Ulfsaar The Ursa Warrior Guide & Walkthrought

Ulfsaar The Ursa Warrior Guide, Walkthrought, Item Build and Skill Build.

Before the invasion of the Scourge, a race of intelligent bears called furbolgs cultivated a quiet spiritual society deep in the heart of Azshara. With most of their kind murdered and corrupted by the Undead, the normally isolated furbolgs were forced to flee to the Sentinel for protection. In return, the furbolgs have sent their mightiest Ursa Warrior into battle on the Sentinel behalf. Enraged by the defilement of his people's sacred land, Ulfsaar is able to channel his fury into a series of extremely quick and brutal swipes, using his razor-sharp claws to overpower his foes and literally tear them apart.

Strength - 23 + 2.9
Agility - 18 + 2.1 (Primary)
Intelligence- 16 + 1.5
Base damage 45-49
Attack range of 100 (melee)
Base Armor 4.5
Movement speed of 310

Ulfsaar Slams the ground, dealing damage to and slowing the movement speed of nearby enemy land units.
Lasts 4 seconds
Level 1 - 70 damage, 25% slow.
Level 2 - 120 damage, 35% slow.
Level 3 - 170 damage, 45% slow.
Level 4 - 220 damage, 55% slow.
7 seconds cooldown
75 mana cost
250 AOE
This skill has low cooldown and manacost. Your main weapon to keep enemy from escaping you. It has 0.5 second casting time required, so use it with great timing.

Sends Ulfsaar into a rage until he can expend his energy on a target. Lasts 15 seconds or 5 attacks.
Level 1 - 100% increased attack speed.
Level 2 - 200% increased attack speed.
Level 3 - 300% increased attack speed.
Level 4 - 400% increased attack speed.
10 seconds cooldown
45/55/65/75 mana cost
This ability will really help you slice your opponent. 5 hit in just about 2 seconds (when maxed) is great deal of damage. Especially when combined with Fury Swipes and Enrage. Use it wisely and you will be owning!
Fury Swipes

Each attack opens the wound deeper in the target, causing subsequent attacks to deal increased damage.
Level 1 - 6 bonus damage per attack.
Level 2 - 12 bonus damage per attack.
Level 3 - 18 bonus damage per attack.
Level 4 - 24 bonus damage per attack.
Orb effect
Fury Swipes will stack additional damage into a target. If you attack an enemy 10 times, you will have an additional 240 damages when fury swipes maxed! The counter will be repeated if you’re not attack your target in 3 seconds. It is an orb effect, so, do not use any other orb effect (Sange Yasha, Mask of Madness, Satanic) because Fury Swipes will override it. If you want the lifesteal, use vladmir’s instead.

When activated, greatly increases Ulfsaar's damage based on his current life.
Level 1 - 4% of Ulfsaar's current life is dealt in damage.
Level 2 - 5% of Ulfsaar's current life is dealt in damage.
Level 3 - 6% of Ulfsaar's current life is dealt in damage.
15 seconds duration
25 seconds cooldown
Mana Cost: None!
Ulfsaar ulti’s. With no mana cost and 25 seconds cooldown, you can use it for hero kills and neutral creeps without worrying your mana pool. The skill will give Ursa additional attack before his primary one. It is counted like a normal melee attack, therefore it will trigger Centaur return damage.
Skill build
1. Fury Swipes
2. Earthshock
3. Fury Swipes
4. Overpower
5. Fury Swipes
6. Enrage
7. Fury Swipes
8. Overpower
9. Overpower
10. Earthshock
11. Enrage
12-13. Earthshock
14. Overpower
15. Stats
16. Enrage
17-25. Stats
Fury swipes taken first, since it will help you boost your damage early. We take Earthshock at level 2 to ensure you will have a mechanism to prevent your enemies from escaping. At level 4, Overpower taken to help you net a kill. Enrage maxed early since it use no mana and give you a nice bonus damage. Some people debating about taken the last level of Overpower, since 300% is already fast enough with Ursa agility and items. I leave the last level of Overpower to your own judgement, but in my build I will take it.
Item Build

1. Stout Shield, Tangos
2. Ring of Health
3. Vitality Booster (Finish Vanguards)
4. Boots of Speed
5. Belt of Giant Strength
5. Blink Dagger
6. Glove of Haste
7. Finish Power Treads
8. Ring of Basilius
9. Finish Vladmir’s Offering or rush
10. Heart of Tarrasque
Other Possible Items

Black King Bar
When there are more than 3 stunner, you can skip Vladmir's or Tarrasque. This item will keep you from disabler while keep your burst attack on.

The Butterfly
When the games hold long enough, buy this items. You got damage, attack speed and evasion. What else do you need? Your survival will increase highly. Especially when a lot of DPS heroes on the enemies.
The core item for Ursa Warrior is Vanguards, Blink Dagger, and Boots. If you already farm Vanguards, you will rarely go back to fountain. Neutral creeping will be very easy, because you can kill them easily with Enrage and Overpower. Vanguards will block almost all their damage. If your lane mate has a slow or a stun, you can have an early kill. Just Overpower, and run straight at them while your Lane-mate slowing or stunning them. If they trying to escape, Earthshock is good enough to hold and finish them.
After you got your dagger and boots , you are ready to pawn some low HP heroes in mid-game. With Blink-Earthshock combo, you can finish a low HP hero before he realize what happened. For a better use of Overpower, after activate it, wait several seconds before approaching the enemies. Therefore, after 5 hits, your Overpower cooldown already over and you can give 5 hits again. If your enemy get careless, it is better to approaching him without using the dagger, therefore where the enemies try to escape or suddenly you have a gangbang, your dagger is ready.
After getting your treads, start builds your Vladmir’s. The lifesteal will help you winning a 1-1 battle since the Vampiric Aura is working well with Fury Swipes. You can solo Roshan easily with this items. In the Late-Game team war, don't get careless. Wait for a perfect timing. Let the war begin and choose your prey wisely. Some low HP heroes like Rhasta, Kardel will be your target. Prepare your Overpower, Enrage and then Blink, Earthshock and tear him apart. After it, you still can chase the other enemy. You can also act as tanker and tank the damage, since you will have a tons of HP with HoT. If your team don't have any other tanker, get your second one and you will be very hard to kill. And with your current HP, your ulti's will hurt them greatly. Overall, Ursa can be deadly with the right items and use his skill wisely.
Any constructing feedback will be gladly accepted.

Before the invasion of the Scourge, a race of intelligent bears called furbolgs cultivated a quiet spiritual society deep in the heart of Azshara. With most of their kind murdered and corrupted by the Undead, the normally isolated furbolgs were forced to flee to the Sentinel for protection. In return, the furbolgs have sent their mightiest Ursa Warrior into battle on the Sentinel behalf. Enraged by the defilement of his people's sacred land, Ulfsaar is able to channel his fury into a series of extremely quick and brutal swipes, using his razor-sharp claws to overpower his foes and literally tear them apart.

Strength - 23 + 2.9
Agility - 18 + 2.1 (Primary)
Intelligence- 16 + 1.5
Base damage 45-49
Attack range of 100 (melee)
Base Armor 4.5
Movement speed of 310

Ulfsaar Slams the ground, dealing damage to and slowing the movement speed of nearby enemy land units.
Lasts 4 seconds
Level 1 - 70 damage, 25% slow.
Level 2 - 120 damage, 35% slow.
Level 3 - 170 damage, 45% slow.
Level 4 - 220 damage, 55% slow.
7 seconds cooldown
75 mana cost
250 AOE
This skill has low cooldown and manacost. Your main weapon to keep enemy from escaping you. It has 0.5 second casting time required, so use it with great timing.

Sends Ulfsaar into a rage until he can expend his energy on a target. Lasts 15 seconds or 5 attacks.
Level 1 - 100% increased attack speed.
Level 2 - 200% increased attack speed.
Level 3 - 300% increased attack speed.
Level 4 - 400% increased attack speed.
10 seconds cooldown
45/55/65/75 mana cost
This ability will really help you slice your opponent. 5 hit in just about 2 seconds (when maxed) is great deal of damage. Especially when combined with Fury Swipes and Enrage. Use it wisely and you will be owning!
Fury Swipes

Each attack opens the wound deeper in the target, causing subsequent attacks to deal increased damage.
Level 1 - 6 bonus damage per attack.
Level 2 - 12 bonus damage per attack.
Level 3 - 18 bonus damage per attack.
Level 4 - 24 bonus damage per attack.
Orb effect
Fury Swipes will stack additional damage into a target. If you attack an enemy 10 times, you will have an additional 240 damages when fury swipes maxed! The counter will be repeated if you’re not attack your target in 3 seconds. It is an orb effect, so, do not use any other orb effect (Sange Yasha, Mask of Madness, Satanic) because Fury Swipes will override it. If you want the lifesteal, use vladmir’s instead.

When activated, greatly increases Ulfsaar's damage based on his current life.
Level 1 - 4% of Ulfsaar's current life is dealt in damage.
Level 2 - 5% of Ulfsaar's current life is dealt in damage.
Level 3 - 6% of Ulfsaar's current life is dealt in damage.
15 seconds duration
25 seconds cooldown
Mana Cost: None!
Ulfsaar ulti’s. With no mana cost and 25 seconds cooldown, you can use it for hero kills and neutral creeps without worrying your mana pool. The skill will give Ursa additional attack before his primary one. It is counted like a normal melee attack, therefore it will trigger Centaur return damage.
Skill build
1. Fury Swipes
2. Earthshock
3. Fury Swipes
4. Overpower
5. Fury Swipes
6. Enrage
7. Fury Swipes
8. Overpower
9. Overpower
10. Earthshock
11. Enrage
12-13. Earthshock
14. Overpower
15. Stats
16. Enrage
17-25. Stats
Fury swipes taken first, since it will help you boost your damage early. We take Earthshock at level 2 to ensure you will have a mechanism to prevent your enemies from escaping. At level 4, Overpower taken to help you net a kill. Enrage maxed early since it use no mana and give you a nice bonus damage. Some people debating about taken the last level of Overpower, since 300% is already fast enough with Ursa agility and items. I leave the last level of Overpower to your own judgement, but in my build I will take it.
Item Build

1. Stout Shield, Tangos
2. Ring of Health
3. Vitality Booster (Finish Vanguards)
4. Boots of Speed
5. Belt of Giant Strength
5. Blink Dagger
6. Glove of Haste
7. Finish Power Treads
8. Ring of Basilius
9. Finish Vladmir’s Offering or rush
10. Heart of Tarrasque
Other Possible Items

Black King Bar
When there are more than 3 stunner, you can skip Vladmir's or Tarrasque. This item will keep you from disabler while keep your burst attack on.

The Butterfly
When the games hold long enough, buy this items. You got damage, attack speed and evasion. What else do you need? Your survival will increase highly. Especially when a lot of DPS heroes on the enemies.
The core item for Ursa Warrior is Vanguards, Blink Dagger, and Boots. If you already farm Vanguards, you will rarely go back to fountain. Neutral creeping will be very easy, because you can kill them easily with Enrage and Overpower. Vanguards will block almost all their damage. If your lane mate has a slow or a stun, you can have an early kill. Just Overpower, and run straight at them while your Lane-mate slowing or stunning them. If they trying to escape, Earthshock is good enough to hold and finish them.
After you got your dagger and boots , you are ready to pawn some low HP heroes in mid-game. With Blink-Earthshock combo, you can finish a low HP hero before he realize what happened. For a better use of Overpower, after activate it, wait several seconds before approaching the enemies. Therefore, after 5 hits, your Overpower cooldown already over and you can give 5 hits again. If your enemy get careless, it is better to approaching him without using the dagger, therefore where the enemies try to escape or suddenly you have a gangbang, your dagger is ready.
After getting your treads, start builds your Vladmir’s. The lifesteal will help you winning a 1-1 battle since the Vampiric Aura is working well with Fury Swipes. You can solo Roshan easily with this items. In the Late-Game team war, don't get careless. Wait for a perfect timing. Let the war begin and choose your prey wisely. Some low HP heroes like Rhasta, Kardel will be your target. Prepare your Overpower, Enrage and then Blink, Earthshock and tear him apart. After it, you still can chase the other enemy. You can also act as tanker and tank the damage, since you will have a tons of HP with HoT. If your team don't have any other tanker, get your second one and you will be very hard to kill. And with your current HP, your ulti's will hurt them greatly. Overall, Ursa can be deadly with the right items and use his skill wisely.
Any constructing feedback will be gladly accepted.
is it really nice to buy power threads?? or should you buy Boots of Travel?? bcoz ursa's Attack Speed is already high..
ReplyDeletesorry,,im a noob..:D
hapeee uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu.. eeeeeeeehhhhhhhhhhhhh
Deleteuse boots of travel only if the game exceeds 45 mins...i also using BoT for heroes with below average movement speed (300)fot mid game..
DeleteYes, it is true that in the early and midgame your attack speed boost from Overpower is already enough to net a kill, especially for low HP hero like Sniper. But, when everyone already have nice equip (HoT, Butterfly) , the attack speed boost from Overpower won't enough. When you run out the 5 hit bonus, your attack speed wil decrease badly. Power treads will also help maximize the Fury Swipes damage stack with the attack speed bonus.
ReplyDeleteThanks for your comment :)
if u play without em, earthshock ownz the enemies, fury swipes second is enough
ReplyDeleteI agree with skill build, but treads is a completely nonsense item for ursa. If you can use overpower wisely, you'll normally have 10-12 hits within 3-4 sec, which is exactly your goal. Treads are recommended to buy for very few heroes, including mortred and troll warlord, but ursa is not of this kind. ) As an optional item against Rad holders i can recommen lothar.
ReplyDeleteOf course, this is not very important for most pubs and opens, where we can see even Lich or Akasha wearing treads ))).
I mean lothar optional to dagger
ReplyDeleteYes, you got a point. When you're in a competitive play and hardly earn gold, boots is more than enough for him :) 10 hits usually more than enough to kill any full hp int/agi heroes. Thanks for your advice. And yeah, since the dagger got nerfed, lothar is more viable for him now.
ReplyDeletedoes ursa ulti work on building???
ReplyDeleteaccording to juking guide, place ward at enemy forrest cause creep not spawn, so can i use BM's web, weaver's ghost or visage's bird to stop creeps spawn???
@scighera - hmmm, i never tried before, but i think weaver ghost and visage bird can stop creep respawn if you place them inside neutral creeps respawn range.
ReplyDeleteursa doesnt need treads
ReplyDeletetravels r sweet cuse u dont need the attaack speed
if u wanna own ur foes
no blink dagger
too crap
u need lothars
activate overpower, enrage then lothars to ur enimy
when he is low life use earth shock and watch the nubs life drop
my build is
travels vanguard lothars butterfly heart and its up to u if u want to modify it
Ursa totally rox. he draws blood quick enough to buy the greatest item. heis practically invicible with vanguard and hearts and with vladmirs his health will almost never reach orange if u use his skill wisely. my skill build is vanguard vladmirs power t. butterfly heart heart and if u want, a bloodstone will make him god of the gods.( anyway not much mana is needed for a kill)
ReplyDeleteI think you should get travel instead of getting threads that way you can get around the map easily. especially when one of your towers are being attacked by creeps or heroes.
ReplyDeleteWhen it comes to the Item build i would skip Power treads and get:
ReplyDeleteBracer, Bracer, Boots of speed, Vladmirs offering, Stout shield, Ring of Helth, Vitality booster > Vanguard, Yasha, KDoE/Lothars edge, Boots of Travel, Heart of Tarrasque. -self edit order-
Core items: Vanguard, Vladmirs offering, Yasha, Boots of Travel, Heart of Tarrasque, - KDoE/Lothars edge.
the two bracers ensures a good early game, the treads aren't needed because you dont really need AS because with double overpower technuique you can kill almost any hero, the Yasha is for 10% MS which is Exellent for reaching escaping enemies and the Vanguard is for Survivability while the rest is explained in the guide.
PS: you can kill roshan easy with Bracer,Bracer,Boots of spped, Vladmirs offering and Vanguard at lv 9 =)
my Ursa warrior item build:
ReplyDelete2 heart of tarrasque
2 vanguard
Boots of Travel
item purposes:
2 vanguard= plus life, block damage, hp regen...(helpful when your opponents are damage type/agility type)
2 heart of tarrasque= plus life, hp regen..(suits the best for the "enrage" ability of Ursa)
butterfly= 30 agility, 20% evasion, 30 damage, 30% attack speed...(useful when you don't have enough mana to use overpower)
Boots of travel=90 move speed and teleport..(useful when you want to kill immediately)
Deletemy Ursa warrior item build:
ReplyDelete2 heart of tarrasque
2 vanguard
Boots of Travel
item purposes:
2 vanguard= plus life, block damage, hp regen...(helpful when your opponents are damage type/agility type)
2 heart of tarrasque= plus life, hp regen..(suits the best for the "enrage" ability of Ursa)
butterfly= 30 agility, 20% evasion, 30 damage, 30% attack speed...(useful when you don't have enough mana to use overpower)
Boots of travel=90 move speed and teleport..(useful when you want to kill immediately)
my Ursa warrior item build:
ReplyDelete2 heart of tarrasque
2 vanguard
Boots of Travel
item purposes:
2 vanguard= plus life, block damage, hp regen...(helpful when your opponents are damage type/agility type)
2 heart of tarrasque= plus life, hp regen..(suits the best for the "enrage" ability of Ursa)
butterfly= 30 agility, 20% evasion, 30 damage, 30% attack speed...(useful when you don't have enough mana to use overpower)
Boots of travel=90 move speed and teleport..(useful when you want to kill immediately)
the one that said "NO HERO CAN DEFEAT URSA WITH THIS BUILD AND HE USES HIS SKILLS PERFECTLY ON TIME, even FACELESS VOID AND TROLL CAN'T DEFEAT URSA, EVEN CENTAUR...AS IN, NO HERO CAN DEFEAT URSA WITH THIS BUILD" is a noob, think about Nerub Weaver u fool, u wont land even more than 2 attacks on this hero (if the weaver user indeed a pro) and weaver can easily remove slow or simply replenish its health with his ulti, So Ursa VS Weaver? Ursa ass pawned, and dont forget the godly Azwraith, king of illusion ;P, u may land a thousand hit on him but the real one shall suffer nothin, indeed Ursa is strong, but not the strongest. I'd say he's number 5
ReplyDeleteUrsa? Strongest? his ass may be the biggest, but not the strongest, 2 tarrasque? noob noob, i agreed Weaver and Azwraith could pawn that neutral blood (ursa family) hero =))
ReplyDeletemy ursa warrior
-mask of madness
beserk don't stack with overpower
and you have 15% movement speed if used together with the phase boots and lothar's (+20%) you increase your movement speed so much that you can catch anynone or escape!
remember phase boots must be the last spell
an other good trick is to use overpower and then wind walk, then go next to an enemy hero and cast Earthshock and Enrage while hitting him then the overpower will be cooled down use it again and if finish use beserk , even the best tank will die.
For the other to slots depends the opponents, after level 10 you can kill Rosham and take aegis of immortal.
In any case it would be better to put something like an extra vanguard and Tarrasque because of his ulti but you can put butterfly and cuirass it depends on your gameplay.
., my build is like this.,
ReplyDeleteboots of travel
heart of tarras
assault cuirass
is this good or bad??
., plsss reply in my message plsss i just want to know if this build is good or bad .,:(
ReplyDeletefine b me, but skip the satanic and get vladimirs. Fury swipes overrides ALL Orbs, so you won't steal a single hp.
ReplyDeleteGet lothars(preferred) or dagger
.,@nickfreak, sooo can you decide what item i'm going to get rid .,:)
ReplyDeletecause its hard for me to think of it plssss.,:)
by the way nickfreak thanks for the reply huh.,
., nickfreak plss reply.,:(
ReplyDeleteuhm... sorry if this sounds dumb but.. shouldn't you put battle fury? cuz if ursa is enraged, and casts overpower, he can easily devour creeps in less than 5 seconds...
ReplyDeletemy build for ursa is:
1.vladimir's offering,
2.boots of travel,
3.battle fury,
i think battle fury should be built first so you can make lots of money and can easily form other items...
-newb here
Hmmm about bf, Yes it is a good item on him, in a teamfight, where more than 1 Enemy is gahtered you also spill the damage caused by Fury swipes. I still prefer
ReplyDeleteVanguard, boots (later BoT), lothars, THEN vladi.
So now we have some decisions to make:
Heart provides you with HP, thus damage AND a Regen that insures your max hp.
Battlefury makes you kill a whole team, but as you are the biggest threat youll catch ALL the fire nd disables!
I don't buy it but remember:
Fury Swipes overrides ALL orbeffects. Yes ALL. Ever thought of buying SNY? you get hp and a huge MS boost but keep Fury swipes. Same works for Sandking...
1)phase boot
ReplyDelete2)vladimir's offering
6)Sange n Yasha
Phase boot- quick recharge, pass through enemies (creeps)
vladimir- lifesteal, extra damage
HoT- Greatly increase Hp, so increase Enrage damage.
Butterfly- agility+strength
SnY- agility+strength
for teamfight, i think this is d best build, plus making ursa a tank for the team.
LOL what a fucking noob. sange and yasha will gimp your fury swipes. dont noob the hero pls.
ReplyDeletedamn everyone who loves ursa...ursa is so weak...you just need blademail to counter that teddy...
ReplyDeletewhat happened if u put MKB for him?
ReplyDeleteI think no one can stop him from killing with that thing. He'll become a great hunter?
Ur comment?
ursa warrior in my opinion is the best player at dota....cause his skills are very powerful and useful to use....i play this hero since i started playing dota(3 years ago)....and i tell you this DO NOT BYE BUTTERFLY TO URSA!!!!!WITH HIS 2NTH SKILL(OVERPOWER)URSA HAS THE MAX ATTACK SPEED THAT HE CAN GET....the items that y should by for ursa is for damage and ofcourse for hp for his ulti (read ulti for more information about hp)...my built is the following...and if you try it u will RULEEEE!!!!! treds,vanguard,LOTHARS(is the most important item for ursa...before y press lothars y activate overpower and ulti...click lothars and then attack to an opponet)vladimirs,BURIZA(also very important item....with overpower ursa has more chances to create a crit and smash an opponet...its very USEFULL)and finally hot(heart of tarasque)witch gives y hp and hp regen...for the begining with ursa y should start with a stout shield and a tango...the other 210 gold should be kept for boots of speed..then make first treds ..and continue with vanguard....then its your opinion how to cont. try my way only for once...and y should see the results...trust me i know....ty for reading :)( P.S iam from greece,i dont know english very well plzzz forgive for any mistake)
ReplyDeleteLOL... i can 1v1 roshan at lvl6 w/ vanguard and threads + healing salve or vanguard + healing salve only dats 5v5 i farm fast so i have vaguard and threads in 4 mins.. lvl 1 and a help of team can defeat roshan.....
ReplyDeleteUrsa is a tank with armor cause he is agi
ReplyDeletetry tarrasque
str tread
then maybe lothar or dagger
i am habitually unkillable after tarrasque and vanguard + leech from vlad
you need str so you get more life so enraged become a ultimate weapon
with 2 tarrasque you easily get +240 dmg and more
put 5times 400 damage(240+other+base
it's a kill for int and agi for sure
I'd like to point out that at level 11, you get 5% of your hp as damage. One strength point = 19 hp. 19 * 5% = 0.95. therefore, by level 11, you are basically as much of a strength hero as an agility one. by level 16 I would be letting my agility go and start becoming a full-on strength hero.
ReplyDeletemy build is:
ReplyDeleteboots of travel
(Basher or MKB)
last item depends on your gameplay strategy.
Huh? why get basher?
ReplyDeletesorry, but first get ring of bass, geting armor mana regen for earth shock. skills 1.shock;2.over;3.shock;4.over;5.orb;6.orb;7.orb and so on
ReplyDelete2x shocks makes damage and no escape and over get fast melee dmg so orb without over is not good. when 7th lvl must have vlads and boots of speed at least to get rosh. ulty is cooool but early with my built is not good or cool. rest is at your, trust me they'll search you in woods to stop you getting OVERPOWERED, for that you have aegis. HF
for me, i farming vanguard and vladmir first then(if 1 on 1 i get 2 of them first), i go for Phase Boots(for movement and when enemy want to escape i use Phase),then HoT,after that you can get either Butterfly and 1 more HoT.
ReplyDeleteOn 6.64 I already know that the skill overpower is changed.
ReplyDeleteNow, all lvl skill reach +400% atk spd but lasts on:
lvl1- 2 attacks
lvl2- 3 attacks
lvl3- 4 attacks
lvl4- 5 attacks
or lasts on 15 seconds
i know screw you dumb ass
ReplyDeleteYeah, Ursa is IMBA, ursa is great, GET tanking item for him wahahha...
ReplyDelete* and Naix laughing at that 3k hp ursa because each attack regens Naix by 240 hp and deal 240 dmg to ursa *
that noob troll must had forgotten to cast blind on you...
For noobs that didn't include blink dagger and lothar edge in their item build
A CM: " URSA IS UMBA, but what can he do if he cannot even touches me? "
my ursa:
ReplyDelete6 blades of atack
these increase your damage the most, and his abilities are good enough to ot need stuff
thasts my favorite hero!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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ReplyDeleteu suck ursa without wlads are u retarded?
ReplyDeletePT or Phase boots is oke,, which 1 ^^
ReplyDeletevladimir and vanguard.. (PT, Vlad, Vanguard very important for early)
maybe unsuccesfull killing without kelens dagger or lothar, so which 1..
than Hot..
1 slot for aegis when roshan already spawn, even every spawn..
if you not interested with aegis,, u can choose another item..
HoT for more life and regen.. (tanking build)
buriza for critical on damage.. (killing build)
Butterfly... emhh, not bad..
battlefury.., good for early to get money..
Rapier.., auw..
my "magnus" kill "ursa"..
ReplyDeletemy core item are battlefury, Hot, and BladeMail surely..
haha,, ursa not strongest Hero..
axe, magnus and many other can kill him..
i can kill ursa with terrorblade..
ReplyDeletemy core item dagon and lothar..
just spell lothar than use terrorblade ulti and dagon..
mu ursa
ReplyDeletepower tread or boot of travel
monkey king bar
battle fury for farming
vlademir offering....very good..even u only havvanguard and vladimir..u can kill roshan at any level....
my items for ursa is :
3.cranium basher
5.assault cuirass
just by making vanguard,boots and basher ,you can take early kills.....i've done this against many heroes online.....
basher is must...as it bashes with every strike....
any comments on my build to improve....
My ursa build
battle fury
battle fury
battle fury
the reason for this madness is that
battle fury stacks dealing a totl of
105% splash damage + it dealing 65 damage
per battle fury
combining this with overpower and furyswipes
after the 5 hits with overpower u r dealing
over 300 damage a swing in splash damage
and the life steal one the first creature goes up
Vanguard can be exchanged with anything u want
after mid game(that works with ursa)
And hot helps with his ults damage so
there is even more damage a hit
fyi ursa can be killed
but this just makes it harder
plss respond to improve this 3 battle fury
Using 3 battle furys makes u deal an additional
ReplyDelete195 damage per attack
combined with over power it does a total
of 975 damage
i'm not sure but with Hot using over power
and enrage u could kill a high number of people
with this combo
and then doing that with a cleave= 1000 damage
over a 250+ area
Well u could be stupid a get
ReplyDelete1 vald
5 battle furys
doing 170% splash damage
and 335 damage a hit ( not including the increase
of the splash damage)
and 1.5k them with over power
Hopefully this is srong...
ReplyDeleteVladimir's Offering
Agi treads
Battle Fury
Heart of Tarrasque
Pls tell me if this is good or bad
Ursa can solo rosh at lvl 8/9 with vanguard alone. Vlads doesnt even work with the added damage from his ulti, so its a waste of money. The atk speed from threads is kindof useless, better get phase boots for chasing.
If you're a decent farmer, you can pretty much beat any character when you get these items.
My build item were:
ReplyDeletebottle and
i can already kill an ancient neutral with my raw lvl. mana is already d problem after all bec. lifesteal is the best for his item.
but, in our community certain items are being banned bec. of IMBANESSES if combine to some heroes(it's totally abusive)
like 'VANGUARD',and 'HOOd of defa' well merely were all agree,
so we already handle not to use the items mentioned above.
My build
luxury items:
battle fury
my two builds for ursa:
ReplyDelete1st build (dps
phase boots/treads
blink dagger
assualt cuirass
2nd build (tank build)
phase boots
blink dagger
@ the one that said that ursa must have 5bfs and 1 vlad is a NOOB!!!u see. . . . .
such a noob.
im from philly and my friend is a member of MYM..
we always do 1v1 and sometimes he loses!!
even just a "goblin techies" will kill him..
@lvl 2 gt cn kick his ass up. .
oh. .another one..
ReplyDeleteone vlad and 5 butterflies will destroy the well.
try it!!!
The 1 who told 3 bfs is totally retarded!
ReplyDeleteThat chut dont e1 have boots in his so called ultimate build! What noobs are commenting here!
roof really can take him really easy.. just need refresher orb and blade mail.. roof is the best hero at dota.. no one could deny it.
ReplyDelete@ the one who said that bf's don't stack
ReplyDeleteThey do stack.
most of these guys here are total useless noobs ..about 95%:))
ReplyDeleteand i even heard a guy 2 vang ?
u idiot ... does not stack
whatever ...
good guide ..nailed down the basics but it's really up to your ability to adapt to the game ... in my oppinion there is no fix item build or strategy for anybody ..there are some core items and the rest is ...improv.
some people get 2 vanguards not for the block, but for (a fairly cheap) health regen and hp boost in one slot. But I do agree that one vanguard is enough for ursa. Hell, u can just rush vlads and skip vanguard altogether.
ReplyDeleteBut of course, different build for different situations and I'm sure people have justifications for their own.
let's be serios ...2 vang 4 protection?
ReplyDeletenonsense ... u should always use items to their full potential ...IT'S THE LAW !!!!
plus why waste money ... in a real game u won't have time to joke arround with " inventions"
conclusion ....don't be a stupid ass ....look at the pro's and learn ...nothing wrong with that...don't invent shit.
^^above is an example of a follower who thinks he's pro.
ReplyDelete.i'm really confused with the identity of ursa..is he a bear??.
ReplyDeleteme and my friend always say he looks like a standing turtle or erected platypus either..LOL
(filipino here)
ur all noobs and weaks. anybody can defeat ursa with just the timimg and blade mail.dont get too excited wid dis hero,, u weaklings
ReplyDeleteMy best hero is Aparation he is the best becaus you always do first blood whit him and he is ima i buy it: blood stone vanguard bots of travel hex
ReplyDeleteMy build is... V-lads (you know the HP thing :P) then at level 6 ill go solo roshan.. thatll take like 15 seconds or so.. then im level 9 :P then i can gank a couple times... What i do is i do enrage and OP then hit them till they run or are low them earthshock and kill :P. then ill get vanguard... and after that all it is, is more damage items and such :/
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
ReplyDeleteDude can u tell me whats the first item build of ursa warrior???
ReplyDeletepls help!
= GG!
Very interesting content here. Thanks for taking your time to put this post! Loved your words.
ReplyDeletephase boot anyway.
ReplyDeleteu put ur overpower and ulti set up!
then come close to enemy BAM!!!
then hit hit hit,after enemy gain speed, time for phase boot..
1.boot - 500
2.salve or tango -100
3.stoutshield -250(oO)
-it is random money-
it is 5v5 choosed,
item priority
1.phase boot(for dagger builder)
2.ring of health
3.VLADMIR (for roshan -u can solo roshan with this ,and only this)
4.lothar(for other boot builder)for phase=dagger
5.van,and heart
6.butter(for evasion and ur agility[u r agi hero]
AVOID THIS HERO : hero with EVASION(that include void)
desprate item = Guinsoo,eul(wtf? )
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ReplyDeletesorry to say this on ursa lover but i ****ing hate ursa, yeah he is an imba hero and i just don't like he can cast his ulti without mana, but hey if any ursa want's to fight with my barathrum i'm ready as always.
ReplyDeletebut i still like the guide ;)
ursa indeed an imba hero, to kill him, we need a stunner and hitter as well. . The stuner better be a melee tanker hero. .ursa would prefer kill the stuner first(after get stunned). . thats why, BM is essential for the tanker . . . , when ursa trying to escape just let the hitter do the job(better be ranged hero with lothar in case ursa attempt to fight back. . .
ReplyDeleteErm .. Hi Thr ..
ReplyDeleteMy Suggestion .. Mayb a noob here ..
i think ursa nids Offering 1st then Vanguard .. then boot of spd .. then butterfly .. dagger.. Buriza ? (If Possible .) waiting for feedback . suggestions only :)
My build 2x stout shield if 1-1 to 1-4 team play
ReplyDeletebuy 3 health branches 2 mana potions and just keep ganking low hp creeps. Then if you can buy ring of regen then ring of basilus for survival and return to farming.. just get the second and third skill for early rosh if you want.. just make sure you've already built vlademirs and threads and at least 1/2 mana + enrage.. If you have the early aegis then it means + another tower maybe or if you lucky get ganking with heroes.. nxt item on your list is ring of health and void stone for mana problems.. depending on your opponent you can go different builds starting this point.. if you plan on going late game and you want to farm faster claymore/broadsword.. if heroes look delicious at this point buy blink dagger. then depending on you opponent you can make HoT/cranium basher(who needs 1st skill) /blademail/cuirass
and trade threads for BoT for late game def..
I have 80% winning streak with this build =)
^ there are limits to lothars so I chose dagger instead.. just have to time your attack right
ReplyDeleteimba build!!haha
ReplyDeletehide your hero for surprise combo attack ..use blink dagger..
ReplyDeletelol... i saw warlock bought three battle furys' for mana regen and dmg. Despite of that, he owns the game. XD
ReplyDeleteActually, Ursa is weak against blinder and hero with high evasion and runner.i suggest monkey king bar will well on him if Ursa face a lot high evasion hero and blinder such as troll,blind 42% an miss attack + butterfly 30% evasion = 72 evasion can totally make Ursa cant hit troll with overpower+enrage, u can only hit a few time
ReplyDelete*countering blademail by using battle fury's splash
ReplyDelete*MKB for the evasion and blind
*Damagewise I prefer not to use any health boost other than 1 HoT, why? Coz heart only boost 63.5dmg only when ulti are activated, on top of that 1% hp regain does not stack and inactivates during battle
*I prefer poorman's shield as my first item rather than vang, Coz vang is too expensive for me if I want to get vlad early to kill roshan
*disabler and stunner are ur best buddy, always ks em wenever possible
Ursa is the cutest hero in dota!!! So don't dis IT!!!!!
ReplyDeletephase boots
blink dagger
farming vanguard is pointless, by the time ur lvl 8 u can go rosh with vlads alone then farm a blink dagger and your good to go. just played ursa with this build and went 14-3
an imba item build would be:
ReplyDeleteVladimirs Offering
Cranium Basher
Phase Boots
Heart of Tarrasque
Blade Mail
Another Heart OR a butterfly
vlad gives lifesteal. with overpower and a cranium basher, you're sure to land a stun or two. phase boots for when your prey is escaping, blade mail when everyone comes to KILL you (which happens often) heart will keep your health, and therefore your damage(enrage) high. a butterfly will jack up your survival, but another heart will jack up your damage and partially, you survivability. others dont matter, rush vlad first. when you have all items, give aegis and cheese to allys else deny them. =]
this is my build if you want to destroy the fountain by yourself in 6.67c. try it, it really WORKS!!!
ReplyDeletedivine rapier
heart of tarrasque
assault cuirass
ReplyDeleteDid u know Ursa can use OvP twice at enemy at the same time without waiting for cooldown.
ReplyDelete*To make this perfect buy this thing
Kalen dagger and Cranium basher.
Actually this is my tips...
(For pro)
first,hide somewhere in short distance to an enemy.Cast an OvP,wait til OvP cooldown almost reach zero.Imediately cast UlTi and ambush an enemy with kelen dagger(Don't to late to ambush an enemy til ur OvP stop func).IMediately cast EARTH SHOCK and tried to hit enemy 6 times correctly and cast OvP again since ur OvP cooldown was zero.U can damage U enemy badly!!!
EVEN A TANKER HERO CAN'T WISHTANCE.Maybe ur enemy can't escape cause were stun by cranium basher and even can't stop u from hitting them...
Ur tips was really good txn a lot ZeZan C A
ReplyDeletemy build:
ReplyDelete1. VLADS
4. BKB
you dont need lothars and bkb you just need heart of tarasque...vanguard vlads
ReplyDeleteursa warrior is the dota king, no one can stand against it in early, mid or late game, i can get myself 3 battle furys a vladimir and a tarasque and bkb in 27 minutes. his fury swipes is monstrous, no pathetic hero will go one on one with him.
ReplyDeleteitem build:
2nd. lothars or dagger--for early ill of enemy heroes
3rd. phase boots-for chasing pathetic escaping heroes
4th. perseverance---into bf
and so on...
nahh...a five on 1 insane a.i is pathetic
wow aq nk jadi orang yang professional..
ReplyDelete1 on 1... No one can touch my URSA Ultimate Build:
ReplyDelete1. Boots of Travel
2. Lothars Edge
3. Euls Scepter
4. Blink Dagger
5. Shiva's Guard
6. Guinsoo Scythe
i may not win... but YOU CAN'T KILL URSA!
up there...lol...
ReplyDeletemy build is 4 heart of tarrasque and 1 boots any kind :D and 1 Vladimir
ReplyDeletebecause the last skill of ursa need more HP so i gave him more HoT
ReplyDeletein 5v5 game... (item build)
ReplyDelete1st build - phase boots ( for harassment in your lane. you can kill melee heroes in your lane by level 3 to 6 )
2nd build - vanguard ( you need vanguard first before making a lifesteal so you can stay much longer in a clash )
3rd build - vladimir's ( lifesteal )
4th build - Kelen's Dagger of Escape ( kill and kill and kill!!! )
5th build - Black King Bar or Blade Mail ( for disablers and harassers like those heroes who has voodoo and guinsoo or silence for harassers all agi long ranges )
6th build - For me I prefer Heart of Tarrasque ( to tank all the attacks and kill more!! ) For 6th item build.. ANY ITEM WILL DO...
cant we buy kellens dragger before vladmir????????and what is the use of blade mail actually............i m noob...........and want to play it....
ReplyDeleteMy item (Ursa)
2)Battle Fury
3)Power Treads
4)Heart of Tarrasque x2
Ursa Warrior is not the strongest try 1 on 1 it to
ReplyDeleteur friend and pick ur friend as troll warlord then
ur an ursa warrior...
my item build from ursa:
Phase Boots
ursa is the strongest ur just say he isnt becuase ur shit and dont know how to use him
ReplyDeleteOh, please, if any of you say that Ursa is the strongest hero, then you obviously haven't played DotA against real people, Ursa can only own AI bots. If you're still confident that Ursa is the strongest, then come against me 1 on 1, with only the middle lane. Anyone up for it?
ReplyDelete@above comment : if ur so strong why dont u go all lanes in 1on1? the rate at which u farm (whatever u take) will be far far lower than ursa, and if hes lothars and overpowered lvl 2 with swipes, well basically...ur fucked :) u wont even have the time to press ur so called BLADE MAIL ! xD
ReplyDeleteAND if u use a dps hero, clinkz or whatever, what are u gonna build, blade mail or the rest o ur shiite?
ReplyDeleteursa should be named "HES-SO-AWESOME-QUIT-THE-GAME-DUDE" warrior :)
yeah he's just dumb who try to act cool but end up as jerk
ReplyDeletei still agree though that ursa isn't the strongest hero and more accurately there are no strongest hero in dota!!!
every hero has his own weaknes
heh yea, ursa will prolly whack him on his head from the back say WASSSSSSSUP ~! before driving his claws through him...kab00m ~!
ReplyDeleteyes ursa has it own weakness but u can overcome it by buying an item newbies for example buy a bkb or mkb if u fighting with troll
ReplyDeleteur all noob
1st thing to get~
ReplyDeletevanguard(nc all time)
then phase boot(attack speed already in ursa hand,creep will never stop block thus our range damn hell close[please check])
vlad(what else in order to not lose the fury things)
bkb-vs heavy stunner
heart-ulti+++,survival +++ pro
dagger/lothar-which suite you
end there is your perfection as super killer(and more thing) teamwork!
Anonymous said...
ReplyDelete@above comment : if ur so strong why dont u go all lanes in 1on1? the rate at which u farm (whatever u take) will be far far lower than ursa, and if hes lothars and overpowered lvl 2 with swipes, well basically...ur fucked :) u wont even have the time to press ur so called BLADE MAIL ! xD
Newsflash u fucking noob! I said only middle so it would be fair for the sore loser who would play ursa because ursa has 0 map control. I'd be more than happy to play on all lanes and push your base towers before you can solo rosh.
P.S: Why the hell do you think that ursa can kill anyone from lothars? Did you moron ever hear of a very anti-ursa item called manta style? Any ranged hero with manta can pwn ursa like a pussy. And I'm not even going to start about nessaj owning ursa like shit.
ReplyDeleteAnother P.S: Blade mail is the worst possible item to use against ursa, because basically you have to be able to tank more than ursa himself which almost no hero can do. The best choice is either Etheral Blade or Manta Style. And his precious Lothars can be countered like shit, only pubbers get owned by Lothars. A dagger is the way to go with Ursa. And it still won't save his ass in a 1v1 game against almost any hero with decent map control. Tinker for example would own him.
ReplyDeleteP.S: Why the hell do you think that ursa can kill anyone from lothars? Did you moron ever hear of a very anti-ursa item called manta style? Any ranged hero with manta can pwn ursa like a pussy. And I'm not even going to start about nessaj owning ursa like shit.
ReplyDeleteHave YOU heard of something called BATTLEFURY?
and since ur talking about items, what about BKB? stfup kid, go home and stop trolling just for the heck of it
i can kill roshan at lvl 6,with boot of speed,stout shield n vladimir...
ReplyDeleteeasy to kill ursa,just use phantom lancer or naga...buy dffusal blade then,ursa is useless without AS..p/s(mana burn stop ursa from use overpower)
ReplyDeletemy item is :
ReplyDelete1) power treads (str)
2) vladimirs
3) vanguard
4) batle fury
5) 2x heart of tarasque
what do you think about that??
You should try farming this:
ReplyDeletePower threads====Another + To Speed
Butterfly=====Another + To Speed
Hyperstone +55 atk speed====This rox
Vanguard====For Healing And Protection
Heart of tarrasque=====Don't know the reason....But i farm it cuz i noe its good.lol
Last One(Either You choose or buy blink dagger.I recommend Divine rapier if ur crazy abt speed killing===Spam It wit ur OverPower)
This farm gibs ursa The Ultimate Speed
nice farm(On top of me)
ReplyDeletei think vladmir's is needed as soon as possible and then cuirass
ReplyDelete1 lothar/kylen dagger (for ESCAPE or AMBUSH )
3 satanic/vladimir 1st
4 vanguard/butterfly (BLOCKING MOST ENEMY DAMAGE)
6 boots of travel ( fast explorer )
ursa agility type but its absolutely strong use STR stat equipment
for me
S.N.Y is not stack with 3rd skill...
ReplyDeletethe strongest hero in the condition of 1v1 only and full set of items is syllabear :)
ReplyDeleteno one could match him, even ursa/troll/darkterror..
however in a pro game, there is no such thing as strongest hero nor strongest player because it is all about team play...
my item build is phaseboots, vladmirs, vanguard , buriza, tarrasque/battlefury, and kelen's dagger.
ReplyDeletevladmirs and phaseboots are important coz you need damage and strong life still with aura in the early game.. with vladmirs and phasboots you can kill roshan in level 1..
buriza is a good item for ursa because it will have a greater chance to kill your enemy faster even with atleast 4 hits..and a choice if you want hp regen you may use tarrasque but if damage and cleaving attack is what you want rather get battle fury.. this is just my build why not try? it might work
ReplyDeleteyou can kill the well just by using ursa alone..this is off topic but its nice !!
ReplyDeletetreads, 2 butterflies, assault cuirass, vladmirs, and heart of tarrasque..no health cost after this ! still full health !!
and by the way my very first hero in dota was ursa..
skill build:
fury swipes
fury swipes
and the rest is up to you .max out fury swipes and overpower first ..great for harassing ..and rush vanguard, phase boots and vlads first..then cuirass basher and kellens..dats good enough to get a RAMPAGE !!
ReplyDeletemy Ursa warrior item build:
ReplyDelete2 heart of tarrasque
2 vanguard
Boots of Travel
item purposes:
2 vanguard= plus life, block damage, hp regen...(helpful when your opponents are damage type/agility type)
2 heart of tarrasque= plus life, hp regen..(suits the best for the "enrage" ability of Ursa)
butterfly= 30 agility, 20% evasion, 30 damage, 30% attack speed...(useful when you don't have enough mana to use overpower)
Boots of travel=90 move speed and teleport..(useful when you want to kill immediately)
you can kill the well just by using ursa alone..this is off topic but its nice !!
ReplyDeletetreads, 2 butterflies, assault cuirass, vladmirs, and heart of tarrasque..no health cost after this ! still full health !!
and by the way my very first hero in dota was ursa..
skill build:
fury swipes
fury swipes
and the rest is up to you .max out fury swipes and overpower first ..great for harassing ..and rush vanguard, phase boots and vlads first..then cuirass basher and kellens..dats good enough to get a RAMPAGE !!
I agree with skill build, but treads is a completely nonsense item for ursa. If you can use overpower wisely, you'll normally have 10-12 hits within 3-4 sec, which is exactly your goal. Treads are recommended to buy for very few heroes, including mortred and troll warlord, but ursa is not of this kind. ) As an optional item against Rad holders i can recommen lothar.
ReplyDeleteOf course, this is not very important for most pubs and opens, where we can see even Lich or Akasha wearing treads ))).
is it really nice to buy power threads?? or should you buy Boots of Travel?? bcoz ursa's Attack Speed is already high..
ReplyDeletesorry,,im a noob..:D
LOL what a fucking noob. sange and yasha will gimp your fury swipes. dont noob the hero pls.
ReplyDelete1)phase boot
ReplyDelete2)vladimir's offering
6)Sange n Yasha
Phase boot- quick recharge, pass through enemies (creeps)
vladimir- lifesteal, extra damage
HoT- Greatly increase Hp, so increase Enrage damage.
Butterfly- agility+strength
SnY- agility+strength
for teamfight, i think this is d best build, plus making ursa a tank for the team.
uhm... sorry if this sounds dumb but.. shouldn't you put battle fury? cuz if ursa is enraged, and casts overpower, he can easily devour creeps in less than 5 seconds...
ReplyDeletemy build for ursa is:
1.vladimir's offering,
2.boots of travel,
3.battle fury,
i think battle fury should be built first so you can make lots of money and can easily form other items...
-newb here
., nickfreak plss reply.,:(
ReplyDeleteyou are all noobs... nothing can stop ursa in 1v1.. he is the greatest melee hero.. he can even kill roshan in lvl 1. did you know that?
ReplyDeletebuy vladimirs, 3 poor man shield and 1 stout shield to be exact.. then put skill on fury swipes.. try and enjoy.. ^^
only noobs are using power treads to ursa... basically, phase boots is the best for him.
ReplyDeletei think after you get vanguard and vladi...you could go to roshan and can easily kill him...!!!!wahahaha
ReplyDeletemaybe lvl 7 or 8
i like that!!!!
ReplyDeleteheart is good for ursa because it increases damage of enrage......
ReplyDeletenot a good idea...... it might be effective in single player game..... but u will fail in multiplayer.......
ReplyDeletei use dagger / lothar
ReplyDeleteeasily said than done.....
ReplyDeletehave u tried it yet? it's great.. hahaha, the best hero ever.
ReplyDeletelet's try.. i will only use traxex.. promise..
ReplyDeletereally ? pick all the heroes you know i will only use to you traxex.. 1v1
ReplyDeletedi naman ganyan buo kay ursa e dapat ganito vladimers offering,vanguard,sny,quirass,boots of travel dapat ganyan mamaw na yan
ReplyDeleteso true
ReplyDeletegago ka ang pangit ng build mo ang baho ang hina pa eh no.....wag ka na nga mag suggest kung mali mali lang ha??
ReplyDeleteI don`t Like your build because I don`t like dota hahahhahahahahhahahahha Joke`s Lang`.../...
ReplyDeleteMy Build.
ReplyDelete1.Power treads
4.butter fly
5.heart of tarras
hahahhaaha Its a good sugested hahaha
i kill roshian at lvl 1 vladimirs and 3 poor man shield
ReplyDeleteI killed roshan lvl 1 with no build!!
ReplyDelete1. bloodstone
ReplyDelete2. vlad
3. tarasque
4. aegis
5. power t.
6. vang.
i can kill roshan in lvl 1!!!
ReplyDeletesven can kill ursa warrior ??
ReplyDeleteursa warrior=phase boots,vanguard,vladimirs,cuirass,butterfly,tarrasque (the true and most powerful items than your item builds) XD
ReplyDeletemy ursa item build is
power thread
Try my build up for URSA WARRIOR
5) POWER TREADS (agility)
Franklin Charles Corpuz is the name
Im gonna go try the item buiild Thanks.
ReplyDeletenot Agi treads because URSA will not be fast but .. the sure fast move for URSA is PHASE BOOTS
ReplyDeletenot power treads .. phase boots is the best and better to URSA
ReplyDeleteme too .. i can kill ROSHAN in lvl 1 with stout shield 3 or two stout shieldang mask of death
ReplyDeletetry it pls ..
ang weak mo
ReplyDeletein youtube
ReplyDeletefuck you!!!!
ReplyDeletewho idiotic person will believe u?
dagon is the best item for ursa, fucking ownage i tell u
ReplyDeleteI love ursa, because you can kill roshan in nearly game.
ReplyDeleteas soon as possible you have
1. vladmir
2. phase boots before 15 minute.
and you can solo carrier kill roshan.
other item build :
3. dagger
4. battle fury
5 and 6 heart of taras.
if your game not good
you really need vanguard
ReplyDeletei can kill roshan even if i have no item using ursa..
ReplyDeletei love ursa warrior
ReplyDeleteand where do u get that much gold at level 1? fucking idiot
ReplyDeleteSir how to use kelen dager in ursa?
ReplyDeletewho plays 1v1 noob
ReplyDeletein 1v1 you get 4k gold man... sarcasm
ReplyDeleteThe bad thing I noticed with Ursa is that no matter how nice Ursa's build is or how strong he gets, he can easily be pwned by other heroes when the game gets to Late game when the other enemy heroes got their builds. . .
ReplyDeletejust basher for ursa
ReplyDeleteMask of Madness incase if the overpower is completely used.......... take care of fighting 5 heroes... dont be a foolish!!!
ReplyDeleteIn 1 on 1, blink to the enemy and combo the earthshock,overpower, and enrage....!! its a 2 second instant kill!!
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