Mortred The Phantom Assassin Guide, Build & Walkthrought (Last Update 6.51)

Mortred the Phantom Assassin Guide, Strategy, Walkthrought, Item Build and Skill Build. If you are playing Dota 2, check also Dota 2 Phantom Assassin.
Born into the reclusive Night Elf order known as the Wardens and shunned by mainstream Night Elf society, Mortred pledged allegiance to the Scourge to take revenge. A perfect blend of strength and speed, the years spent alone in the forests of Ashenvale allowed her to blend into the terrain, appearing phantomlike at times and striking when you least expect it. The deadly precision with which she carries out her attacks have made her a valuable member of the Scourge, and it is clear why she is known as the Phantom Assassin.

Base HP: 473
Base Mana: 169
Strength - 20 + 1.85
Agility - 23 + 3.15 (Primary)
Intelligence- 13 + 1
Base damage 46-48
Attack range of 100 (melee)
Base Armor 4.22
Movement speed of 310
Strengths and Weaknesses
Strongest Critical in the game (4x!)
Has one of the greatest passive skill named Blur (28% evasion)
Most frightening hero if she got the right item
Has a skill to help farm early game
Low starting HP and melee range
Fragile early game
As with all melee heroes, prone to disable-lock
Very low intelligence gain
Your most noticable weakness is your early game fragility. This guide's build will focus on items that will attempt to make the early game easier at an acceptable price, as well as being a worthwhile investment even in the later stages of the game.
Later in the game your power increases drastically through your critical, high Agility gain and chasing ability. If you survive early you will annihilate your foes later on.
Skill Descriptions
Stiffling Dagger

Hurls a dagger which deals minor pure damage and slow the unit's movement speed for a short duration. Deals half damage to heroes.
Level 1 - 40 Damage, 50% Slow. Lasts 1 seconds.
Level 2 - 80 Damage, 50% Slow. Lasts 2 seconds.
Level 3 - 120 Damage, 50% Slow. Lasts 3 seconds.
Level 4 - 160 Damage, 50% Slow. Lasts 4 seconds.
Manacost: 30/25/20/15
On the early games, use this skill to farm, farm and farm. IceFrog give this skill to Mortred at 6.51 only to help her farm. On the late game, this skill is still usefull to slow down the enemy while you chase it. This will be the skill that we will be maxing first.
Phantom Strike

Teleports to a unit and attacks it. Gains 100% attack speed for 3 seconds while attacking that same target. Maximum of 4 attacks.
Level 1 - 30 second cooldown
Level 2 - 20 second cooldown
Level 3 - 10 second cooldown
Level 4 - 5 second cooldown
Can teleport to an ally.
Manacost: 50
This is the skill you're going to be using just about all the time. It can be used for last hits, harassing, chasing, and even fleeing.

The Phantom Assassin becomes hard to see by blurring her body and disappearing from the minimap when near enemy heroes. Some enemy attacks miss..
Mortred unique skill. This skill somehow one of the best passive in the game. With 28% evasion, you will be hard to kill and since you became a giant dot, some noob won’t notify that you already attacked him. Unfortunately, this skill won’t help you against nuker on early game. The disappearance from the minimap will also help you score a kill on a careless hero.
Level 1 - 20% dodge/80% Transparency
Level 2 - 25% dodge/80% Transparency
Level 3 - 30% dodge/80% Transparency
Level 4 - 35% dodge/80% Transparency
Coup De Grace

Mortred has refined her hero-killing skills to a high degree. She has a small chance to deal 4 times normal damage on an attack.
Level 1 - 15% chance to 2.0x critical.
Level 2 - 15% chance to 3.0x critical.
Level 3 - 15% chance to 4.0x critical
This ability gives you the highest DPS in the entire game. A Mortred critical is completely unmatched in strength- nothing compares to it. This is what makes your hero so feared!
Skill Build
Level 1: Phantom Strike
Level 2: Stiffling Dagger
Level 3: Stiffling Dagger
Level 4: Phantom Strike
Level 5: Stiffling Dagger
Level 6: Coup De Gras
Level 7: Stiffling Dagger
Levels 8-9: Phantom Strike
Level 10: Blur
Level 11: Coup De Gras
Levels 12-14: Blur
Level 15: Stats
Level 16: Coup De Gras
Levels 17-25: Stats
Your first skill is Phantom Strike, it will help you escape from level 1 ganking. We maxing Stiffling Dagger as fast as possible. This skill will be very usefull during early games. Like the other low HP agility hero, you’re gonna have a hard period of farming in early game. Especially when you’re facing nuker. When you do, use Stiffling Dagger to help you last hitting. Your main focus on early game is farming as much as you can (and don’t die!). Stiffling Dagger also a great skill for harassing. Even though the damage is poor, if you use it when the creeps chase the enemies heroes, the slow will give great damage.
After we max Stifling Dagger, Phantom Strike is next. Those two is give pretty much damage with low mana cost. Since we skip stats, your hp will be low. But Bracers will fill this gap. Coup De Grace is taken early, because this is the one who make everybody feared her.
Item Build
1. Tangos + Gauntlet of Ogre Strength + Clarities
2. Ring of Health
3. Void Stone (Finish Perseverence)
4. Finish Bracer
5. Boots of Speed
6. Another Bracer
7. Belt of Giant Strength
8. Glove of Haste
9. Finish Power Treads
10. Claymore
11. Broadsword (Finish Battlefury)
12. Mask of Death
13. Helm of Ironwill (Finish Helm of Dominator)
Your core item should be like this:

Late Game Items
Basically, your core items will be enough to make your enemy fear you. Your damage output is already high enough. But when the games prolonged, then you will need to grab more items for your survivability, since the enemy is most likely focusing on you. Go for BKB, if your enemy have so many disabler (Rhasta is sucks indeed!). Your evasion won't save you from spells and nukers. Satanic will give you bigger lifesteal and HP, will help you against another DPS hero. Assault Cuirass will greatly increase you IAS and reduction to your enemy armor. Monkey King Bar will also add more damage output from you. Finally, HoT will make you even Godly. When you get all of this items, probably no one will beat you..
Using Mortred means you will have to be very carefull to not let her die. Your primary mission is only to farm and survive. Don’t waste your time by looking early frag, you will get it in the late game. Now then, the first two build items are pretty self-explanatory. Alternatively you could buy a Chicken and Bracer parts/Flask, whatever suits you. Once you do reach your lane quickly take note of your enemy heroes. If you're against two heroes and one of them is a nuker then stay as far back as you can without losing experience.
If you're against just one hero or two weak early gamers then begin farming immediately. If you're against two heroes and at least one of them is a nuker then you will begin farming at level 3 with Stiffling Dagger (or level 1 if you have a great timing with the Stiffling Dagger). The idea behind this is simple- when an enemy creep hits the low red hit it with your Dagger. This will help you farm while stay away from their nuke. Maybe for the first time using this Dagger, you will miss the hit or didn't get the last hit. Stiffling Dagger need some timing to use it properly. After several shot, i'm surely sure you will get the timing.
Next comes the Ring of Health, which is used for your later Perseverance with Void Stone and give you HP & mana regen, which will now allow you to harass with Blink Strike and Stiffling Dagger. The best possible time to do this is at your tower when the enemy hero is starting to move back until the creeps push toward him again. When he moves away quickly cast Blink Strike on him followed by Stiffling Dagger and hit him in the back several times, then quickly run back to the safety of your tower. If you do it right then you'll take a good 200+ HP from your opponent at the cost of a small amount of mana. However, this takes practice to know when exactly you want to Blink Strike in. If you do it at the wrong moment your enemy will be prepared and will retaliate, which is bad. Practice will assist you greatly in learning this skill.
Your Perseverance shouldn't take very long to complete and with these items you are much easier to use your skill often. After getting Boots and Belt of Giant Strength, you'll have a lot of HP compared to a good many heroes and your HP regen probably outdoes anyone else on the map. It's possible to get kills at this point with nothing but Stiffling Dagger, Shadow Strike and a weak critical if you choose your target right. Look for weakened heroes and soft targets such as the Sniper. Try to get a kill or two here if you can, and if not then just go back and farm up to your Battlefury and Treads. It's very likely that you won't be able to kill anyone here. Don't think you've been doing something wrong because you can't. Stiffling Dagger is always available to you for assisting in ganking, remember.
With Perseverance, a level 2 Coup De Grace and maxed Stiffling Dagger & Phantom Strikeit becomes even more possible to kill heroes. If you face weak hero, just jump with Phantom Strike, Stiffling Dagger, hit, another Phantom Strikeand Stiffling Dagger will make the enemies hardly escape from you. The low cooldown of both skills is the key for this scenario. If you're not sure about your target, don't hesitate. Don't risk you life. If you die too much, your late game will be ruined. Just go to forest and farms some creeps.
I should note now that I'm not going to go into specific ways of using Blink Strike to escape enemies. With Mortred (unless they changed it again) it's possible to Blink Strike your allies, allowing you to possibly escape what could be a fatal situation. This doesn't happen all that often- there will actually be instances where Blink Striking to a creep will slow you down rather than help you get away. Usually the only time Blink Striking to an ally will help you is if the unit is moving in the direction that you want to go or is not moving at all, otherwise it'll probably just slow you down. Just keep it in mind and if you see an opportunity to do it, then do it.
At this point in the game it's likely that some pushes will be happening as well. When the enemy team pushes you want to stick yourself onto the most fragile hero you can find and just whack at them. If an enemy attempts to flee then Stiffling Dagger him and chase him down, as that's what you're best at. You really aren't that strong when it comes to team fights but your slow will be a big help in these situations.
By the time you're level 16 with your Coup De Grace at level 3 you should have your Treads, Bracers and Battlefury. If you haven't been able to farm that much you're probably going to lose. With Battlefury, your criticals are going to be a major force to be reckoned with, and heroes are going to really start fearing your high damage. Battlefury will also help you fast farming and make great amount money for your luxury.
Your next item is Helm of Dominator and life leech the enemies. The leech will help you survive on battle since the HP regeneration is minor right now. After get your Helm of Dominator search for some Stomper and remember to have your Stomper with you. You'll want him around at all times because he may save your life or net you a kill. If a hero is foolish enough to be running around alone then show him no mercy- there isn't much that can handle you 1v1 at this point except for heroes with high DPS AND disables. As long as you can stick to the hero and keep leeching him he probably won't be able to kill you.
Your Battlefury will send your criticals to 450+ and you'll be getting them quite a lot because of your high Agility and decent IAS. Combine this with the life leech virtually no hero can handle you alone and few heroes can escape thanks to your slow and your Blink Strike. Your biggest fear here is ganks, and because Mortred has no reliable escape mechanism you're going to have to rely on intelligence to stay alive. Stick with your allies and watch your mini-map so that your foes can't stop your slaughterfest with a few ganks too many.
Your Battlefury will make you farm like hell and there are a couple of items you can consider. The first is to grab another strong item like Monkey King Bar, Assault Cuirass and the second is to get a survival item like Satanic or Black King Bar, depending on your enemies. Black King Bar helps against (you guessed it) disabler and further damage is generally purchased when you want some extra oomph on your criticals or need to defend against large creep pushes.
When it comes to team battle, hid yourself. Wait until the battle initiate and quickly jump to the weakest enemy heroes, like Snipers. In the middle of chaos, the enemy will hardly get a quick response to your attack. After get your target, quickly jump into the another enemies with lowest HP. Even if they are fleeing, with Stiffling Dagger and Phantom Strike, you will get them in no time.
What do you think? Have another thought about Mortred build? Share it here :)

Born into the reclusive Night Elf order known as the Wardens and shunned by mainstream Night Elf society, Mortred pledged allegiance to the Scourge to take revenge. A perfect blend of strength and speed, the years spent alone in the forests of Ashenvale allowed her to blend into the terrain, appearing phantomlike at times and striking when you least expect it. The deadly precision with which she carries out her attacks have made her a valuable member of the Scourge, and it is clear why she is known as the Phantom Assassin.

Base HP: 473
Base Mana: 169
Strength - 20 + 1.85
Agility - 23 + 3.15 (Primary)
Intelligence- 13 + 1
Base damage 46-48
Attack range of 100 (melee)
Base Armor 4.22
Movement speed of 310
Strengths and Weaknesses
Strongest Critical in the game (4x!)
Has one of the greatest passive skill named Blur (28% evasion)
Most frightening hero if she got the right item
Has a skill to help farm early game
Low starting HP and melee range
Fragile early game
As with all melee heroes, prone to disable-lock
Very low intelligence gain
Your most noticable weakness is your early game fragility. This guide's build will focus on items that will attempt to make the early game easier at an acceptable price, as well as being a worthwhile investment even in the later stages of the game.
Later in the game your power increases drastically through your critical, high Agility gain and chasing ability. If you survive early you will annihilate your foes later on.
Skill Descriptions
Stiffling Dagger

Hurls a dagger which deals minor pure damage and slow the unit's movement speed for a short duration. Deals half damage to heroes.
Level 1 - 40 Damage, 50% Slow. Lasts 1 seconds.
Level 2 - 80 Damage, 50% Slow. Lasts 2 seconds.
Level 3 - 120 Damage, 50% Slow. Lasts 3 seconds.
Level 4 - 160 Damage, 50% Slow. Lasts 4 seconds.
Manacost: 30/25/20/15
On the early games, use this skill to farm, farm and farm. IceFrog give this skill to Mortred at 6.51 only to help her farm. On the late game, this skill is still usefull to slow down the enemy while you chase it. This will be the skill that we will be maxing first.
Phantom Strike

Teleports to a unit and attacks it. Gains 100% attack speed for 3 seconds while attacking that same target. Maximum of 4 attacks.
Level 1 - 30 second cooldown
Level 2 - 20 second cooldown
Level 3 - 10 second cooldown
Level 4 - 5 second cooldown
Can teleport to an ally.
Manacost: 50
This is the skill you're going to be using just about all the time. It can be used for last hits, harassing, chasing, and even fleeing.

The Phantom Assassin becomes hard to see by blurring her body and disappearing from the minimap when near enemy heroes. Some enemy attacks miss..
Mortred unique skill. This skill somehow one of the best passive in the game. With 28% evasion, you will be hard to kill and since you became a giant dot, some noob won’t notify that you already attacked him. Unfortunately, this skill won’t help you against nuker on early game. The disappearance from the minimap will also help you score a kill on a careless hero.
Level 1 - 20% dodge/80% Transparency
Level 2 - 25% dodge/80% Transparency
Level 3 - 30% dodge/80% Transparency
Level 4 - 35% dodge/80% Transparency
Coup De Grace

Mortred has refined her hero-killing skills to a high degree. She has a small chance to deal 4 times normal damage on an attack.
Level 1 - 15% chance to 2.0x critical.
Level 2 - 15% chance to 3.0x critical.
Level 3 - 15% chance to 4.0x critical
This ability gives you the highest DPS in the entire game. A Mortred critical is completely unmatched in strength- nothing compares to it. This is what makes your hero so feared!
Skill Build
Level 1: Phantom Strike
Level 2: Stiffling Dagger
Level 3: Stiffling Dagger
Level 4: Phantom Strike
Level 5: Stiffling Dagger
Level 6: Coup De Gras
Level 7: Stiffling Dagger
Levels 8-9: Phantom Strike
Level 10: Blur
Level 11: Coup De Gras
Levels 12-14: Blur
Level 15: Stats
Level 16: Coup De Gras
Levels 17-25: Stats
Your first skill is Phantom Strike, it will help you escape from level 1 ganking. We maxing Stiffling Dagger as fast as possible. This skill will be very usefull during early games. Like the other low HP agility hero, you’re gonna have a hard period of farming in early game. Especially when you’re facing nuker. When you do, use Stiffling Dagger to help you last hitting. Your main focus on early game is farming as much as you can (and don’t die!). Stiffling Dagger also a great skill for harassing. Even though the damage is poor, if you use it when the creeps chase the enemies heroes, the slow will give great damage.
After we max Stifling Dagger, Phantom Strike is next. Those two is give pretty much damage with low mana cost. Since we skip stats, your hp will be low. But Bracers will fill this gap. Coup De Grace is taken early, because this is the one who make everybody feared her.
Item Build
1. Tangos + Gauntlet of Ogre Strength + Clarities
2. Ring of Health
3. Void Stone (Finish Perseverence)
4. Finish Bracer
5. Boots of Speed
6. Another Bracer
7. Belt of Giant Strength
8. Glove of Haste
9. Finish Power Treads
10. Claymore
11. Broadsword (Finish Battlefury)
12. Mask of Death
13. Helm of Ironwill (Finish Helm of Dominator)
Your core item should be like this:

Late Game Items

Basically, your core items will be enough to make your enemy fear you. Your damage output is already high enough. But when the games prolonged, then you will need to grab more items for your survivability, since the enemy is most likely focusing on you. Go for BKB, if your enemy have so many disabler (Rhasta is sucks indeed!). Your evasion won't save you from spells and nukers. Satanic will give you bigger lifesteal and HP, will help you against another DPS hero. Assault Cuirass will greatly increase you IAS and reduction to your enemy armor. Monkey King Bar will also add more damage output from you. Finally, HoT will make you even Godly. When you get all of this items, probably no one will beat you..
Using Mortred means you will have to be very carefull to not let her die. Your primary mission is only to farm and survive. Don’t waste your time by looking early frag, you will get it in the late game. Now then, the first two build items are pretty self-explanatory. Alternatively you could buy a Chicken and Bracer parts/Flask, whatever suits you. Once you do reach your lane quickly take note of your enemy heroes. If you're against two heroes and one of them is a nuker then stay as far back as you can without losing experience.
If you're against just one hero or two weak early gamers then begin farming immediately. If you're against two heroes and at least one of them is a nuker then you will begin farming at level 3 with Stiffling Dagger (or level 1 if you have a great timing with the Stiffling Dagger). The idea behind this is simple- when an enemy creep hits the low red hit it with your Dagger. This will help you farm while stay away from their nuke. Maybe for the first time using this Dagger, you will miss the hit or didn't get the last hit. Stiffling Dagger need some timing to use it properly. After several shot, i'm surely sure you will get the timing.

The damage to the creep is not instant. It's like a range heroes attack, so you must use it with proper timing
The first major part of my build is the choice of Bracers. Put simply, Bracers are the best value item that Mortred could ever buy. The HP boost they give is invaluable and they're really, really easy to make. Bracers are for early game survival, and they fit the bill very nicely. Especially in Mortred's case they completely outdo Nulls and Wraiths, since you don't need much mana for Stiffling Dagger and +3 to Agility is pretty negligible. Bracers beat out items like Vanguard and the Point Booster as well, being composed of smaller, cheaper items giving you more control over when and how you purchase them.Next comes the Ring of Health, which is used for your later Perseverance with Void Stone and give you HP & mana regen, which will now allow you to harass with Blink Strike and Stiffling Dagger. The best possible time to do this is at your tower when the enemy hero is starting to move back until the creeps push toward him again. When he moves away quickly cast Blink Strike on him followed by Stiffling Dagger and hit him in the back several times, then quickly run back to the safety of your tower. If you do it right then you'll take a good 200+ HP from your opponent at the cost of a small amount of mana. However, this takes practice to know when exactly you want to Blink Strike in. If you do it at the wrong moment your enemy will be prepared and will retaliate, which is bad. Practice will assist you greatly in learning this skill.
Your Perseverance shouldn't take very long to complete and with these items you are much easier to use your skill often. After getting Boots and Belt of Giant Strength, you'll have a lot of HP compared to a good many heroes and your HP regen probably outdoes anyone else on the map. It's possible to get kills at this point with nothing but Stiffling Dagger, Shadow Strike and a weak critical if you choose your target right. Look for weakened heroes and soft targets such as the Sniper. Try to get a kill or two here if you can, and if not then just go back and farm up to your Battlefury and Treads. It's very likely that you won't be able to kill anyone here. Don't think you've been doing something wrong because you can't. Stiffling Dagger is always available to you for assisting in ganking, remember.
With Perseverance, a level 2 Coup De Grace and maxed Stiffling Dagger & Phantom Strikeit becomes even more possible to kill heroes. If you face weak hero, just jump with Phantom Strike, Stiffling Dagger, hit, another Phantom Strikeand Stiffling Dagger will make the enemies hardly escape from you. The low cooldown of both skills is the key for this scenario. If you're not sure about your target, don't hesitate. Don't risk you life. If you die too much, your late game will be ruined. Just go to forest and farms some creeps.
I should note now that I'm not going to go into specific ways of using Blink Strike to escape enemies. With Mortred (unless they changed it again) it's possible to Blink Strike your allies, allowing you to possibly escape what could be a fatal situation. This doesn't happen all that often- there will actually be instances where Blink Striking to a creep will slow you down rather than help you get away. Usually the only time Blink Striking to an ally will help you is if the unit is moving in the direction that you want to go or is not moving at all, otherwise it'll probably just slow you down. Just keep it in mind and if you see an opportunity to do it, then do it.
At this point in the game it's likely that some pushes will be happening as well. When the enemy team pushes you want to stick yourself onto the most fragile hero you can find and just whack at them. If an enemy attempts to flee then Stiffling Dagger him and chase him down, as that's what you're best at. You really aren't that strong when it comes to team fights but your slow will be a big help in these situations.
By the time you're level 16 with your Coup De Grace at level 3 you should have your Treads, Bracers and Battlefury. If you haven't been able to farm that much you're probably going to lose. With Battlefury, your criticals are going to be a major force to be reckoned with, and heroes are going to really start fearing your high damage. Battlefury will also help you fast farming and make great amount money for your luxury.
Your next item is Helm of Dominator and life leech the enemies. The leech will help you survive on battle since the HP regeneration is minor right now. After get your Helm of Dominator search for some Stomper and remember to have your Stomper with you. You'll want him around at all times because he may save your life or net you a kill. If a hero is foolish enough to be running around alone then show him no mercy- there isn't much that can handle you 1v1 at this point except for heroes with high DPS AND disables. As long as you can stick to the hero and keep leeching him he probably won't be able to kill you.
Your Battlefury will send your criticals to 450+ and you'll be getting them quite a lot because of your high Agility and decent IAS. Combine this with the life leech virtually no hero can handle you alone and few heroes can escape thanks to your slow and your Blink Strike. Your biggest fear here is ganks, and because Mortred has no reliable escape mechanism you're going to have to rely on intelligence to stay alive. Stick with your allies and watch your mini-map so that your foes can't stop your slaughterfest with a few ganks too many.
Your Battlefury will make you farm like hell and there are a couple of items you can consider. The first is to grab another strong item like Monkey King Bar, Assault Cuirass and the second is to get a survival item like Satanic or Black King Bar, depending on your enemies. Black King Bar helps against (you guessed it) disabler and further damage is generally purchased when you want some extra oomph on your criticals or need to defend against large creep pushes.
When it comes to team battle, hid yourself. Wait until the battle initiate and quickly jump to the weakest enemy heroes, like Snipers. In the middle of chaos, the enemy will hardly get a quick response to your attack. After get your target, quickly jump into the another enemies with lowest HP. Even if they are fleeing, with Stiffling Dagger and Phantom Strike, you will get them in no time.
What do you think? Have another thought about Mortred build? Share it here :)
nice write up,
ReplyDeleteskill choice are very similar to yours
but I buy boots straight away, usually PA would be soloing. Or if solo isn't a choice, then lane with a nuker for early kill. Boots will ensure PA to be more 'escap-able', boot equip with lvl3 blink can ensure PA escape with minimal hp.
I agree with the farming methods as well as the harrasing, but if lane with a nuker, PA should able to kill an hero early. Shadow strike early, both hero gank then nuke, blink strike, even if PA does not make the first blood, the experience is valuable for not being solo.
By the end of the 1st night, PA should have enough money to buy a Claymore and a Hammer + a bracer / ring. A lot of people will start with Preservence, but by that rate, PA should be lvl 9 to 10, the ulti needs to shine in creeping as well as group gank. with Blink Strik, PA can kill a hero running with 1/4 HP.
After PA has the Battle Fury, start farming, depending on the enermy go either MOM or Helm, then MKB, by lvl 16, PA should have a critial of 1k.
Once again, depending on your allie and their build up, the choices are endless. But the basic item PA should have is Treads (strength as main), BattleFury, MKB, MOM/Helm
ReplyDeleteThanks for your comment :)
I usually don't buy boots, because mortred is very fragile in the early games. If you buy boots, you will be getting harassed and push you back to fountain because of lack regeneration. Survive and farming is more important than early frag in the early games.
Solo with PA? Hmmm.. I don't agree with you.. In high level games, nobody will let mortred farm. Instead of solo, I really recommend you to grab a lane mate with you. Mortred is really weak. If you are solo against strong opponent (ex:Lina & Sven), a combo from both hero will kill you in an instant.
Yes, if Mortred laning with a nuker, an early frag is possible.
Battle Fury is not a bad item for Motred. But I think you'd better pass it. The regeneration from Battle Fury is negletible, since you will get it at lvl 11 above. Lifesteal is already enough for your HP regen. And Mortred is not mana dependant, so you don't need the mana regen either. A clarity is more than enough to cover it. You will slower your build toward MKB if you force to get BF first.
But anyway, thanks for your comment. I really appreciate it :)
I agree with not using boots first on mortred. And having mortred going solo on the lane is not good. She should have a hero with her on the early part then she can be left later on for farming. I like battle fury for mortred. I even tried 2 battle furies and it worked very well. The stacking is just so good. Then go for satanic. When you have power threads, 2 battle furies and satanic mortred is very strong and very hard to kill specially if she goes critical and you have satanic activated. It gives you a lot of hp back, try it out. :)
ReplyDeleteBy the way, I like your blog. I have my own too but it is mainly focused on team play. Please check it out when you have time. If you like it maybe we can add each other as friends. Please let me know. You can see my blog at Thank you.
Not one of my favorite heroes, but thats my skill build too, consider butterfly as an item, much more usefull than cuirass, shes not the hero to solo, shes weak with any str melee and any ranged heroes , specially nukers, food without someone to take care of care...
ReplyDelete@ Alief
ReplyDeleteFair points well made. I agree that late game everyone will gank on PA first as in a 5 vs 5 situation, if PA's team has one or two stuners/nukers, PA's blink (with Cleving attack) is deadly. which is another reason why I usually have the Battle Fury Build. high damage, cleaving damage will allow PA to clear the field very quickly as well as farm quickly. once BattleFury is acheived, it does not take long to get one or even two MKB.
I wouldn't really spend the money on Butterfly as evasion don't stack, for 3300 gold for a +25 agi, it is quicker and better off to get a few sange as they stack Yosha don't. And I completely agree with you that PA needs Satanic, not only increase the HP as well as keep PA alive while hitting, but having said that PA will need the high damage and attack speed to benefit from the life steal.
This is an awesome blog, i might do a NS one later on :D
ReplyDeleteThanks for your compliment. Your words really give me the spirit to write more in this blog :)
Ah yes, Butterfly did not stack, that's why i didn't wrote it in my build ;)
Hoping for more comments on my other post.. (*crossing finger*)
why don't we use sange yasha guys???
ReplyDeleteBecause if you take S+Y you are losing out on all that beautiful life leach on those 1k dmg crits, And PA has no need for another chase mechanism, she already has slow dagger, and blink strike... This would be over kill and while she can use the +15 Str you don't need the 15 agil, and there are better items than S+Y for +15 str (satanic)
ReplyDelete>>Anonymous said...
>> why don't we use sange yasha >>guys???
>> May 5, 2008 10:04 PM
i think the best item build would be :
ReplyDeletepower treads
sange and yasha
(get the items in order)
I think u r a dumbass (S&Y - orb and Satanic is orb, Butterfly's evasion don't stack).
ReplyDeletei think u are dumbass
DeleteS and Y is not a ORB EFFECT
Blind fuck read all guides again
@above : i think you're a noob, because sange and yasha stacks with satanic, and buttefly evasion stacks noob:)
ReplyDelete@above - hmmm, maybe you should read the mechanics forum on Evasion do not stack with blur because they are both the same type. If you buy butterfly, then you will use the biggest evasion, and that's butterfly. Butterfly only stack with faceless void backtrack and old dispersion of mercurial because both of their passive is not evasion type, you can check this on Mechanics forum.
ReplyDeleteOn the other hand, about Sange Yasha, despite the orb stack, I think there is a lot items suit better with mortred. S&Y with the recent buff is indeed interesting to use, but she already has blink strike and slow dagger which is enough to chase heroes. The only thing she really need is health and damage. And because you are aimed her to become damage dealer, life leech is give you a lot of survivability and keep you alive while fighting. If there are a lot of nuke caster on your enemy, BKB is also a good choice :)
ReplyDelete@above - auch, it's hurt my eyes @_@ Battlefury on mortred is great, but still, to take 2 of them is kinda overkill since she is fragile. But i think in some pubs it's ok for experimenting. And yeah, Battlefury does pure cleave damage :D
ReplyDeletethe build skill differ from mine,
ReplyDeletebut I'll try it. ^_^
cos I usually upgrade the blur 1st, so I can last hit with blink strike with minimum hit by enemy.
I usually only take 1 level for dagger until the end, just to slow the enemy.
I prefer stats.
its just my opinion, and effective 4 me. :)
my build:
-tango, gauntlet of ogre str, clarities.
-get RoH as fast as U can, get Boots and finish bracer.
- finish battlefury
- I prefer MoM, to get critical as much as I can.
- MKB and BKB, depends on priority of the enemy. many disabler or not.
usually by this item,
the game will end up in our favor.
if not, I buy between cuirass or another MKB.
BTW, Ur name is Alief,
R U Indonesian?
If U ask me, yes I am.
find me in Indogamers Public BattleNet with same nick, "Lightnerdouble"
I also moderator in Seal Online Indonesia official fansite, with same nick.
U can check to find me as Warrior Moderator.
Thx 4 the blog, its nice.
U make it interesting 2 read.
*thumb up!*
if you're facing meepo, chaos knight, any multiplier hero, etc..
ReplyDeletethe build would have to be:
dominator (later satanic)
Assault Curiass
Add another Battlefury if u want
But the main build i usually use for her when facing intel, and a normal strong lineup would be;
Strength treads
Helm of Dominator (later satanic)
BKB if needed
then add a assault or heart if game prolongs.
good guide tho
12-13 STAT: BLUR
15-17 STAT: STAT
20-25 STAT: STAT
you are all noobs !!! buy 2 buriza because the critical stacks, then buy vladimirs + satanic, one critical full hp, desolator for 2 hit kill, boots of travel for haunting and ms eheh!!! beyond godlike!!
ReplyDeleteLevel 1-8 Skill build should be
being able to blink straight away (level 1 blink) and shorter blink cd is invaluable, level it asap
i would build a butterfly after building the battlefurry...30%evasion from blur + 30%evasion from butter=godlike
ReplyDeleteIs it good to equip Mortred with Divine Rapier?
ReplyDeleteBuriza stacks?
ReplyDeleteWhat I know is that the crits on the item and the skill(Coup de Grace) will be fighting each other. The cpu would either pick one of the crits, buriza or coup.
No, Buriza doesn't stack with the Coup de Grace. It work paralel just as you said. And evasion also does not stack.
ReplyDeleteWhat about vladimirs offerring for mortred ??
ReplyDeletelol!! purchase a sny if u're intending to form vladimirs offering
eh???? 2 bf will stack cleaving until 70%???
ReplyDeletei tot the second bf will get reduce cleaving???
Level 1: Blink Strike
ReplyDeleteLevel 2: Stiffling Dagger
Level 3: Stiffling Dagger
Level 4: Blink Strike
Level 5: Stiffling Dagger
Level 6: Blink Strike
Level 7: Stiffling Dagger
Level 8: Blink Strike
Level 9: Blur
Level 10: Coup De Gras
Level 11: Coup De Gras
Levels 12-14: Blur
Level 15: Stats
Level 16: Coup De Gras
Levels 17-25: Stats
in my opinion it makes no sense to skill Coup De Gras at lvl6 cause your dmg is not that high...
Okay lets resume some things:
ReplyDeleteEvasion: Evasion doesn't stack (its the same skill, not like void's backtrack= pseudo-evasion)
Critical: Dont buy buri, its a waste of money, coz the crits behave oddly together
Cleave: Yes cleavinf damage stacks (2 battlefury= 70% of PURE damage to those around the main target; imagine this effect on guys ike sven or dragon knight)
sny+ any lifesteal: Lifesteal overrides Maim; Vladimir is an aura, not an orb (stil lthink that sny is wasted coz you have a slow, and damage and especially A TEAM!!!)
So my recommended build is like one above:
-Satanic (most of the times wnough hp and lifestal, depending on damage)
-Battlefury, for this mass AOE damage (remember, you are damagedealer)
Cuirass (butte is wasted, evasion doesnt stack. but armor helps YOU and -armor YOU and YOUR TEAM)
-treads or BOT (depends on game, YES sometimes you have to push with Bots)
+ special items: (bkb on disabler, heart for more hp. SECOND BATTLEFURY)
second fury... REMEMBER: MORE CLEAVE PURE!!! DAMAGE. YOu are fucking damagedealer. Someone else has to tank and disable. YOU are the KILLER, so WTFPWN and survive a bit. And dont be greedy early...
Every tip and mechanic taken from Dota mechanics forum and Dotawiki! Read it AND LEARN!
how true
ReplyDeleteEvasion from Butterfly surely stacks but not like a + b. With Butter Mortred will have about 48%. Next, such an early Batlefury?? Guys, what a lame. Batlefury makes no sence without BKB. Practice with Armlet, Dominate creeps, make BKB earlier! Batlfury or two make sence only for big creep waves (after 40 mins) and in teamfights where you still must have BKB.
ReplyDeleteNope, sorry alsa. Whoether told you evasion stacks is wrong. Look @ the mechanics part in the Dota-allstars forum. The higher evasion is what you get. Well HERE the natural skill and bf-evasion is the same, so sorry: no more evasion than that. Its not a pseudoevasion like bb,void or any other hero with a healing-after-damage-skill.
ReplyDeleteHmm you are sure ou got the real post here? Did you mix MKM with BKB? Im pretty sure, i would lmao if some Mortred yppeared with armlet of mordiggian...Only useful on STRheroes, i think. in a teamfight you my need BKB but i prefer the tank taking the disables and then kill the other heroes fast, so you need a damageitem, and cleaving is hawt coz it ignores enemy's armor. Sorry, I cant agree with you in general
getting armlet of mordigian on mort is like kamikaze attack..u see mort is still fragile entire game considering her HP growth, and dont get butterfly anymore, instead mkb or hypher(finished it with AC) for higher attack speed..getting butterfly means u negate mort's blurr skill...
ReplyDeletePower Treads
Cranium Basher (<3)<= must have
in late game she is immortal !!!!!
., mine is like this .,
ReplyDeleteboots of travel
is this good??:)
Nobody has mentioned lothars, i think its pretty useful, especially the windwalk, gives you a really effective way of getting out of shit not to mention itll let you move around the map much quicker. Which can be very useful late game when you have BF or two, and can take on enourmous groups of creeps.
ReplyDeleteHmm lothars might be considerable on pubbies, in a leaguegame you'll be encounteres by wards. Radiance... hmmm prob is, youll do Dagae over time with the aura (okay +60dmd is not bad) but i think a bkb or something might be better´.
ReplyDeletei faced an axe 1v1 and blur is the better choice for the beginning i usually use:
ReplyDeletePower Threads
Monkey Bar
Butterfly (but i heard it doesnt stack y?)
waaaaah!! i dont think u go 1v1 w/ axe early w/ blur as ur first skill to get..even a noob playing axe will kill mort, the blur skill is useless while axe spins, considering also mort is very fragile early on..maybe the axe is super noob, maybe he didn't get the helix first..xD
ReplyDeleteI have been using another build, but i see now that i leak the hp. i have used to go:
ReplyDeletePower treads
Helm of the Dominator
But my problem has allways been that if i dies a few times at start i will be hanging behind. But, if i can get down to Buriza i will have and insane 10% for 1,75x, 20% for 2,75x and 15% for 4x.
Only probelm with 1000dmg crits is that im nuking myself against Nerubian ^^ (just happen once before i knew it was fucking 40% damage return!!!)
Thanks for your build, and now i will focus on some more hp boost.
man i love your build it works perfectly fine for mee
ReplyDeleteand this is my fav character =D
you rock man
thanx for this guide ;)
it helps alot
ReplyDeleteRANGE OR MELEE will activate the LIFE STEAL AND MAIM.
Eye of Skadi will Activate with LIFESTEAL Mas Of Death.
you get slow and life steal.
Eye of Skadi and Maelstrom will work together as well. Getting slow and a chance to cast lightning.
Eye of Skadi and Diffusal Mana Burn works.
if target has mana the mana burn activates.
if target has no mana the Eye of skadi activates.
URSA ITEMS THAT WORK with his 3rd skill.
SnY,Mask of Madness, but will not activate. SnY useful for movement speed and attack speed only Maim does not work. Mask of Madness Lifesteal does not work but you can use the Berserk Skill of Mask of Madness.
THIS INFO IS BASE FROM EXPERIENCE!!! I have tested this and it works.
added: Maelstrom and diffusal works with range heroes.
Diffusal activates by default when maelstrom chance activates it still cast lightning then returns to mana burn.
my build is:
butterfly/divine rapier
very effective!!
crit can be up to 2200!!
kill enemies in ONE HIT!!
2200+ crit = OWNAGE!!
my build is almost the same as anonymous @ july 18 ,
bf 2
i go:
ReplyDeletetwo wraiths
power treads (strength)
mask of death
helm of iron will, forms helm of the dominator.
broadsword, forms battlefury.
assault currias if no one has it or
sell the wraiths to make a reiper if your team can slay roshan otherwise stay with wraiths.
for skills, i go:
6.coup de grac
8-9. dagger
10. blur
11. coup de grac
12-14. blur
16.coup de grac
17-25. stats
by level 6-7 you can get a first blood against an int hero.
eg: prophet.
just dont follow up to second tower. if you get on low health just run into the forest and salve.
at level 17+, me criticals are 1200+. BEYOND GODLIKE.
ReplyDeletemy build is
chivas guard
phase boots
divine rapier...
putang ina kayong lahat
I have stupuid questions to ask.....can silence or like bloodseeker 1st skill disable PA Critical????
ReplyDeletedont blame me.....I just a kidz... ><
what about vanguard? or at least an early stout shield? just a qn, gd guide though
ReplyDeleteu all suck!!! buy 6 ironwood branch!!
ReplyDeletewearing one of these ensures a good game!!!!!!! :D:D:D:D
Hey. Im just a beginner and i really like mortred a lot. can you guys help me with the items? and what version of DOTa is this? my mortred in my dota has shadow strike, blink strike, blur and coupe de grace. help please!
ReplyDeleteim a filipino (the one on top.)
ReplyDeletetry this build
battle fury
gudluck bro
Well, my build would be Satanic BoT
ReplyDeleteAssault Bfly MKB and a Heart
this build rapes ursa late game with a ac and such.
I will buy Basher 1st,then PT,Butter,Satanic,BFury,Assault
ReplyDeletebuy these items for mort's item build
Delete-force staff
-ironwood branch
-ironwood branch
it ensures a good game ...
Deletei guarantee it !! :D
Hey Alief! Your the best bro!
ReplyDeleteThis is my favorite blog!
And Motred, hmm...
Many guys go for butter...
But guys it does not stack with blur! Then whats the use...
I go for:-
Early Game:-
2 bracer
Helm of dominator
Battle fury
Late Game:-
Battle fury
Heart or Divine or 1 more MKB
just dont play the game im sure she'll win
Delete@ all
ReplyDeleteknow what u r trying to build is against an AI..get real!! bracer threads(str), fury,dominator(satanic), much farmed gold, mkb..thats all she needed!!
ReplyDeleteTheres no big difference between our builds! BKB Is only bought when the opp team have disablers like ban elemental, etc!
Every1, My build for pa is 1st, Wraithx2,treads,MaskOFMADNESS and perseverance~ Cos mom and her phantom strike did stack~ and the pa sure attack speed til the enemy pee~ LOL~
ReplyDeleteI agree wif Neli~ Bkb is oso veri important.
@ neil
ReplyDeleteBKB should b a core item 4 mort..y? forget bout d avatar gives her survivability, giving mort HP MKB,Cuirass,Divine well not really that achievable in a team battle especially 5v5 or even 4v4 battles..
a threads(str), dominator(for satanic),fury, 2 bracers n BKB is enough to make her a tank n pawn..
Hey Raz44!
ReplyDeleteBKB only gives you +10 str that means 190 hp... Not a big deal. And late game hp is not a matter for motred! Her damage is the most important fact of all! Her criti can kill heroes in 1-2 shots! BKB is good, but I still go for damage! And MKB, Divine and other stuff can be easily build thanks to the battle fury! She can easily farm late game! And if you want to tank then go for heart! Thats more than enough! These are just my opinions! Guys just follow your heart's wish! Build which you feel is right for this heroe! But it mainly depends on how you play with her!
ReplyDeleteBKB gives her hp boost n avatar ability against a team gank to escape w ease!! in pubs maybe mort own a lot but in competitive games, mort will always the center of ganks, n w/o items, mort is useless..1 thing more, a FARMED mort dont need HoT, a HoD is enough for her to TANK!! im telling u, u cant farm a divine in jaz 30-40 mins o play in 5v5 competitve games...unless u play in pubs, maybe..^^
@raz and neil
Deletewhy quarrel with mort's item just buy an ironwood branch it ensure a good game !!!
why hesitate with her items ??
theres a simple solution ...
--just dont buy any item for her just dont fight heroes shell survive im sure of it ...
I'm still interesting what about vanguard on late game. I know butterfly doesn't stack but PA's 28% evasion and 60% chance to block from vanguard give PA almost immortal? Yes? what do you think about it?
ReplyDeleteMy build:
---2 gauntlet of strength
---1 circle of nobility
---1 tango
After earning some bucks
---Boots of speed
---Ring of Health
---Void Stone
Moving on
---Complete 2 bracers
---Complete power treads
Further more
---Buy Clay more
---Buy Broad Sword
Make Battle Fury(Claymore+Brod Sword+Preservance
At this point i have enough damage to go for life steal so:
---Buy Helm of Iron Will
---Buy Mask of Death
Make Helm of Dominator
I consider that Mortred could be enhanced by the ability to stun and she could be a killing machine so:
---Buy Javelin
---Buy Belt of Giant Strength
Complete Cranium basher
Lately i go for two options depending on game situation and gold i have:
---If gold is not sufficient and game is tight
---Buy 2 Mithril Hammers
Complete Stygian Dessolater
---If gold is ample and game is not tight then
---Buy 2 Javelins
Complete Monkey King Bar
If game still survives:
---Buy Hyper Stone
---Buy Messerschmidt's Reaver
Complete Satanic
Until this point either you had been screwed or you had fucked them up for sure:)Game wont last this much...
Items 4 mortred is 2 burizas, Assault, Satanic, Power Threads, Butterfy. I think this items worked. 2 burizas plus mortred own critical will make the critical more stronger...and mortred can kill easily...
ReplyDelete-2 wraiths
ReplyDelete-Helm of dominator
-Bootsh of speed
-boots of travel
My build:
ReplyDeleteBOT, Butterfly, Satanic, MKB,Cranium, BKB or BF
Stun is very important because PA's blink attack speed is insane.
This is my build though
-b fury
-satanic or dominator(depends on ur farming)
Anyone know a build for sladar? slithreen guard
this my sucky build
Mortred without BKB is just walking gold for the enemy team.
ReplyDeleteMy inventory: Treads (strength), 2 bracers, Cranium Basher (important), dominator, battle fury.
ReplyDeleteIn casual, scythe is a lot of fun, especially if you get it early.
ReplyDeletecore is good, but you can have wraiths instead of bracers. my build as pa 27-4:
Helm of the Dominator
Battle Fury
Divine Rapier
Divine Rapier
you can also get MoM if u want more crits and satanic if u feel u are too weak.
hello, mortred is my 2nd favorite hero next to naga(beginner's choice)..haha.
ReplyDeletetnx a lot 4 da item build..i usually got wraiths dan bracers..(know i've learnd..LOL)..
(filipino here)
Look people idk what u think but evasion doesnt stack.... butterfly is possible for mortred couse it gives good stats ;].
ReplyDeleteMy build on this char is
power treads
devine rapier
I play on risks that's why i make a Divine ;)
mine is:
bfly does not stack its evasion..
mean the build is so strong i always win at gerena who wants to 1 on 1 with me?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeletethis build is so strong i can have a rampage.....
ReplyDeletewho wants to have 1 on 1 with me in gerena
I want 1 on 1 with you. I'll own you with troll
ReplyDeleteGuys don't fight you see you are all noobs. 5v1 against me using mortred you don't stand a chance noobs. seriously saying mortred against barathrum no chance of winning.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
ReplyDeleteWow,great content and your blog design is just gorgeous. keep up your work, i'm sure many people would agree with me!
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
ReplyDeleteWhats with u ppl!!! 1st, butterfly DOES NOT STACK!!!! Any other Critcs DO NOT STACK EITHER!!! So stop buying butterfly just for the agi stats!! 2nd, WTH is blur for??!! What happened to the 100% transparency??!! Dun buy aura items!! U can hide in the fog of war n start wacking someone n can gt 3-4 hits b4 they notice u. Do tht a few times n they will be cautious. Then u buy aura items, prefably Assault. All u need to pwning ppl wif PA is good dps, moderate atk speed and a little practice.
ReplyDeleteMy item build would be:( finalized)
1. Battlefury for the regen + dps
2. MKB or BKB if against nukers or disablers
3. BoT or power threads for surviability
4. Satanic (huge crtic + lifesteal= total ownage
5. either heart or vanguard
6. either assault or radience if u dun care bout transparency or divine then its GG
i start finding and usually get some kills after i farm up a perseverance and treads.
ReplyDeleteafter that, item build depends on the game itself.
the perfect item 4 mort in 1v1 or 2v2 , mjolnir,vladimirs,battle fury,power treads,guinsoo and butterfly..
@jessie davila
Deletethe heck of a gamer are you why buy PA mjolnir and guinsoo that's so wrong ...
LoL!! your items for mortred are wrong! don`t even think about getting vladmirs for PA and guinsoo`s that is so WRONG!!
ReplyDeletetry this:
boots of speed then boots of travel later
demon edge to mkb
then another mkb
HoT next
ReplyDeleteHi guys,
ReplyDeleteWhat do you think about Mjollnir? Most end game items lack agi, which gives you armor dodge dmg etc.
35agi + 35dmg from Mjollnir is close to other high end weapons (cept DR) But what does the orb effect used together with satanic? Does it overrule lifesteal or vice versa? With fast attacking PA this is almost 200dmg extra after blink...what you think?
.... mortred is so god damn tank but anyways heres my build
hope this helps =P
if your enemy have blade mail
ReplyDeleteyour critical attack reflected to you????????
it reflects to your face !!!
Deleteit should be
ReplyDeletePower Treads (PT in Indonesia)
Buriza do Kyanon (so it does doeble critical)
Helm of Dominator (your attack hurt , your HP will never end)
Heart of Tarrasque (you start to be unbeatable)
2 rapier will finish game
I always win if i used Mortred , thats my item for Mortred
amyway .... if your interested to fight my mortred ... i await you
just use 6 buriza to kill!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteFISRST BLOOOD !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeletedo jaja brate hvala
ReplyDeleteomg you idiot, Mjollnir doesn't give 35 agility! When did you last play DotA? 2 years ago?
ReplyDeletemy build is mask of madness instead of domi..
ReplyDeleteAs for me, I'd rush 2-3 bracers depending on my farming. Then I'd complete power threads and rush battlefury (immense increase in farming rate and a decent dps boost). And similar to you, I'd stay off enemy heroes unless its a team gank which pretty much assures your team a kill. I'd repeat this until I get to about level ~16 with at least battlefury. My next item would be satanic or bkb depending on situation. My late game luxurious item would be MKB, HoT, and Manta Style ( yes yes fake crits I know, but is an item I get when victory is assured).
ReplyDeleteWhat's HoT? Can anyone of you give me a first item, core item and late game item for mortred because I want to use this hero.... (//_^)!!!!
ReplyDeleteBut Mortred vs Mercurial? I think Mercurial will win this 1v1 battle because mercurial skill is better than the ones that mortred has.... (//_^)!!!!
ReplyDeleteha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!!
Beat that!!!!!
what is the very good build?
ReplyDeleteBurizza is not good for Mortred... Burizza will just make mortred's crits smaller... though it gives a higher chance... it still makes her damage small... please try it... cause I already had... and I had been laughed due to my small crits... :(... not a good item for late games
ReplyDeleteHeart of Tarrasque is not good as well to Mortred... I prefer Satanic... Heart of Tarrasque only increases HP regeneration by 2% unlike Satanic... it gives back a certain amount of health depending on your damage... :)... other than that... I think Satanic has a lot of attributes that go well with Mortred... :)
ReplyDeleteMjolnir ang Butterfly are good for Mortred's blink attack... with those items and with the benefit of the blink attack... she could slice her opponents in just a second... after 4 attacks... it's useless... so... it's good if she can kill her opponent in 4 whacks... :)
ReplyDeletethanks a lot i will use that strategy next time.
ReplyDeletecould mortred do rampage in the last part of a game?
ReplyDeleteYes Mortred could do rampage... actually Mortred is a late game character... She's the queen of the late game... with proper build of items (as well as usage of those items) and good usage of her skills she could kill 4 opponents standing next to each other... :)
ReplyDeleteI forgot she... could even kill 5 opponents... LoL... X3... I just finished piloting her... and... kill 4 opponents in a few strokes... :)
ReplyDeleteBtw... in the game my first item would be... "ring of regeneration"... after that I'd earn for "Threads"... next would be "mask of death"... then... 2 "Battle Fury"... then... turn the mask of death to "Helm of Dominator"... then... "Hyperstone"... after that... I'll choose whether to build "Satanic" first or "BKB"... after completing those 2 I'll aim to have a cuirass... :)
ReplyDelete... well I'd like to share my strategy to her... oh... btw... my name is "Shukaku1" in Philippine Garena... I usually pilot Mortred... so... my tactic to her... is that I'd always try to make my opponent think that I'm a weak player... just by standing a little far behind my creeps and trying to make her jog behind her creeps... I usually wait for her to be on level 4 before I use my dagger skill on sniping creeps... since it's really (for me) hard to snipe a creep on a level 1 dagger... (Btw... post her behind the creeps wherein she could still gain some experience) ... :)
ReplyDeleteLoL...gee... my mistake... Hehehe... I always tend to put a blink strike first as my skill... that's why I snipe farm only when I reach level 4... :)... (I love using that skill when my opponent is running away from me)... X3
ReplyDeletebest build for me are;
ReplyDeletepower treads,
battle fury,
Buriza do Kyanon,
try nyo 2!!!!!!!
Mortred's best items are Battlefury, Buriza, Cuirass, Satanic, Butterfly for attack speed and Boots of Travel. They work good for me.
ReplyDeletemy strategy in building a good and godlike mortred is first saving the gold and aim for RH,after and 1st skill is dagger, then after that aiming for BS and form a PT, and when you are in the lane stay back but not away for experience purposes only and use your dager skill sniping low HP creeps. dont be so agreesic\ve or greedy this hero is a late gamer, and if so you can form a treads start to farm and aim for fury. after ward mask of deat to form dominator. with that item mortred is starting to be vulnerable. with this items can kill heroes of 3 in a row..... then aim for BKB so that the enimy cant cast a skill on you and you............... then form your dominator to satanic lastly Cuiras for negative armor on opponents and armor for you surely you would be GOdlike and its really works..... My email is can send me an e-mail if you want togood luck guys
ReplyDeletehey that's a great item build for mortred . but this is my item build for her ..
ReplyDeleteBoots of Travel
Battle Fury
Black King BAR
Assault Cuirass
is that good .? hehehe ..
but sometimes , i dont build her assault cuirass because my enemy can see mortred . the skill blur is useless . but its great ? right ? hehehe . tnx .!
blur is not useless lol!
ReplyDeletebut butterfly yes.
i was thinking what about change the BKB for a linken sphere ?'
my first skill for mortred is the blur because it makes a miss for the opponent
ReplyDeletehi, been a mor tplayer for a long time my item build would be
ReplyDeletemask then farm
threads agility
my build is almost same lik ne1
only my last item i prefer buying buriza bcoz i know it does nt stack but wen i buy it my chances of landing crits shoot up i land 2 different crits almost every second
Her ulti should be taken in 10/11/16 seriously PA's dmg early game is kinda low. critical does low dmg. max dagger/blink asap is the best way to play her IMHO.
ReplyDeleteTry this build::
ReplyDelete1: Battle Fury
2: The Butterfly
3: Boots of Travel
4: Satanic
5: Buriza do-Kyanon
6: Divine Rapier
ReplyDeletemortred usues battlefury for damage and cleaving attack not so much for regeneration battlefury butterfly with treads and domi is the best item for mortred with 2 divine for high critical
mali domi butterfury tarasquee
mortred is very fantastic hero!!!
ReplyDeletemortred is best . even BRiSTLE back (hot, bot, thread, vladimir, madness, w/ sny) USELESS when mortred got (domi, threads agi, SnY, Butterfly,desolator & Buriza-do-Kyanon) hahaha , brist.back and Knight Davion FEARd of mortred :D
ReplyDeleteVladimirs and MoM (almost satanic) makes me crazy berserked mortred when lvled up 11. like an killing machine
ReplyDeleteVladimir+Madness+Skadi+SnY(nonOrb) +threads+DR= whatyathink?
ReplyDeletehey you guys..all hearoes are awesome..
ReplyDeleteheroes are depends on user`s
that was right no hero are weak i was depend on users on how they play..
ReplyDeleteidiot....buriza???...why in the world would you use buriza when mortred has already Coup De Grâce????
ReplyDeletechances are when the buriza does dont know that the coup de grace was activated too.because the buriza has a higher chance it will do its critical instead of coup de grace that has lower crit...
so why buriza nubz?????want 1on1 with me???just be sure to have your buriza....
my best item builds.
1.POWER TREADS (for attack speed and armor and damage)
2.SATANIC (for lifestealing and hp)
3.BASHER (for bashing enemies effective against nukers and best with dagger)
4.MKB "Monkey King Bar" (for your attacks to never miss and for damage too)
5.BATTLEFURY (good with blink strike and coup de grace for cleaving could kill 4 players in 1 crit if u have the 6th item which is:)
6.DIVINE RAPIER(for 250 damage)
the only hiccup with divine is...drops when any hero dies,and does not stack with double damage rune so if you die at you cant afford it again just buy another BATTLEFURY
and 1 more thing for the BURIZA....fcking idiot it has only 5% more chance of its crit with coup de not also buy BUTTERFLY its useless
see me in garena PH always bayantel
my codename is :(.|c000000ffmW) or could seen as .mW colored blue see me there
about divine for what i meant at "any hero dies" MEANS:
ReplyDelete"any hero who equips it and dies"
i prefer the last will be basher....this is just my opinion no hurt feelings ^^
ReplyDeletebuild for ze little wolfs... phase boots ,vladimears offering, persovearance, claynore, broar sword, cranium basher, buriza and huperstone which in terurn would create assault curos.. excuse the spelling..
ReplyDeleteTry This Item Build:
ReplyDeleteTreads (Agi)
Battle Fury
You'll Be Unstoppable !
ReplyDeleteHi there. I followed your guide and my mortred is owning.
ReplyDeleteThank you for this helpful guide.
P.S. im in version 6.72f right now and still your guide is owning.
my item build
ReplyDeletepower thread,desolator, bloodstone, satanic,manta,divine
your all damn weak ..and noob . bobobo
ReplyDeletemy item build is
ReplyDelete1 treads
2 2 wraith bands
3 vladmir's offering
4 battlefury
5 mkb
6 buriza
da items i gve are power treads helm of dominator battle fury monkey king bar n butterfly..1 i kip it emty..sumtyin i kill roshan or i buy divine rapidier...
ReplyDeleteDA ITEMS I GVE ARE. . . .
ReplyDeletepower treads
helm of dominator
battle fury
monkey king bar or buriza
n da last 1 i kip it empty.. . .
in order to posses da immortal stone held by roshan....
bobo mo item dapat double battle fury para 1000 ang critical
ReplyDeleteWhy buriza noobs?? just try THIS
ReplyDelete1a. Phase boots
1b. Power treads (both are good) 2. Satanic
3. Butterfly (you dont have evasion BUT YOU HAVE DAMAGE AND ATCK SPEED YOU FUCKN NOOBS!! that is important! )
4. Battlefury
5. Monkey king bar(better than buriza)
6a. Sange and Yasha(because it isnt orb efect and you will have good HP)
6b. Vanguard
6c. Divine Rapier
6d. Basher
6e. Your choice
If this is bad english sorry. Sorry for saying noobs to you but i need to.
Enjoy guys, play DotA and dont play HoN and LoL they are stupid... GG
buriza? bobo ka ba?
ReplyDeletegago ka pala ehh
ReplyDeleteBest Build Try
2.Helm of Dominator=(7.Satanic really use activated 175% life steal for 3 sec helps you survive in late game)
3. Battle fury
4.Black King Bar(very important when you have enemies that has disables like stuns,hex,net or shackles mortred is useless when she cannot attack so you need this to survive until late game)
5.Monkey king bar (better than buriza,mini stuns stops enemies form telepoting true strike never miss and stops channeling spells and you dont need buriza its like 2x crit than Coup De Grace 4x)
6.Assault cuirras (you dont need butterfly mortred already has evasion what you need is attack speed and an item that makes your attacks stronger like this for minus armor)
Satanic *useful* not use
ReplyDeleteMy item build:
ReplyDelete1.Phase boots
2.HoT (before that its good to have vanguard)
4.Sange and yasha
6.vladimir (its good to have it on beggining, later you can replace it with for example mkb)
and one thing:
she doesn't need buriza, she IS the buriza :D
I think this guild will help me to enhance my knowledge in dota field.....:)
4.Battle Fury
5.phase boots
another critic?..what the heck...
Thanks for sharing the info sir!
ReplyDeleteit would be a great help for someone like me who is not that good enough to play.
undefeated :)
ReplyDeletemy favorate things satanic,battlefury,vladmirs offering,vanguard and divine rapier
ReplyDeleteI think the Items Build List Should contain Diffusal Blades also.
ReplyDeleteSomeone just said bkb is boring to mortred... (2 comments below)
ReplyDeleteImagine what would mortred do against lucifer, crixalis, rhasta, lion, etc. I hate it when noobs call others noobs.
you are the ficking noobs
ReplyDeleteI am a fucking pro. U all noobs
ReplyDelete!:Helm Of Domi
4:B Fury
If You Have Many Money For Divine Then Buy It .
Now Go For The Kill
thank you for sharing this article to us. Mortred is such a great character in DOTA. Be sure that you know his skills and items well to be undefeated.
ReplyDeleteBuriza doesn't work for mortred ? why ?
ReplyDeleteNo Carium Basher...?????WTF
ReplyDeleteafter battelfury must have basher....!!!!!!!
ReplyDeletebut you are so weak
ReplyDeletebuild buriza and mkb for good crit>>> BOOM!!!
ReplyDeletealso use _ _ _ _ _ _
ReplyDeleteshut your face up sizukiuchicha.
ReplyDeletein most cases you wont finish your HoT or other late game items, the trick is avoid dying and farm. i dont always rely on mortred's coupdegrace so i often buy a buriza that in most of the time will give you another 1000 critical strike and your own crit will deal 1650+ crit having only the item powerthreads, buttelfury, buriza, and mkd your already unstoppable with that items. and i dont buy braces or wraith bands cuz i find it a waste of farm it will just delay your items; ya it will give you survivability but i can survive without them just have the right skills to survive.
ReplyDeleteburizza crit: 1000
coupdegrace crit: 1650 (2000+ with a devine rapier)
i dont go for a butterfly. why? you already have 100% attack speed and evasion duhh! so i always take pure damage items to carry mortred's quote "I'm the iron hand of justice." making your enemy wish mortred was never picked.
Here's a build i've used and works fine for most of the games:
ReplyDelete1. U can start off with either boots and tangos or 2 slippers and 1 circlet and tangos
2. power treads and 2 wraith bands
3.Helm of dominator
5.Cranium basher or mkb u choose
6. Around now u should sell wraith bands and change them out with Either Yashe & Sange or Buriza
7. To finish it off you should buy Satanic :)
That's my recipe to ownage (^'-'^)
Well, the guide is pretty good !
ReplyDeleteIn my opinion, the author greatly defines Mortred's survivability on early rounds by increasing its defensive capabilities. Since Mort is a "Lategame" type of hero, you should be more focused on farming, farming and farming. I also appreciate the line "Don’t waste your time by looking early frag, you will get it in the late game." :) In my case, I am doing also the same - 2 Bracers, Boots, and an early Helm would give me great confidence to dominate upon harassing/ganking. After my Core Items, I am now focusing on my attack. First to which is the Battlefury, then complete threads. Bash also is one of my pick depending on situations. Butterfly and MKB will follow next or you can go back to increase your defense (but its boring) still depends on situation. Whatever your choice is acceptable but the most important thing you must have in mind is your "Situational Awareness." You must know your enemy ! You must know what's going on ! and do not let your emotions tear you down ! Btw, Mortred PA is my overall pick hero. She's unbeatable !!!
Is it really useful???
ReplyDeleteyeah!!!!!i think itneed buriza for more critical
THAT`S how I BuiLD!!!!!!!
^ he is correct btw
ReplyDeleteI usually go his style it is just too strong for me to handle I have seen guys that have this build those guys are fucking scary... you know that.
ReplyDeletejust may first pick
ReplyDeleteWell I tried build from this article. It worked fine for me. I just didnt buy 2 bracers, just one. Then Perserverence, which assures that you can stay in the line all the time. Usually i can get it on 6-7 lvl.
ReplyDeleteI was just wondering what to buy after you have:
- Bracer
- Power treads
- Battlefury
- Satanic
- Monkey King Bar
So late game was my biggest wonder....
I tried more offensive way and bought Desolator, but it didnt really make a big difference. HoT is i think much better. It give you something about 3150 life, witch Satanic.
What do you think about basher or more, abyssal blade ? As long as Mortred is a very easy farmer, its easy to get luxuries and test different items.
S&Y for me, just a waste of money.
well my build is:
divine if i can get it