Darkterror the Faceless Void Guide & Walkthrought - DotA-Blog

Darkterror the Faceless Void Guide & Walkthrought

Darkterror the Faceless Void Guide, Walkthrought, Item Build and Skill Build.

Faceless Void

They say he was once human, but his background is shrouded in darkness, even to himself. What we know is that he was thrown into the Void between worlds and has emerged with the power of manipulating time. He can freeze his enemies in time and avoid hits by traveling a split-second back in time, right before receiving the blow. He can briefly rip apart the fabric of space-time to freeze both allies and opponents around him, yet remain free himself to act. It is rumored that he can instantly strike any man in a legion of soldiers, but nobody sees him move...

Faceless Void

Base HP: 473
Base Mana: 195

Strength - 17 + 2.2
Agility - 21 + 2.65 (Primary)
Intelligence - 15 + 1.5

Base damage 58-64
Attack range of 128 (melee)
Base Armor 4
Movement speed of 300

Strengths and Weaknesses

Mediocre AGI gain for AGI hero
Low starting HP and melee range
Fragile early game
As with all melee heroes, prone to disable-lock

Nice STR gain for an AGI Hero.
His Ulti’s means sure kill if you do it correctly
Has one of the greatest passive skill named Backtrack (25% chance deflect damage)
Has very synergize skills

Skill Descriptions

Time Walk


Quickly moves to a target location and slows the movement and attack of all units at the end of its path for 3 seconds.

Level 1 - 700 cast range. 10% slow. 120 Mana.
Level 2 - 900 cast range. 20% slow. 120 Mana.
Level 3 - 1100 cast range. 30% slow. 120 Mana.
Level 4 - 1300 cast range. 40% slow. 120 Mana.

Cooldown: 13 seconds

This skill is pretty much like Blink, has 3 uses, Initate, Escape, Chase. But you must note, that this skill has a difference from Blink. When you pointing this skill into a spot, he will walk until his cast range is enough. Unlike Blink that immediately blink away into your point direction. This is important, because if you point a spot outside your cast range, you will walk until you get into your cast range. Therefore, in that period you will be vulnerable to enemy attack. AoE Slow is about 200, which will very usefull to chase fleeing hero.

Back Track


Whenever damage is received, Faceless Void moves a moment back in time to try to dodge that damage. Can backtrack both physical and magical attacks.

Level 1 - 10% chance.
Level 2 - 15% chance.
Level 3 - 20% chance.
Level 4 - 25% chance

The Best Evasion skill in the game. With this skill you have a 25% chance to avoid any damage in the game. This will stack with Butterfly Evasion because Backtrack is actually different from evasion skill. You will make Lina crying when her Laguna Blade doesn’t do any harm thanks to your backtrack.

Time Lock

Time Lock

Gives a chance that an attack will do bonus damage and lock a unit in time for 1 second.

Level 1 - 10% chance per attack.
Level 2 - 15% chance per attack.
Level 3 - 20% chance per attack.
Level 4 - 25% chance per attack.


This skill is very nice to have. By 25% chance stun per attack, it is synergize very well with Darkterror other skills.



Faceless Void creates a rip in spacetime causing all units in that area to become trapped for its duration. Faceless Void has a mysterious connection with spacetime that causes him to be unaffected by the sphere. Casting range increases per level.

Level 1 - 3 Seconds. 175 Mana.
Level 2 - 4 Seconds. 225 Mana
Level 3 - 5 Seconds. 250 Mana

Cooldown: 165 seconds

Creates a huge sphere that stop everything (allies, towers, creeps and obviously enemys) except you. You can be Hooked, Vaccumed (Dark Seer and Magnataur) and Swaped out of the Chronosphere. Won’t freeze things like Pulse Nova, Chain Frost, Eclipse, Exorsism and Omnislash after they have been cast. The most important thing you must remember when you are using this is your ALLIES is also get caught. You can kill your fleeing allies when you use this skill in the wrong time. So, timing will be very important when you are using this skills.

Skill Build

Level 1- Time Walk
Level 2- Back Track
Level 3- Back Track
Level 4- Time Lock
Level 5- Back Track
Level 6- Chronosphere
Level 7- Back track
Level 8- Time Lock
Level 9- Time Lock
Level 10- Time Lock
Level 11- Chronoshpere
Level 12- Time Walk
Level 13- Time Walk
Level 14- Time Walk
Level 15- Stats
Level 16- Chronosphere
Level 17-25- Stats

We get Time Walk in the first level because it can be used for escaping early gangbang. Back Track early game will help your fragility for last-hitting and denying. It will also helps you neutral creep a lot better and tower-dive. Chronosphere is taken early, because it will be additional skill that can save you from sudden gangbang. Furthermore, if your enemies are careless, this skill will help you to get an early frag.

Item Build

1. Circlet and Tangos
2. Bracers + Mask of Death
3. Boots of Speed
4. Finish Mask of Madness
5. Belt of Giant Strength
6. Glove of Haste
7. Finish Power Treads
8. Monkey King Bar

Your core items should be like this:

Mask of Madness Bracers Power Treads Monkey King Bar

Late Game Items

The Butterfly or Black King Bar + Assault Cuirass + Heart of Tarrasque

If your games is long enough, you can grab butterfly for an additional evasion and give you more survivability. Or if your enemies have more than 3 nuker or disabler, Black King Bar will be synergizes greatly with your backtrack. Assault cuirass will give you even more destructive power inside your Chronos. The -5 armor aura and the attack speed boost will help you killing your target faster. Lastly, grab your HoT if your teams lack of tanker and all of your enemies focusing on you.


Early game is the most important part, if you don't get a good early game, you will suffer later on. That means if you can't last-hit anything, get harassed like hell and/or get first blooded, you will get trouble in the late game. Get your Tangoes and Circlets and go to Bottom Lane if on Sentinel or Top Lane on Scourge. Its advised that your go with a teamate, a ranged ally who has great lane control and can breast feed you while you last-hit delivers the best outcomes.

Don't attempt at a first blood, let your teamate harass while you farm happily. By all means if the opportunity is starring at you in the face then take it, play aggressively but not greedily.
If the creeps are too far on the opponents side then go and neutral some creeps and let your ally get some last-hits. Neutral creeping is advised at about lvl6, or at least thats when I don't have much trouble with them.

Now by Mid Game you should already have your Bracers, Treads and MoM. This is where you can stop pushing and start neutraling like crazy, which means youll have to ask your allies to get wards for you. If theres a big team push you can go there to maybe get a lucky kill. Once you've got your MoM, you can push and neutral a lot better because of the MoM buff (75 IAS) and lifesteal.

You should now be trying to single out weak and fragile heros to feed on (Sniper comes to mind) so you can get your Monkey King Bar as fast as you can. If your Chrono is on cooldown, then just neutral but once you've got your Chrono, try to kill. Don't neutral farm the whole game like I used to do, dont be afraid to kill heros and participate in ganks after you've got your MoM.

You should have your Monkey King Bar and can solo most hero easily. Own anything you see, neutral, push hard and participate in team ganks and pushes. Play aggressively, but don't be a fool. You are now a force to be reckoned with and everyone should be scared of you and will try to gank the hell outta you, watch the mini-map and don't stay in one lane for too long. Push one side, whack the tower a little bit and then retreat to neutrals. Neutral everywhere on your territory and then go back to pushing, its an effective strategy.

Don't be afraid to initiate full life heros (even tanks) since you can most likely kill them. Don't under estimate yourself, that's a big mistake and could make you ended up with almost no kills and keep your potential burden.

In the late game war, use your chronos wisely! You can kill almost all of your friend if you miss-use Chronos. With all of your friends trapped by your chrono and a WTF Razor and Troll coming out, your 99% chance of victory will be gone with your Chronos into dust..

This guide is as much inspired from www.dotaportal.com , any constructing feedback will be gladly accepted.

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  1. Hmm when i use void i usually get 2 wraiths, treads and 2 bashers and its usually gg but if it goes long enough i get buriza and vlad and its always gg, the 2 bashers make it lke perm bash

  2. yea that works rely well its so fun too. stun stun stun stun stun touch down!

  3. i like perm bash and mkb is ok but take out the assault cuirass man! It seems good but it hell isnt. My list is. Butterfly,Mkb,1cranium, treads, Manta style and lastly refresher. 5 images and 12sec chronosphre. Pro..

  4. hey this could be the best

    3x battle fury

    This'll how it works

    when your enemy ganks you,

    use chronosphere then MoM

    With the triple battle furies,

    it's like their are many darkterrors

    attacking the gankers at the same time


    don't use time walk

    you'll need this if you can't kill them

    but I think they only got 10% chance to kill you when you do this

    if they got davion,,

    fight them and i'm sure you can kill some and use time walk for running away

    you can't take on davion alone

  5. 3BFury For wad?
    Does 3 Bfury Stacks its cleaving?
    2 Is sufficent and i think Bfury for void is UseLess.

    why not get a crit its much more better and pain...


  6. ya,3 bfury will stack

  7. Even if so, Buriza would be a better option though,Cos theres crit..LoL which is More Damage so it more pain... - . -

  8. Um I think you have the positives and negatives mixed up.

    I think that you should get a butterfly rather than an MKB, and replace MKB with buriza. With MoM your attack speed is an alright speed, and butterfly will give you nearly as much damage as MKB, possibly more attack speed and 55% or so evasion with lvl 4 backtrack. Seeing as you hit so fast, critical hits would be pretty good damage, and also (I don't know if this is true or not) the ministun COULD interfere with your time lock stun, seeing as how bash doesn't stack, and ministun is sort of a bash (bonus damage, stun). Anyways, good guide altogether

  9. Agreed, ministun indeed cancels your own bash after the new bash-stacking rules. id rather give him an hyperstone or butterfly too, followed by a buri

  10. ., my build is like this....

    1 basher, butterfly, cuiras, boots of travel, satanic, 1 tarras.

    and if i had more money i change the basher to monkey king bar so the attack of faceless with stun and stun and stun and stun.....:)

    just asking is it good?????:)

  11. Duuuude is it THAT hard to read the posts before. Like I mentioned earlier. BASHERS DO NOT STACK WITH EACH OTHER OR WITH OTHER PASSIVE BASH ABILITIES. Not on troll, nor Slardar, nor Void. Never. NO. If you still want to argue read the fucking changelogs! And yeah I still dont see why youd get MKB. Okay more damage and 15% msbonus. BUT the minibash cancels your own bash and this might even SAVE your opponent if things go bad...

  12. manta is great in this hero

  13. yeah maybe manta is considerable for void but should u get it, make sure u have decent damage already coz void is a dps hero not a ganker, it doesnt synergizes w/ his skills..better buy something like crit(buriza) or deso..^_^

  14. good guide i completely agree with backtrack first
    if u wanna kill time for dota 6.60 go to

    1. TRY battle with me only lvl 10 ram-seeker

  15. ., thanks for reply nickfreak .,

    maybe i'll just change the monkey

    king bar to manta style.,:)

  16. just make LIFE SUCKING ITEM + CRIT + DODGE and if possible anti magic item , simple as that.

  17. ., just asking can darkterror defeat mirana??

  18. i build void like this guys (i want opinions)....i start with boots of speed and a pot...then i make treds ....then i make a mask of madness..after that i make a butterfly...then buriza ,bkb and a curass,i bielieve that hot is very useless for void,cause void is a D.P.S player and doesnt need hp and hr(hp regen)...he needs damage and attack speed....so what do y think...is my build ok?

  19. i usually build void like that..
    pump the attack, and rely on lifesteal and timewalk for survival, but i end up having HP lower than 1500 during late game, if u fight against AI that build is still reasonable but against humans, a decent HP pool is sooooooo important, as void always be the one aimed at first sight because it has a very disruptive ulti...atleast have a BKB or vanguard (which works real nice with backtrack)..but i do agree that void is a true DPS hero..and butterfly and buriza is a good items for him, as he needs to take out as many hero inside the chronosphere..btw i have a question, do basher's bash still stacks with timelock? for 6.57 and above...

  20. try this items:
    1. MoM
    2. Treads
    3. MKB or buriza
    4. Manta
    5. butter
    6. HoT/Ass.cuirras

    why manta?
    cause the time lock will make enemy stunned-stunned-stunned and crono to finish it :)

  21. @ above

    manta and m0m to void? on older maps ex. 6.59 this is definitely an orb effect!
    if your trying the latest map yes it will be go0d.. but i think you should build more on dps items

    my build for my fav. hero are



  22. My hero of choice is Mr.Void. i can play it with any style i like (carry, dps, pwner or tank) well if u want my secrete pwner Skill and item build then look below:

    (Note: this is a build for killing hero not for harshing or tanking style of playing. You will be roaming after u get to lvl6 and have mob)

    Skill build:
    (13,14)reamining skill
    (till 25) stats

    Items build
    (Note: Take item in accending order az given for best result)
    (Base shop)
    2circlets, 1tango
    (Goblin shops in lane right or left)
    Mask of death and 2 slipers of agi
    (Base shop)
    Boot, Mask of Madness (ASAP) then Agi items
    (Base or goblin shop)
    Complete Phase boots
    (Real Powers)
    After completing above item go for battlefury , butterfly then Atackcur, sell agi items and buy Manta and buriza

    Last Words

    Begain: farm well
    midgame: roam
    lastgame: focus weak and look for kill, use chromo wisely and clamly

    Killing Combo (single vs single): go near without using T.wlk, MoM, hits, if u r too low in health use chrmo else hitt to kill. if they try to escape use time walk if u miss them again then chromo else use chromo to escape death...

    Killing Combo lategame (Gank):
    - be calm, dun spam ur ulti
    - only ulti to escape or kill
    - waite for 2 heros to become below 600 hp
    -try to get close to low hp hero then mom, chromo, doublekilland timewalk to escape gank or slow the escaping hero...

    This is my first and last guide for this hero. this i learnt form razor clan.... i wont be writing other clanlearnt guide.... Gudluck!!!!

  23. how can u really farm without battle fury.... i suggest that is the first item....

  24. Actually chro isnt 5 secs cause after casting it it has at least half a sec before you can move it. It stops and needs to manually click to go to the enemys hero.

  25. ROFL!
    try mjolnir for void
    i owned my friends using mjolnir built

    and if u use 3 battlefury,
    the units behind the unit u attack will die 1st
    the cleaving dng and area get bigger

  26. Hey guys!
    According to the new map, void has a very low str gain!
    I make SnY and MoM for void! I know orb wont stack! But I just buy it for the hp boost! And my final built is


    Buriza is a must for void!
    With this buid u will get 1000 critis! U can rape motred late game! Just chrono and it will all be over in 3 sec!

  27. Hey i've try another build and found it easy for jungling and farming ..even ganking.

    1. QB
    2. 1 or 2 wraith/bracer
    3. PT
    4. Vladmir
    5. hyperstone>finish mjolnir

  28. ur new build is worst. if u don noe how to make build, DONT cos u suck at it!

  29. qb is a must for farming and last hitting... dont get vlads as it does not give IAS. Get MOM instead as it has lifesteal and IAS which is great especially when you have your ulti.

  30. Hey Suckers Dark terror's bash doesn't stack other Bashes!!! My list is: Satanic, Treads, Butterfly, Buriza, 2Bfury

  31. This is my build


    I Dont think u need to tank void at all cuz...void will just kill his opponent first instead of him getting killed...
    incase of gank (or void on orange-red hp) he can escape with time walk/chrono.

  32. 2 builds:

    1st build: bot, mom, butterfly, mkb, buriza, bkb or assult

    2nd build: bot, satanic, assault, butterfly, mkb, buriza or even manta. radiance is optional too. dont waste time on s&y

  33. bulid items like
    battle fury,2 cranium basher
    madness,boriza de kyanon
    and last one DIVINE for
    the cleaving,strong and fast damage!!

    if you can only bulid
    divine and boriza??? =)(//_-)

  34. basher? for wat? he already got time lock... waste ur money? farm ur money buy 2 butterfly then u buy wtf 2 crasher.......

  35. 2 bashers is good for large chances of bashing!!! idiot!!

  36. == u guys do know that the bashes no longer stack right? bashers doesnt stack. go check out properly and know ur info be4 talking bout it or it just make yourselves look like fools

  37. 1.Treads
    3.Battle Fury
    6.HoT(optional changes enemy 2 enemy)

  38. DT time lock is daedly skill for low hp hero, but for 0,25 chance you must do 4 hit to sure it can be applied so you must use MoM that make your Aspd +100%. and caused you use MoM so the parfect couples is crystalis or furiza. for easy built you must considering the price for it. so i suggest the built is :
    1. boots of speed
    2. MoM
    3. Crystalis

    and after that you can focus to your damage and aspd.
    and remember, your enemy is human, not AI so they can be always find the way to trick you if they smart enough. Calm but confidance when you play.
    My advice for farming, do not waste too much your time on neutral creeps. Cause that can make
    your enemy easly to crash your team. Make your enemy confuse by hunt randomly on different lanes and jungle. but always remember the main target is you, cause almost all player believe DT is late champion if DT have a fine items. that can be your positives or negatives as long you can use that.

  39. axxart_zaerdth !!
    agreed..total owning.....
    his bash 25% and chain lighning 20%
    but 20% striking more often (chain lighning)

    dun scare if got ppl fighting(wont run-use the lighning barrier!!!)

    life steal- vlad (why mom?speed?risky for deal extra dmg :( )

    and can replace bf(to aim better item...)

    avoid this hero (never fight with) barathrum,balanar

    why balanar...?(should see how pro play balanar)

  40. when I play wit void i ussually build
    Boots of Speed
    Mask of death
    Mask of Madness
    glove of haste
    boots of elevenskin (Power thread)
    and for late games I use buriza and MKB
    Is that build is fine ?

  41. who will win in hitting void or slardar...i think for me i ssuggest slardar??

  42. Strong item for him....

    use this item for kills 5 hero in time...
    2 Battle Fury
    Buriza-do kyanon
    Mask of madness
    The Butterfly or
    Power Thread

    Not For Noob Player....

  43. Lol I see many posts saying to buy basher for? They don't stack dumb fucks

  44. the item oyu build is wrong because if you used chrono no neEd to used bkb !!

  45. 1 anonymous at above is stupid i think....MoM and Mjollnir? useless ass....

  46. noob.. 2 basher for large chance backstap? if u make butterfly is more chance to lock...u retard twat.... u better dun play dota because if ppl play with u sure lose....look like you too fool....

  47. I think this is the best build> scepter+refresher orb+2 devine+ guinsoo.... But i always play online i build 6 devine IT WORKS MAN 1500 DAMAGE LEH

  48. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.


    1 wrath band
    battle fury
    buriza(Remove wrathband )
    its all men good time

  50. meh killer build

    Battle fury
    Mask of Madness
    Treads(i know its not a killing item)lol

  51. I like icecream :)

  52. You Can Use Any Type Of Items In Any Hero It Depends on the user and the enemy's heroes all items are strong enough to start a combo

  53. ur build is weak do this one
    1 bottle ...>>> just last hit the creeps
    2 poor mans shield .... to block some(20) damage and gain some attack speed
    3 PT (STR)
    4 MOM..., for attack speed Boost
    5 MKB ..., for hard damage, mini stun and a little bit attack speed boost
    6 (2)BF ..., for damage and attack speed then sell Bottle
    7 sell poor mans shield then make HOT

    .... this build will help u ^_^

  54. Heart for void ? Cranium basher ? WTF .....mom treads buriza mkb manta buterfly

  55. All you idiots build mkb on Void and it DOESN'T STACK WITH HIS NORMAL BASH, it gets canceled by mkb!!

  56. fucking noobs.


    of course fucking noobs tp.

    on late game.

    switch threads to bot
    then assault cuirass.

    permabash, no fucking moving.

  57. cannnot la.. faceless no need bracers la..starting if 1v1 go buy 2 wraith, mask of madnesshealing salve, follow by sange, then butterfly, then buriza then watever u wan la..by then u damn hard kill wei..thn u can buy like, hyperstone or smth if u rich but duno wat 2 buy then u like even MORE unstoppable i tell u

  58. LOLZ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



    SATANIC !!!

  59. What ever u buy for FV,still can't defeat N'aix.... LOL

  60. Lol FV can defeat Naix. For GAWD'S SAKE!. Fv is very strong as chrono can trap him naix there for 3,4,5, seconds and do a few hits to naix be4 it can move. Additionally, with Mask of madness and cuirass, your att spd is freaking fast + scepter(Dun usually buy this). it improves ur ulti and like 10-15 hits naix dies. ^^

  61. its hard to read these stuff...
    voids timelock depends on agi what ur void got...
    nvm every1 has his own style and build to play...
    on beginn i get 1wraith and tango
    early game i get 3 wraithbands total and pt agi
    then i start go to butterfly and then mom... if u get these stuff then u are already nearly undefeatable u only must know which hero u can handle and which u should avoid.my almost games in pub look like 15 / 1 / 15

  62. I saw some guides that suggests cranium basher with void's luxury items. I just don't get it why since it does not stock with void's bash... Why do think so?

  63. yeah...my favourite ministun hero...faceless void...i will learn time lock at first and then time walk and time lock and time walk and time lock...chronosphere...time lock...backtrack x4...and my starting item will be poor man shield...and ancient tango...to block some hero damage especially long range hero...power tread...yasha then become manta...mask of death become mask of madness...buy talisman of evasion (it stack with your backtrack) then become butterfly...and the later item...as you wish...

  64. i didn't buy MoM,
    But a Big Storm Hammer.
    i like to see the thunders running around the enemies in chronosphere,hahaha!

  65. my build for void is


    and you own the game
    TIP:aganims lets improves your chrono from 3/4/5
    to 4/5/6 and the cooldown reduces from 100 from 75 ehehe

  66. I swear. Battlefury on void is just dumb. With the money you use for it, you could buy something else. MoM, Treads and Butterfly are basically the cookie-cutter. Everyone uses those. Aghanims, cuirass and buriza are optional if you want more chances at killing. Battlefury, yes it adds damage. But other items give damage too, better than BF. Cleave you say? Who needs cleave. Probably the noobs who can't last hit at all.

    And lastly, people who still get basher after the new update should jump of a cliff, climb back up, jump again and get eaten by Satan.

  67. void is useless in late game unless he farms in early game. A fully farm void is unbeatable. The first item to get is 2 wraith band n pt. then aim for MoM if possible BF first before MoM. But remember that BF first ONLY when you are able to farm fast because it is hard to kill with BF alone unless your opponent are low lvl or have low hp. after BF go for the likes of butterfly and curaiss. having heartz is optional because you will most likely be your opponent target! int items such as hex, refresher and scepter are not advisable as you can spend these money on better agi item that will help kill ur opponent easily. 2 BF is good because when you play void u don't act like a tanker and walk in the front line. let the tanker do the job! ur job is to stand where ur opponent cant see you and when you see the opportunity where all ur opponent are near each other time walk in the middle of ur opponents and chorno. with ur 2 battle fury and MoM ur opponent will either be dead or have low hp. remember that if they are disables, go for bkb. With bkb void is unstoppable in late games. A fully farm void is strongest dota hero so be aware if you have void as ur opponent, don let the game be drag unless you are able to harass void from farming. void users will find is hard to farm as his ability does not allow him to farm easily and he can be harass easily. so if you are playing void, make sure you are a good last hitter or else you will be a feeder! void is only for those better players not for beginners. so, if you plan to use void as ur 1st hero, think again...

  68. ive been playing dota for a while now... i played FV yesterday for the first time... we lost but i got 17/5/11... i was really impressed and looked for guides. and this is ok but i think attack speed items would be great cause of timelock and survivabilty is not that important cause u can just MOM-chrono-hit-timewalk away

    395 IAS 5 more to max :)

  69. ill suggest getting Mom or HOD and a VLAD with this you can go roshan at level 11 ^^

  70. if i can farm well,surely my team will win if i use void..


    power thread(agi)
    then buriza

    if u know the right timing..victory will be yours..absolutely...

  71. 2x bracer

    is good!!!!!!!!!!


    1rst game
    domi or MOM
    x3 writh band
    x2 ironwood

    domi or MOM
    x3 writh band

    final build:
    domi or MOM
    aganims<<+1 sec chrono>>

  73. item build :

    1.glove haste
    2.mask of death
    3.finish power tread
    4.poor man shield
    5.finish .mask of madness
    6.health ring and finish preserverance
    7.claymore and finish .battle fury ( for hp regain & cleave atk )
    8.monkey bar
    9.finish .buriza
    10.lastly : Heart of Tarassque / Butterfly / Assault Cuirass. i prefer Assault.

    with cleave atk > chrono > MoM
    > Rampage. - make sure u hit the enemies in a right position so that they will take a cleave n critical atk.

  74. positive is negetive while negative is positive too

  75. i am killer like gamer so check out my build

    Early build:
    3xBracers(since fv is so fragile)
    Mid/Late build:
    Mkb(i dont care what you say about mkb im sticking with it!!!!)
    EhtrealBlade(very nice when ur killing or escaping)

  76. my item for void is insane but i think its work cuz i've tried them
    3 btterfly 1 aganim 1 MoM 1 tarasque & 1 power thread
    these item is more than enuff with this item no matter how tough the enemy u can kill them easily n much more faster with enuff time u can go for a rampage

  77. @anonymous:
    what's ethereal blade for? fv is not int type......tsk tsk
    ethereal and then chrono? hhmmmmmmmm failure!!!

    for me:

    for 800 money at early build:
    shield, slipper's agi then 2 tangoes

    -finish: poor man's shield (buy another slipper's agi)
    -boots (or mask of madness if you're able to earn well)
    -finish: treads or MoM

    late game:
    -your own choice
    -Battlefury or SY(sange't yasha)

    = the time you use this item could add to the time you attack / hit the enemy and could use the maximum time of your chrono!!
    = it does not stack with your own bash!!!
    -HoT (heart of tarasque)
    = you're not the gank one!! you're the killer one!!

    ---> this is just my personal opinion, though :D

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