Dota-Allstars Frequently Asked Question (FAQ)

All the Frequently Asked Question (FAQ) about Dota-Allstars will be placed here. This post is based on and all the credit belong to them. I decided to place it here because i think this post will help you develop your skills a lot.
Q: How do I get lumber?
A: You do not need lumber for anything. All items which recipes cost one lumber do not need a recipe to be created. It will instead automatically merge when you have the listed items. The recipe merely functions as a way to see what you need to make the item, what it does, and so on.
Q: Why does the computer not do anything?
A: There is no support for computer controlled players in the official DotA Allstars. There is a sanctioned AI version (they have our permission, but the map is not supported by us) which can be found here.
Q: Does evasion stack?
A: No. Higher chance evasion overrides lower chance evasion. However, Faceless Void's Backtrack and Spectre's Dispersion stacks with evasion, with diminishing returns, in the sense of avoiding damage. Use the formula 1 - ( 1 - A ) * ( 1 - B ), where A and B is your chance to evade, as well as your chance to backtrack or disperse.
A is Butterfly's 30% evasion, and B is Faceless Void's Backtrack at level 3 at 20% chance.
1 - ( 1 - 0.3 ) * ( 1 - 0.20 ) = 0.44= 44% evasion.
You can copy+paste "1 - ( 1 - 0.3 ) * ( 1 - 0.20 ) =", without the quotes, into Windows Calculator, and it will compute it for you.
Q: How much spell resistance do heroes have?
A: Heroes have 25% spell damage resistance, without any skills or items. To calculate it with items, use 1 - ( 1 - A ) * ( 1 - B ) where A and B are the seperate spell damage reduction percentages. Spell damage resistance does not stack from multiple items.
A is hero type armour spell damage reduction of 25%, and B is Planeswalker's Cloak spell damage reduction of 15%.
1 - ( 1 - 0.25 ) * ( 1 - 0.15 ) = 0.3625 = 36.25% spell damage reduction.
You can copy+paste "1 - ( 1 - 0.25 ) * ( 1 - 0.15 ) =", without the quotes, into Windows Calculator, and it will compute it for you.
Q: Spell damage? Magic damage? Is it not the same?
A: No, there are a few differences. Spell damage is usually reserved for offensive spells, and is only reduced by the target's spell resistance. Magic damage is, however, usually a normal attack type, which is reduced by the target's magic resistance as well as the target's armour value. Refer to the Triggered Spells Guide for a more in-depth explanation.
Q: How do critical strikes stack?
A: The damage from two critical strikes will never stack, but the chance to get a critical strike will. Use 1 - ( 1 - A ) * ( 1 - B ) to calculate your chance to critical strike, where A and B are the seperate chances to get a critical strike. For a more in-depth explanation, including how the damage is dealt, read Critical Strikes and Bashes
Q: Does Battlefury work on ranged heroes?
A: The cleave damage from the Battlefury will not work, but everything else will work as normal.
Q: Do orb effects stack?
A: You may only have one orb effect. For a more detailed explanation, refer to The Complete Orb Effect Priority Table
Q: How does increased attack speed work?
A: Increased attack speed (IAS) works as a multiplier on your attacks per second. If you have 10% increased attack speed (IAS), you will attack 10% faster than if you had no increased attack speed. If you have 20% IAS, you will attack 20% faster than if you had no IAS, etc. Refer to The Attack Speed Guide for a more thorough explanation.
Q: What is backdooring?
A: Backdooring is, generally, when a player attacks the opposing team's buildings, without the assistance of creeps.
Q: What does one point of agility/strength/intelligence give me?
A: Each point of strength gives you 19 hit points and regenerates 0.03 hit points per second.
Each point of agility gives you 1% IAS and 0.14 armour points.
Each point of intelligence gives you 13 mana and regenerates 0.04 mana per second.
Q: How does cleave damage stack?
A: Battle Fury's cleave damage will stack additively with any other cleave damage, be it from another Battle Fury or from an ability. Two Battle Furies will give you 70% cleave damage. Cleave damage is calculated before any reductions on the target but after modifications from the attacker (e.g. critical strikes). Cleave damage is dealt as the same type of damage your normal attack is.
Q: Can you really windwalk (via Lothar's edge) while casting a channeling spell?
A: Yes. This requires some timing, but it is possible. (Hit wind walk immediately after the channeling spell.) This is not considered an exploit. The combination to make this famous is Vol'Jin and his channeling death ward while windwalking.
Q: How does Omnislash work?
A: Each of the slashes in Omnislash (we will refer to these as 'the omnislashes') deals 150 - 250 damage. There is about a quarter of a seconds wait in between each slash. During that wait time you have the possibility to use your normal attack, if your attack speed is high enough. The normal hits work exactly as your normal attacks do, as in that they can use orb effects, they can bash, they can achieve critical strikes, they can cleave damage, etc. while the omnislashes only deal the set amount of damage.
Q: How much experience do you get for a hero kill?
A: Level 1 to 5 gives you 100 / 120 / 160 / 220 / 300 experience, and each level after that adds another 100 experience, for a total of 2300 experience for killing a level 25 hero.
Q: When do runes spawn?
A: Runes spawn every 2 minutes, starting at 00:00, only if there is no rune already spawned. Whether it spawns in the upper part or the lower part of the river is random.
Q. How often are trees respawn?
A: Trees respawn every 5 minutes
Q. How often is a creep wave spawned?
A: Every 30 seconds game time starting from 00:00.
Q. How often do creeps get an increase to their hitpoints?
A: Creeps get 10 more maximum HP every 7 minutes and 30 seconds.
Q. How often is a creep added to the wave when increased?
A: Every 20 minutes for melee creep, Every 60 minutes for ranged creep.
Q. How much experience do creeps give?
A: Melee creeps give 62 XP before their barracks is destroyed and 41 XP after (Ancient of War/Crypt).
Ranged creeps give 41 XP before their barracks is destroyed and 25 XP after (Ancient of Lore/Temple of the Damned).
Siege creeps give 88 XP and are unaffected by barracks destruction.
Q. What is the rate of gold generation?
A: Players get 8 gold every 7 seconds. If the game mode is -em, players will receive an additional 8 gold every 7 seconds after -em was initially typed.
Q. What is the Gold gain based on the number of deaths or kills in a roll?
A: The amount of gold gained is 100 gold + 100 + 5/lvl of hero killed + bonus; Bonus ranges from 0-400 and increases in increments of 50 gold per each additional kill after the godlike status is achieved.
Q. What is the amount of gold loss for dying?
A: Gold lost for dying is 30*hero level.
Q. What is the maximum speed limit?
A: 522 movespeed
Q. Does Vladmir's Offering stack with N'aix's, Skeleton King's, Broodmother's, or Satanic's lifesteal?
A: Yes. Vladmir's Offering is not an orb effect. It is an aura. Auras stack with orb effects. Auras with different buffs stack.
Q: Where can I download the latest version?
Q: Where can I find the latest DotA patch notes?
Q: How do I get lumber?
A: You do not need lumber for anything. All items which recipes cost one lumber do not need a recipe to be created. It will instead automatically merge when you have the listed items. The recipe merely functions as a way to see what you need to make the item, what it does, and so on.
Q: Why does the computer not do anything?
A: There is no support for computer controlled players in the official DotA Allstars. There is a sanctioned AI version (they have our permission, but the map is not supported by us) which can be found here.
Q: Does evasion stack?
A: No. Higher chance evasion overrides lower chance evasion. However, Faceless Void's Backtrack and Spectre's Dispersion stacks with evasion, with diminishing returns, in the sense of avoiding damage. Use the formula 1 - ( 1 - A ) * ( 1 - B ), where A and B is your chance to evade, as well as your chance to backtrack or disperse.
A is Butterfly's 30% evasion, and B is Faceless Void's Backtrack at level 3 at 20% chance.
1 - ( 1 - 0.3 ) * ( 1 - 0.20 ) = 0.44= 44% evasion.
You can copy+paste "1 - ( 1 - 0.3 ) * ( 1 - 0.20 ) =", without the quotes, into Windows Calculator, and it will compute it for you.
Q: How much spell resistance do heroes have?
A: Heroes have 25% spell damage resistance, without any skills or items. To calculate it with items, use 1 - ( 1 - A ) * ( 1 - B ) where A and B are the seperate spell damage reduction percentages. Spell damage resistance does not stack from multiple items.
A is hero type armour spell damage reduction of 25%, and B is Planeswalker's Cloak spell damage reduction of 15%.
1 - ( 1 - 0.25 ) * ( 1 - 0.15 ) = 0.3625 = 36.25% spell damage reduction.
You can copy+paste "1 - ( 1 - 0.25 ) * ( 1 - 0.15 ) =", without the quotes, into Windows Calculator, and it will compute it for you.
Q: Spell damage? Magic damage? Is it not the same?
A: No, there are a few differences. Spell damage is usually reserved for offensive spells, and is only reduced by the target's spell resistance. Magic damage is, however, usually a normal attack type, which is reduced by the target's magic resistance as well as the target's armour value. Refer to the Triggered Spells Guide for a more in-depth explanation.
Q: How do critical strikes stack?
A: The damage from two critical strikes will never stack, but the chance to get a critical strike will. Use 1 - ( 1 - A ) * ( 1 - B ) to calculate your chance to critical strike, where A and B are the seperate chances to get a critical strike. For a more in-depth explanation, including how the damage is dealt, read Critical Strikes and Bashes
Q: Does Battlefury work on ranged heroes?
A: The cleave damage from the Battlefury will not work, but everything else will work as normal.
Q: Do orb effects stack?
A: You may only have one orb effect. For a more detailed explanation, refer to The Complete Orb Effect Priority Table
Q: How does increased attack speed work?
A: Increased attack speed (IAS) works as a multiplier on your attacks per second. If you have 10% increased attack speed (IAS), you will attack 10% faster than if you had no increased attack speed. If you have 20% IAS, you will attack 20% faster than if you had no IAS, etc. Refer to The Attack Speed Guide for a more thorough explanation.
Q: What is backdooring?
A: Backdooring is, generally, when a player attacks the opposing team's buildings, without the assistance of creeps.
Q: What does one point of agility/strength/intelligence give me?
A: Each point of strength gives you 19 hit points and regenerates 0.03 hit points per second.
Each point of agility gives you 1% IAS and 0.14 armour points.
Each point of intelligence gives you 13 mana and regenerates 0.04 mana per second.
Q: How does cleave damage stack?
A: Battle Fury's cleave damage will stack additively with any other cleave damage, be it from another Battle Fury or from an ability. Two Battle Furies will give you 70% cleave damage. Cleave damage is calculated before any reductions on the target but after modifications from the attacker (e.g. critical strikes). Cleave damage is dealt as the same type of damage your normal attack is.
Q: Can you really windwalk (via Lothar's edge) while casting a channeling spell?
A: Yes. This requires some timing, but it is possible. (Hit wind walk immediately after the channeling spell.) This is not considered an exploit. The combination to make this famous is Vol'Jin and his channeling death ward while windwalking.
Q: How does Omnislash work?
A: Each of the slashes in Omnislash (we will refer to these as 'the omnislashes') deals 150 - 250 damage. There is about a quarter of a seconds wait in between each slash. During that wait time you have the possibility to use your normal attack, if your attack speed is high enough. The normal hits work exactly as your normal attacks do, as in that they can use orb effects, they can bash, they can achieve critical strikes, they can cleave damage, etc. while the omnislashes only deal the set amount of damage.
Q: How much experience do you get for a hero kill?
A: Level 1 to 5 gives you 100 / 120 / 160 / 220 / 300 experience, and each level after that adds another 100 experience, for a total of 2300 experience for killing a level 25 hero.
Q: When do runes spawn?
A: Runes spawn every 2 minutes, starting at 00:00, only if there is no rune already spawned. Whether it spawns in the upper part or the lower part of the river is random.
Q. How often are trees respawn?
A: Trees respawn every 5 minutes
Q. How often is a creep wave spawned?
A: Every 30 seconds game time starting from 00:00.
Q. How often do creeps get an increase to their hitpoints?
A: Creeps get 10 more maximum HP every 7 minutes and 30 seconds.
Q. How often is a creep added to the wave when increased?
A: Every 20 minutes for melee creep, Every 60 minutes for ranged creep.
Q. How much experience do creeps give?
A: Melee creeps give 62 XP before their barracks is destroyed and 41 XP after (Ancient of War/Crypt).
Ranged creeps give 41 XP before their barracks is destroyed and 25 XP after (Ancient of Lore/Temple of the Damned).
Siege creeps give 88 XP and are unaffected by barracks destruction.
Q. What is the rate of gold generation?
A: Players get 8 gold every 7 seconds. If the game mode is -em, players will receive an additional 8 gold every 7 seconds after -em was initially typed.
Q. What is the Gold gain based on the number of deaths or kills in a roll?
A: The amount of gold gained is 100 gold + 100 + 5/lvl of hero killed + bonus; Bonus ranges from 0-400 and increases in increments of 50 gold per each additional kill after the godlike status is achieved.
Q. What is the amount of gold loss for dying?
A: Gold lost for dying is 30*hero level.
Q. What is the maximum speed limit?
A: 522 movespeed
Q. Does Vladmir's Offering stack with N'aix's, Skeleton King's, Broodmother's, or Satanic's lifesteal?
A: Yes. Vladmir's Offering is not an orb effect. It is an aura. Auras stack with orb effects. Auras with different buffs stack.
Q: Where can I download the latest version?
Q: Where can I find the latest DotA patch notes?
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ReplyDeleteBuy it from the hidden merchant
DeleteYou can buy Ring of Health in the Leragas The Vile ('Secret' Shop) for 875 gold. It placed in the jungle, not your base. Maybe i will add this place map in the miscellaneous guide shortly, some newbies asking the same question. For complete item list see:
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ReplyDeletehow can i be a good host when i am playing on line Dota(Garena).
ReplyDeletehow to know the version of my game. because when i play on line they ask me if it is e or b.
ReplyDeletegood host must have high speed internet (or else create games with fewer players like 3vs3 instead of 5vs5), creates games with latest DotA map and do not leave the game unless everyone agreed to 'remake' the game. Also, not just putting the best player on your team. -sp is a good idea :P
ReplyDeleteAnd I wanna ask - same aura does not stack does it? What is the difference between orb effects and buff-placers? I noticed that Huskar's burning spear cannot stack with lifesteal etc :P .
Btw I have just known that spells are not blocked by armor :0 - what mistakes have I made by increasing armor when facing spell casters. So I think I thought I heard 'Magic damage' not 'Spell damage' and I mixed them. Thanks for telling me here xD .
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