping his fire power. In fact, Stealth Assassin is an assassin and a team combo starter. The ability to blink and drop smokebomb implies that he's the person to set up combos for allies.
Absolutely agree with your multiple Yashas, works much better than BF. Its funny that most people see that build will immediately say Noob. Well a noob SA don't make 38 kills LOLZ.
ReplyDeleteI've never tried with manta, but i see your point. My usual build is thread, 3 yosha, mom and bkb if there are multiple stunners. This build can chase down NS. smoke first, kill the lowest hp hero, bkb if the enermy runs out of the smoke ready to stun or other enemy are around the area. finish the kill, blink strike out. or even do multiple kills, by then the smoke should have cooled down.
awesome write up as always.
ReplyDeleteYeah, 3 yashas is perfect for SA. Manta only needed if your enemies concentrate on you and buy so many ward and gem. If they ignore you, go straight 3 yashas :D Thanks for your comments :)
This guide (Item builds and play style) is effective for pubbies since it emphasizes so much on invis. If your enemies are pros, expect them to buy wards early and carry a gem mid game to late game when they need to push.
ReplyDeleteYes, this guide is focused on his invis. But why we are playing Rikimaru if we don't want his invisible? ;) But you are right, if you are facing some pro, then you must expect gem and ward. That's why we need manta for him. It's the only solution to counter the true sight. But generally, for some serious match, Rikimaru is rarely picked.
there are ways to counter wards and gem. but SA's main style is hassling and suprise attack. mid game with some good items packed, SA can hunt down farming heros. recharge, join ganks. a very effective hero that gives headaches to others.
ReplyDeleteDepending on who your team mates and enemies are. Also seen a pro using SA with shiva guard. Quite a different use of SA
all i can say is there is no fixed style. act according to situation. but generally this guide is good! especially on the split-to-avoid-truesight part.
ReplyDeleteI usely go for Mjolnir insteed of the two last yashas, its cuite expencive thou.. But it gives you hell a lot of agillity and that chain light gives you power enoght to make it even in 1on1 battles.
ReplyDeleteAnd smart idea with Manta, never tested that one before..
I don't agree with the three yashas, unless the situation is really favorable. I have seen this kind of build and it doesnt works against pros. Manta style is great, and not just for escaping, but also to get kills. Your illusions are inv as well, so you go behind a lowhp heroe (mages preferably), smoke and tree rikis finish the work. Its amazing.. you still may blink in case it escapes.
ReplyDeleteWhy I dont agree with 3 yashas? because by that time evey fight will have wards or gems near. So inv is over. All you have is manta, because you have no life. Any AoE spells(leshrac, earthshaker,necro,sandking,etc, etc) will kill or detect the real riki. A multi cast, stun, or guinzo is all you need to get easily killed. Yes you have damage, but with no life, you will be primary target. I would go for sange&yasha for life and attack speed, even life steal, for armor and durability in cloud.
Yes, I think I agree on the previous comment, we sacrifice to much HP's and Armor for agility aspeed and damage, let's note that even without the 2 Yasha's (I prefer S&Y), the HP bonus from sange would be really helpful and enough still agi to boost your backstab. After S&Y I think Butterfly would still do best. Just need to farm, don't stray alone if enemies are missing, just go neuts or something, farm for your BF, if you have pro enemies, because you'll just be wasted if you keep ganking alone, because pro's always know how SA WORKS.
ReplyDeleteIm not agree... this guide really suck...
ReplyDelete3 yasha?... wtf you lost y mind?
i really est a S%Y whih a vB and Bfly...
you brake out to everybodie
Btw yasha's IMS doesn't stack. Why do you make a guide for others if you don't even know that.
ReplyDelete@above - Hmmm, why don't you read the guide carefully before make a comment..?
ReplyDeleteWho writes this guide?
ReplyDeleteIt is actually good..
But why u didn't make SnY.. 3 yashas?
ReplyDeleteIs mjolnir good for riki?
Actually..most of the time riki would die of first blood. Because he's life is really low..What do u think of getting for him which increases he's life?
i thought objects could only stack twice?... so 3 yashas wouldnt work... no? ^^'
ReplyDeletegood guide..
ReplyDeletebut i would prefer you add vlads in the item build for a lifesteal..
manta would be nice but i would go for sny for the maim.. with this theres no escape.. i dont think u need manta because u already have blink for ur escape mechanism..
3 yashas is insane...
ReplyDeleteitem build is messed up but general content is good
3 wraiths
sange and yasha
mkb or bkb (depends on situation)
later buriza
its the best item for riki... this guide rocks!!
ReplyDeleteFor me this skill build is better:
you can uses smoke early in the game depending to your opponent.
vut your build is also good.
uhm, the skill build isn't as good as my skill build...
ReplyDeletePreferred skill build for my riki:
1. backstab(for last hitting creeps) as far as im concerned my first items are 2 slippers and a criclet, and 1 or 2 sets of tangoes..so you have a good advantage in last hitting creeps...
2. blink
3. blink
4. backstab
5. blink
6. Permanent Invi
7. blink
8. backstab
9. smoke
10. backstab
11. Permanent Invi
12. smoke
13. smoke
14. stats
15. smoke
16-25. all the way stats
by this skill build..in about 30minutes you have S&Y, treads, 2 wraith bands..but i prefer 3..so you have good advantages by this time..and by 40-45 you have to have diffusal..and go for the kill..plain simple..drop smoke, purge, and BACKSTAB heaven..haha..
and 50mins. the game's over...hahaha
but if your enemies are pros..i suggest not using riki..very easy to counter, and very easy to be killed..i suggest using a much flexible hero...like yunero..hehe
hmmm lets consider some things about what Orb to get.
ReplyDeleteI know most of you guys buy sny.
Well, indeed, it provides you with some damage, hp, IAS,ms, and a semi-useful slow. BUT:
Diffu/Manta: gives you 10 purges first (powerful slow) plus feedback to rape thos asshole disablers you yought under your fart... i mean smoke screen. Manta: uhhh additional Backstab damage WORKS on your illus! nice damage output! plus the enemy has to find out who the real Riki is...
Mjollnir. Hmmm even this one is considerable, yet game dependent:
It gives you that chainlightning, that helps you farming and a slight buff in a teamfight where you can wipeout a team with this lightening, BUT more useful: the Mjollnir's static field provides your team's tank with badass damagereturn (very useful on a Centaur, i.e.). So Mjollnir makes you more a team fighter.
BECAUSE: in a real game, not those pubby-noob-owning-games, they WILL put wards,eyes, they WILL track or amplify you instantly, and then a bit ms, or a maim wont be that useful...
Backstab damage doesnt work on illusions of rikimaru although u see the animation.
ReplyDeleteOh, you're right, sorry. You only get the feedback, not the backstab. Thx
ReplyDeleteok I have played riki on garena for some time now.
ReplyDeletemy build is a bit diffrent.
at start game u dont want 2 be screwd.
cous u want 2 b lvl 6 fast
try solo lane but dont go mid
start items: 2 agi slippers
1 circle 3 halo trees
my skill list:
1smoke -survive priority 1
2blink -get away /last hit
3/5 backstab why? thinking ahead
6 inv
at lvl 6 u got to have boots. me pro farmer will have 2 wraith bands 1xboots/elven boots at that point
than just go for a caster back stab him smoke so he cant cast blink when he gets away and cous of your boots you normally get him.
than the items I go for are threads/yasha/mask of madness/butterfly
thats my normal build.
hope it will help ya.
well if u get 2 agi slippers for wraiths, i guess u should get first blink strike to harass ur enemy early especially when ur in 2 lanes, then backstab, third smoke, blink first to initiate, blink at the back of ur enemy then smoke, at level 3 u''l have exact amount of mana to execute 3 of ur skills..but u shouldn't really harass ur enemy hero in early game coz u have a terrible HP, its only applicable to harass when u have a hero ally at ur lane..jaz remember to be always map aware when hitting enemies when lvl6 coz u r still fragile, they might gangbang u always, and never allow u to earn for items....
ReplyDeletewhatever the item you buy, 3 yasha 6 yasha maybe, lolz. . .
ReplyDeleteThe most important is the player skill. Skill is almost everything in dotA.
Mine is Kinda Better,And no offense..But the item build here stinks!!!!! Mine is Like This
ReplyDeleteSkill Build
Permanent Inv.
Permanent Inv.
My Items Are
Sange and Yasha (For Fast attacks,Moderate damage, and plus a maim)
Boots Of Travel(For Quick Escapes)
Assault Cuirrass Or Vanguard(you choose)
Linken's Sphere(To negate the opponent's Special skill)
Last is Blade Mail
TRY IT!!!!!
ReplyDeleteMy items:
Treads. 3 Eaglehorns, Radiance, and one butterfly.. :D
Well radi is not recommended. Ylthough you might be raped by wards, there is no reason why you should make your presence that obvious
ReplyDeleteHmmm I should try that some time. I usually go:
ReplyDeletering regen
ult orb
ult orb
point booster
then manta last
- i get manta much later because in pub games people dont get gem or guinsoo til that late
- if game drags on then i get another skadi.
I like this guide, preatty damn good, and the play-stile described is sounds a lot like mine, 3 yashas are good, but I usually make only 2, the last invent-slot I'd use for vladimir's, I belive riki needs some lifesteal.
ReplyDeletenice guide...i have tried manta in riki....it is nice....not bad!i prefer s&y, nt 3 yasha....
ReplyDeletewell my items build of rikimaru
ReplyDeletecore item
2x writhband, pt, helm of dominater, yasha.
late game item
sange and yasha, butterfly and satanic.
well my items build of rikimaru
ReplyDeletecore item
2x writhband, pt, helm of dominater, yasha.
late game item
sange and yasha, butterfly and satanic.
Just want to ask u....
ReplyDeleteWhy the fck do u take smoke last? Its veeery necessary in team games, as for ganking, also for saving ur mates and maybe urself from sick ultis like lions, linas or crixalis ultis.
Smoke should definitly be one of ur skill in early game, at least lv2... Later u take lv3-lv4
Theres no reason so you take stats>smoke, espically a lv 2 smoke. Lv 1 smoke aoe is too pathetically small and u get a big jump in the size of smoke for the cost of +6 for all stats? That +6 aint going to help you alot as compared to 6 full sec of 80% miss with lv 4 smoke aoe. Lv 1 smoke = small = enemy takes 1 sec to run out and turn around to fight = less backstab
ReplyDeleteMovement speed from one yasha does not stack with other yasha . So You only get 10 % Ms and not more
ReplyDeletedont agrre
ReplyDeletebut yasha 3 dont effectif
desolator is good item for damage....
ReplyDeletebattle fury too.
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ReplyDeletevladimir is a good choice . . but riki no need bf . .coz got back stab pain enuff ady . instead of bf u shud pump agi instead . more dmg i thk . does any1 here play bash style ? my item build is always pt and wraith band first . . then diffusal basher followed by manta and butter . wht do u thk?
ReplyDeleteanybody who does not get lvl 1 smoke by lvl 3 is a complete and total noob
ReplyDeletemake 2 wraith bands, power treads agi, yasha then sange, then vlads, then basher then eagle then asault n so forth
ReplyDeleteno need to complete butter since evasion in smoke stacks with diminishing returns n u are already invis (unless playing against pros :P)
"anybody who does not get lvl 1 smoke by lvl 3 is a complete and total noob" <--fking agree with him.
ReplyDeletegetting stats over smoke is foolishness.
getting 3 yasha is silly-ness.
getting 2 skadi?utter nonsense.
there's no fixed item for him.
all item builds are according to situations.
but you dont have to make such thing as i mentioned.thats a completely,horrible build.
SnY,skadi,diffusal,manta,butter,mjolnir,vladmir,vanguard,linkens,bkb,mkb?all are fine.
bf is a nono.
even some pro riki plays MoM & basher.
owns pretty well with good teammates.
Waaw...seems that all of you is Pro at DotA!
ReplyDeletewell...this build is good!
but i ussually build these items:
1.phase boots(i hate that creep blocking my way when i try to kill a hero,so i use this,and go faster!)
2.MoM(faster! faster!)
3.S&Y(more faster!)
5.& 6. Deppend on situation :)
TY!! This helped me alot!! i owned my friend 1 on 1! 22kills and 2 deaths :D i first blooded him first at like 2min 20 something but ty!
ReplyDeleteDifferent people has different style playing with riki. My build from what i;ve experienced is...buy threads, MoM and Basher. I can kill anyone by that item. If they(enemy) buy ward, try to stick with your allies.
ReplyDeleteMy Build in order of aquisition:
ReplyDelete1. Eye of Skadi (Backstab + Slow = no escape)
(Skadi also gives necessary HP & MP)
2. Boots of Travel (in most cases)
3. Vladamir's Offering (He needs regen in lane)
4. The Butterfly (30 Agi = 60 DDamage backstab)
5. Black King Bar (Always)
6. Monkey King Bar (gud4 Brood, PA, WR, Void...)
PS. If you pub players are interested in knowing my ultimate builds for competitive games then ask me: rokEdude@yahoo.com
O.K here's how I play,
then smoke and stats last
Build: Threads, Valids, defusal, manta, butterfly, mkb or buriza.
Radiance for fun if ya fooling around.
if you wan remove that negative buff like track,you can oso cast diffusal blade to yourself,all your buff will removes by the purge.so,i think manta style is a wasteful item.you can save the money to buy a better item
ReplyDeleteUsing diffusal on yourself...that is sure a fool's idea... difussal can only has 16 charges (lvl 2 upgrade). Using on yourself sure will be wasting the charges... manta is better than diffusal, it's limitless. The guide above it's too old fashion. it's just standard rikimaru.
ReplyDeleteThe guide says : "Most SA players have serious problems throughout the game"
Want to be, a good farming SA..try this item...
Early game, choose lower lane if sentinel. upper lane if scourge. BRING NOTHING, save your money..then buy ring of health+stout..get vanguard ASAP. "Notice this" SA has big armor in early game + vanguard it will be great to stay in lane. Then get an Agi PT. Then make a BF,that should solve the farming problem...well you can get Vlad's offering or a dominator to stay survive. After that get a manta 'cause if U use SA your opponents will use certain heroes like Gondar, slardar, etc. This set of item allows you to stay longer in a lane,regen faster, good farming, and early killing if u already get a vanguard. Vanguard + agi PT + vlad or domi + BF + manta = a good killer n farming SA
I used basher on Riki on our last game.
(I didn't know what else to buy)
But I think I'll be using manta now :]
Basher user?
ReplyDeleteWell I tried it of course.
BUT. this is what I have.
Diffusal Blade (orb)
Vlad's (What's strange is that. when it was still mask of death, I did have lifesteal and mana burn)
When you get manta.
Basher is pure s*x
And I have a question though.
Does SnY Satanic work?
I saw one.
Haha. And I forgot his other items aside from Butter and Threads
but he had 3300 life.
And there was this hero who removed track.
And even amplify. :|
I forgot. can someone tell me?
SnY + Satanic... the life steal is still working...but the maim from SnY will be useless... but I often use SnY+Satanic.... Because, basicly rikimaru already had maim so screw SnY maim...but yes, we still need move speed & attack speed from SnY
ReplyDeleteang galing nMan nka imbento ky rikimaru,..hehe
ReplyDeletetsaka bilis nya kumilos,...char!!,.lng
I have a question. When you buy the core items, do you sell the initial ones? And when you buy the luxury items, do you sell the core ones?
ReplyDeleteWhy not get a Radiance cus when you reach lv 6 and you can use the Permanent Invisibility skill to hide while DAMAGING!
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
ReplyDeleteMy friends item build is: BFly, SnY, Treads, tarrasque, and double Hyperstone. Is this good?
ReplyDeletediffusal blade are the best!
ReplyDeletemanta TOO!
dispel track and amplify like said from respected above poster.
illusion can burn mana that my point!get it?
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
ReplyDeleteWhat is the greatest build ?
ReplyDeletePls . help me i have a 1 on 1 with my friend what will i use ?
ReplyDeletenoob shits. those items they have said is not effective if ur goin to fight 1 on 1 i have a very effective item build and thats a secret. 3 yashas sucks! nooby build
ReplyDeleteThis blog makes me realize the energy of words and pictures. I am grateful that you let us look in! Keep coming up with ideas.
ReplyDeleteGood For 3v3 or 2v2 could be used for 1v1 but sucks
6.Perma Invi
8.Blink Strike
9.Blink Strike
11.Perma Invi
12-15. Smoke Screen
16. Perma Invi
17-25. Attribute
Farm Style
1-5. Creeps/Early Game Sucks
6-10. Early Neutral Creeping and Creeps / as Mid game arrives the game is becoming interesting
11-15. Neutral Creeping Including Roshan and Killing Heroes / Towers
16-25. Kill Heroes/Late Game has arrived Dooms Day to the enemies
Item Build
Boots of Speed and 2 Wraith Bands
Boots of speed turned to Power Threads
Then Build Yasha and Talisman of Evasion and quarter staff
sell 1 wraith band and convert to manta style
turn to butterfly to make backstab more effective because of the high agility
sell another wraith band turn to vladimirs
then build radiance
then build another butterfly
Hope you like it Comment if you want
For me i do not buy manta style for rikimaru.. i usually build items such as :
Sange and Yasha.
Vladimir's Offering
Power Treads
Assault Cuirass
Assault Cuirass for rikimaru...that's for noobs...rikimaru already has big armor you fool. not to mention Assault aura will be noticed by the enemy, it blow your invis. Two butterflies...wasting too much time & money... it's better to buy BF
ReplyDeletewatch my build 4 riki:
Treads, MoM, Basher.....
late game.....
- treads
- MoM
- MAnta
- Basher
- BkB
hope u will enjoy it......
ReplyDeletetnx 4 the advices it realy help a lot
ReplyDeleteJust use this item,u ill be the legend on the gme..
ReplyDelete1 stanic
2 buttrfly
3 mnkey king barz
4 assult
5 buriza
6 phse bots/one m0re buttrfly/buriza
try this..!!
Haha,riki will thirst f0r blo0d..
*s0ry 4 my englsh.
Guys I need your help, I'm still learning here..
ReplyDeleteMy starting items are
Poor Man's Shield
Wraith Band (2)
Helm of the Dominator
Butterfly or Sange and Yasha..
Power Threads
Is this a good combination or not? Thanks!
go for skadii.......and basher
ReplyDeleteBest Items 4 Riki (i Think)
Diffusal Blade
Phase boots
my builds are:
ReplyDelete1 treads
(when early game put it on str until mid-game, then put it on agi when late-game)
2 butterfly
3 diffusal blade
4 basher
5 yasha
6 manta
hope to help this....
you are right
DeleteIf u are a good farmer
ReplyDeleteSkadii is the best item for riki
if u are not a good farmer den go
for diffusal blade
but both ways always go for basher
my build for riki starts with 2 slipper 2 wood 1 salve 1 tango
ReplyDeletethn pms treads orb of veno yasha thn skadi
Basher AC or Butter No1 can stop riki @ tht point ! 3yasha sukx !
Mask of madness
i'm laughing while i see the comment ( no offense ). first, about the skill build, i agree with it. you must max blink first for mechanical escape ( and for mid game so u can chase easier ) then go for 1 smokescreen for ganking, just 1. and then max the blink and backstab combination. i agree to not pick backstab first because there are no escape mechanism in early game and u cannot farming because enemies will harras u first when u want to last hit. but about the 3 yasha, i do not agree, i prefer to go sangyas even that i rarely use it. for someone who say to use BF, that is extraordinary idiot ( no offence ), because first, rikimaru is NOT a solo hero that want to figt 5 hero by himself evven with smokecreen, so just pass it, BF only make u farm easier, but it's already midgame if u buy BF i trust, so just pass it and make HP or killing item that increase agil. For Sange yasha, i really prefer manta, than that item. u can use manta to confuse, to escape, to destroy tower easier, to stop enemy from silencing u and other. why not sangyas? because sangyas only give u more hp and agil and maim. u dont need maim too much because u already have blinkstrike, even if u use sangyas, what can u do if enemy gank u? just for seeing the blood animation from sangyas? for hp i prefer using combo of satanic and smoke screen. when ur hp is low, ust your satanic to enemies with high hp. and then run with ur blink strike if u are ganked. simple right? but, if u use deso, just use vladim because vladim also support others. cuirass? let other make it because u're focusing to kill. just use butterfly to make the miss become more great and the backstab also damage become higher.power thread is a must. and if u are facing enemies with AoE damage or stun, pass the manta and go to BkB.dont buy skadi because it's only make ur hp stronger and u dont need the cold attack because there are blink and with ur high backstab u dont need to land many backstab at once. NO NEED BURIZA AND MKB, TRUST ME. this is hybrid type rikimaru, about the advanced one, u must understand the enemies hero and make item that make u can stand stronger from their speciality. My item build ( hybrid type, not every battle ):
ReplyDelete1.Power Thread
2.vladim( if u want to use deso)/ satanic
4.manta style / BkB( depends on condition )
the rest 2 slot just make by your own will depend on the enemies, but i suggest a defensive item/ supportive item if ur enemies is fragile, and make more killer items if ur enemies have so much hp, let ur friend make supportive item for u. ONCE AGAIN DON'T BUY BF! FOR SANGYAS, IT'S UP TO U, BECAUSE IT'S NOT TOO BAD.
my build power treads, mask of death, basher, butterfly already gg =)
ReplyDeletemy riki replay:
me item is simple 1 basher 2 bttfly 1 power thread 1 MoM 1 Assault cuz riki backstab needs agi so i think its a good ways to make more than 1 bttfly
ReplyDeleteif you have BIG amount of cash i suggest you merge/buy the following
ReplyDelete1.) 3x divine rapier
2.) 2x vitality boost
3.) mask of madness
with these weapons on you inventory you can be BEYOND GODLIKE depending on how you use riki
my item build 4 riki..?
ReplyDelete1) basilius + cut axe + tango
2) power thread
3) mask of madness
4) basher
5) manta
6) buriza <3<3<3
sure gg
this guide is good enough. the skill build maybe too focus on the blink strike, but it's not really bad so I won't say another word about it.
ReplyDeletefor the items build....I don't know why but I think what u say before is wasting on money....except for manta. I recommend for most players that like to use this hero to build this items in order:
-power treads(first thing first)
-MoM(to chase or to kill the enemy OR to runaway)
-Cranium Basher(so when u activate MoM n hit ur enemy, ur enemy can't get away from u n u can hit from their back as much as u want, n it will improve ur hp too)
-yasha(increasing MS n adding damage to ur backstab)
I always build this for rikimaru. never build the 6th items because always finish when I have at least butterfly.(in some cases, just until yasha I can finish the game)
my item build for SA are scaddy, treads(agi) manta, butterfly, basher,and anything for lifesteal or for surviving
ReplyDeletemy build for riki is,
ReplyDeleteearly game
=ring of basilius
=ring of regen
then turn them into vlad to easy to gank heroes and have an aura
=then power threads
=diffusal or scadi
=(manta if they hunt you or kill you first on the clash.)
PS: use only cuirras for late game.
I wish i help someone
uhmmm ... no comment on ds guide
ReplyDeletes & y is d'bez for riki.
well I think Riki is a pretty effective hero... And d point dat nobody mentioned is d quality of Riki's Scouting... He can scout d whole map and let his team know where d opponents are ... It really helps d team .. but must be careful of d fact dat by scouting .. ur farm is a bit less .. so u have to manage it both ways ...
ReplyDeleteThe most effective item for Riki is undoubtedly Eye of Skadi.... with a smoke and Eye of Skadi he can kill ne damn hero... But dat is a secondary item..
Before dat one must have d primary items like PT, poorma'an's shield nd helm ofdominator ...
Hey, thanks for the post. Really new player here, so don't rip me apart for suggesting it:
ReplyDeleteI found Midras really useful to early ninja L5 neuts early. The attack speed boost also doesn't seem too bad.
all noob guidle...... remember riki as a killer hero..
with this u can alredy kill alot
make vguard to more hp
bterfly n vladim is good also
u can choose by ur self
for me when i always use riki,i will alwaqys buy threads offering s and y and mkb but now i have stick with buying threads offering diffusal blade mkb basher and butterfly.this way u can own easier.When u want to pump your skill,keep pumping 2nd and 3rd until lvl 5 then u start pumping smoke because this can help u alot when u get your ulti.
ReplyDeleteNICE ONE >>>> bt riki spend much time to get butterfly.....
ReplyDeletewell I think Riki is a pretty effective hero... And d point dat nobody mentioned is d quality of Riki's Scouting... He can scout d whole map and let his team know where d opponents are ... It really helps d team .. but must be careful of d fact dat by scouting .. ur farm is a bit less .. so u have to manage it both ways ...
ReplyDeleteThe most effective item for Riki is undoubtedly Eye of Skadi.... with a smoke and Eye of Skadi he can kill ne damn hero... But dat is a secondary item..
Before dat one must have d primary items like PT, poorma'an's shield nd helm ofdominator ...
me item is simple 1 basher 2 bttfly 1 power thread 1 MoM 1 Assault cuz riki backstab needs agi so i think its a good ways to make more than 1 bttfly
ReplyDeletemy riki replay:
Different people has different style playing with riki. My build from what i;ve experienced is...buy threads, MoM and Basher. I can kill anyone by that item. If they(enemy) buy ward, try to stick with your allies.
ReplyDeleteJust want to ask u....
ReplyDeleteWhy the fck do u take smoke last? Its veeery necessary in team games, as for ganking, also for saving ur mates and maybe urself from sick ultis like lions, linas or crixalis ultis.
Smoke should definitly be one of ur skill in early game, at least lv2... Later u take lv3-lv4
ReplyDeletehow to download for free dota..??/
ReplyDeleteno butterfly?
ReplyDeleteimbaness kailangan,!!
ReplyDeletei build sanga and yasha , butterfly , power treads ( agility ) , vladimir , manta and ethernal blade
ReplyDeleteu should have etheral blade on rikimaru too it +40 agility and make u an the target become ethernal form and the target will lost hp depend on how much agility u have so if u use it it will be better than divine rapier because u will get 1)+40 damage(if u have level 4 backstab skill) 2)enemy lost hp(u should have alot of item that increase agility a lot like butterfly blade so the target will lost lot of hp) 3)enemy will be slow(so u can chase him/her easily) 4)u can kill him easily using ethernal blade and level up and even the enemy didn't dead u can use blink strike to follow him so even u just play this hero but u will master this hero really fast if u use ethernal blade.
ReplyDeleteu shouldn't use power treads because it's increase only 6 agility u should use blade of alacrity because it's only 1000 gold to buy and increase 10 agility it's better and cheaper
ReplyDeleteuse this link http://www.getdota.com/
ReplyDeletesorry i forgot to tell one thing 5)u will attack very fast
ReplyDeleteu shouldn't use vlamir too if u want to increase hp regen use perseverance it's cheaper only 1750 gold but u can buy vlamir too because it's increase life steal rate and it's just a little more expensive just 2050 gold but if u buy perseverance u can make it into linkensphere it's awesome! but it's very expensive
ReplyDeleteif u had that much cash u should buy 6x ethernal blade but it's impossible if u don't cheat u will have about 500 damage and u can make your enemy lose about 300 hp
ReplyDeleteRikimaru is my favorite hero so i can say from experience that madness is NOT A GOOD BUILD because as i does give you very nice attack speed bonus, it makes riki more vulnerable to combos and he recieves more damage. I suggest getting...1.Vladimirs because it gives you lifesteal, mana regen and an armor bonus. Also 2.Helm of Domi may be acceptable because it gives you a good armor bonus plus damage...
ReplyDeleteButterfly is a good item especially if you go against hitters like ursa and troll. It will give you a better chance to kill or survive.
ReplyDeleteeverything on your list are very nice builds exept for the madness
ReplyDeleteexcuse me,bt think 8s power treads,dominator-so that no aura anymor 2 make hm less visible,yasha,basher and Radiance-8s very nice,just try
ReplyDeleteis this a good build?
ReplyDelete1.Power Treads
3.Manta Style
4.Eye of Skadi
5.Helm of Domi
6.Butterfly :D
my item for rikimaru=
ReplyDeletepower treads
head of iron will
blades of attack
+ get some item that will increase your critical strike.
then you can win the game
GG ..
power threads
sange yasha
no because domi is orb and skadi
ReplyDeletemy item is vladimmirs vanguard boots of travel shiva butterfly buriza
ReplyDeletehow about playing with dagon?.......its really fun
ReplyDeleteMy Item Build for Rikimaru:
ReplyDeleteStart Items:
Tango of Essifation
3 Slippers of Agility/1 Slippers of Agility and 1 Lumberjack Axe
Early Items:
Power Treads (Str/Agi)
Ring of Aquila
Poor Man's Shield (optional)
First Priority Item:
Diffusal Blade
Final Build:
Power Treads
Diffusal Blade
Manta Style
Abyssal Blade
Vladmir's Offering
Butterfly/Buriza-Do Kyanon
domi is not orb with skadi
ReplyDelete1. Power threads
ReplyDelete2. VG
3. MoM4. Basher5. S and Y6. ButterflyI think this makes a NiCe GaMe!! \m/or Manta or buriza
1. Power threads
ReplyDelete2. VG
3. MoM4. Basher5. S and Y6. ButterflyI think this makes a NiCe GaMe!! \m/or Manta or buriza
1. Power threads 2. VG 3. MoM 4. Basher 5. S and Y 6.ButterF
ReplyGG xD
MoM is Also a good item Much Painful in backstab :D
ReplyDeleteAdd me in GG. ABC.Apple.xD
ReplyDeleteI think SAs perfect item is etherals it slows your enemy and causes x2 your agility as damage to your aponent. That combined with blinkstrike and bakstab and if you habe a few yashas in your inv will give 650 damage to your aponent in a second. I even got dagon and vladmirs and divine reaper there. That makes you give 1200 damage in 3 seconds
ReplyDelete2 yashas
1 BoT
1 etherals
1 vladmirs
1 divene rapier
Power Treads, MOM, S and Y, Basher, Butterfly and Manta Style.
ReplyDeletei build for riki 1. pt 2. MoM 3. basher 4 cuirass 5.butterfly 6.VG 100% gg
ReplyDeletetry it....add me in gg plywood_22
Buriza,EulS Sphere,Manta Style,DiVine,ButterFLy And Sange And Yasha
ReplyDeleteGG xD
All listen to me now!!!
ReplyDeleteMy experience of playing riki this hero, I had already try a lot of item
I found that the most suitable items for riki in 5v5 are
1. power tread
2. yasha then up to manta
3. mask of madness ( u got this u can start kill soft hero and farm more faster for your luxury item)
4. basher ( really nid this )
5. butterfly
6. mkb or ethereal blade (can finish a red hp troll or pa) or bkb ( if they gem and many disable hero there)
Who wan play with me also can add me in gg accounr here :
sange and yasha,battle fury,assault cuiriass,bloodstone,power treads and divine rapier
ReplyDeletebest build for riki
ReplyDelete1. treads
2. satanic
3. butterfly
4. battle fury
5. abyssal blade
6. buriza
7. or sange and yasha .....
GG!!! cant be stop at all!!!
See me at Garena!! phillippines.
Well hmmm I played 1 on 1 vs soulkeeper!!! Used sygian desolator first blink strike den backstab den killed illadin den farm sum more den build boots of tranquil for stay on battlefield without home den backstab den blink strike he died three times.by den. Build perseverance for mana regen + sum life regen (works wonders<) well 1v1 so f**k invisible cranium bash next 4 attack and bash. Then add sacred relic 4 make aabyssal blade (overwhwelm :D) but b4 dat amulet of mordigan cuz of life swap instant boost in life and atack farm some more then mjolnir (awesome cuz damage return) well upgrade 2 linkens sphere was next but ..... It was over. We play every weekend but I'm still a noob I guess :( what yall think
ReplyDeleteyea. . .i actually tried it and i guess i was wrong. . . MoM is really great for riki :D
ReplyDeleteTreads, MoM, Basher, S and Y, Butterfly, and Buriza :)
ReplyDeletesir. its imba build
ReplyDeleteMy own build
ReplyDelete1.Buriza(for critical damage)
Yes, I think I agree on the previous comment, we sacrifice to much HP's and Armor for agility aspeed and damage, let's note that even without the 2 Yasha's (I prefer S&Y), the HP bonus from sange would be really helpful and enough still agi to boost your backstab. After S&Y I think Butterfly would still do best. Just need to farm, don't stray alone if enemies are missing, just go neuts or something, farm for your BF, if you have pro enemies, because you'll just be wasted if you keep ganking alone, because pro's always know how SA WORKS.
sorry for d bad english :-P
ReplyDeleteriki is my best pick hero. if you know your hero well and you can cntrol him well then you dont need many blah blahs and superstitious beliefs lol.. i always draw first blood n this hero. most of the time for 5vs5 plays. in level 3 i will ask my team mate to kill... early game. tango, salve, sobi.. then as soon as possiple i should d boots for harassing purpose and escaping too. as soon as i got into level 6 i should have threads and MOD..then either i kill the lane enemy or taging team mates to kill their lane enemies.. next i should have MOM.. basher,, mst f the time its 12 to 16 minutes GG .. cause i use riki as a killer. ward and hunter .
going to use him again