Dota Items Guide - Dota-Allstars Items

Cache of Quel-thelan

+15% attack speed
Buy 500 Sell 275
Used to make Power Treads, Hand of Midas, Armlet of Mordiggian, Maelstrom

15% life steal (orb effects)
Buy 900 Sell 450
Used to make Helm of the Dominator, Mask of Madness, Vladmir's Offering

+2 HP regen/seconds
Buy 350 Sell 175
Used to make Headdress of Rejuvenation, Vladmir's Offering, Hood of Defiance, Soul Ring, Tranquil Boots

Blink (active) : Blink for up to 1200 distance
Cannot be used if you have been damaged by player based damage in the last 3 seconds
Cannot be used by Vengeful Spirit or Pudge
Buy 2150 Sell 1075
75 mana, 14 seconds cooldown
Sobi Mask
+50% mana regeneration
Buy 325 Sell 162
Used to make Ring of Basilius, Oblivion Staff, Eul's Scepter of Divinity, Soul Ring
Boots of Speed
Increase movespeed by 55
Buy 500 Sell 250
Used to make Boots of Travel, Power Treads, Phase Boots, Tranquil Boots
Gem of True Sight
Allow the bearer to see invisible unit within a small radius.
Drop upon death (10 minutes cooldown)
Buy 700 Sell N/A
Planeswalker's Cloak
15% spell resistance
Buy 550 Sell 275
Used to make Hood of Defiance
Cannot be used by Vengeful Spirit or Pudge
Buy 2150 Sell 1075
75 mana, 14 seconds cooldown

+50% mana regeneration
Buy 325 Sell 162
Used to make Ring of Basilius, Oblivion Staff, Eul's Scepter of Divinity, Soul Ring

Increase movespeed by 55
Buy 500 Sell 250
Used to make Boots of Travel, Power Treads, Phase Boots, Tranquil Boots

Allow the bearer to see invisible unit within a small radius.
Drop upon death (10 minutes cooldown)
Buy 700 Sell N/A

15% spell resistance
Buy 550 Sell 275
Used to make Hood of Defiance

Energy Charge (Does not stack)
When enemy casts a spell around you (1400), you gain 1 charge. Maximum 10 charges. When you cast the item, you instantly regenerate 15 hp and 15 mana for each charge. This does not trigger off of non-spells or attack orbs
Buy 200 Sell 100
Used to make Magic Wand
Add 25% Evasion
Buy 1800 Sell 900
Used to make the Butterfly, Heaven's Halberd

+7 Attributes
Ghost Form (active) Ghost Form makes you unable to attack or be attacked, but you take 44% extra damage from spells.
4 seconds duration, 30 seconds cooldown
Buy 1600 Sell 800
Used to make Ethereal Blade

+30 Attack Speed
Fade (active) Upon activation, fades your hero out over 2.75 seconds. If you move, you will lose your invisibility.
No cooldown.
Buy 1800 Sell 900
Used to make Lothar's Edge
Ancient of Wonders

Regenerates 100 mana over 30 seconds.
Clarity Potion will be dispelled when unit attacks/attacked.
Contains 1 charge
Buy 50 Sell 25

Regenerates targeted friendly unit HP by 400 HP over 10 seconds.
Sapphire Water will be dispelled when unit attacks/attacked.
Contains 1 charge
Buy 100 Sell 50

2 charge consumable. Does not stack in inventory.
Reveal affects enemy units in a 1050 AoE around the caster. Reveal prevents affected units from becoming invisible for 12 seconds.
Lasts 12 seconds. 60 CD
Buy 180 Sell 90
Empty Bottle
It can store healing water for up to 3 uses (cast on Fountain), each healing 135 HP and 70 mana over 3 seconds.
It can be used to capture magical runes for 2 minutes. No mana cost.
Buy 600 Sell 300
Observer Wards
Summon an invisible ward to spy upon an area. Does not have true sight.
6 minutes duration. Contains 2 charges.
Buy 150 Sell 75
Sentry Wards
Summon an invisible ward to spy upon an area. Will reveals enemy's invisible unit within 950 AoE. Have small AoE natural vision.
3 minutes duration. Contains 2 charges
Buy 200 Sell 100
Ancient Tango of Essifation
Restores 115 HP over 16 seconds when bearer eat trees.
Contains 3 charges
Buy 90 Sell 45
Animal Courier
Summon a fast unit with 6 items slot and 45 HP.
If die, all the items will be fall to the ground.
Buy 150 Sell 75
Used to make Flying Courier
Scroll of Town Portal
Teleport hero to a friendly structure.
Reveal affects enemy units in a 1050 AoE around the caster. Reveal prevents affected units from becoming invisible for 12 seconds.
Lasts 12 seconds. 60 CD
Buy 180 Sell 90

It can store healing water for up to 3 uses (cast on Fountain), each healing 135 HP and 70 mana over 3 seconds.
It can be used to capture magical runes for 2 minutes. No mana cost.
Buy 600 Sell 300

Summon an invisible ward to spy upon an area. Does not have true sight.
6 minutes duration. Contains 2 charges.
Buy 150 Sell 75
Summon an invisible ward to spy upon an area. Will reveals enemy's invisible unit within 950 AoE. Have small AoE natural vision.
3 minutes duration. Contains 2 charges
Buy 200 Sell 100

Restores 115 HP over 16 seconds when bearer eat trees.
Contains 3 charges
Buy 90 Sell 45

Summon a fast unit with 6 items slot and 45 HP.
If die, all the items will be fall to the ground.
Buy 150 Sell 75
Used to make Flying Courier

Teleport hero to a friendly structure.
75 mana cost. 3 seconds cast time. 65 seconds cooldown
Buy 135 Sell 67
Smoke of Deceit
Smoke of Deceit (active) Places a buff on all allied player-controlled units in a 1200 AoE. Makes them invisible, grants 15% movespeed bonus, and prevents them from appearing on minimap to enemy players. If you get within 1025 AoE of an enemy hero or tower, or if you attack any unit, the buff wears off. Buff lasts up to 40 seconds. Has a 12 minutes stock cooldown.
Gauntlets of Ogre Strength
+3 Strength
Buy 150 Sell 75
Used to make Bracer
Slippers of Agility
+3 Agility
Buy 150 Sell 75
Used to make Wraith Band, Poor Man's Shield
Mantle of Intelligence
+3 Intelligence
Buy 150 Sell 75
Used to make Null Talisman
Ironwood Branch
+1 to all stats
Buy 57 Sell 28
Used to make Headdress of Rejuvenation, Netherezim Buckler, Magic Wand
Belt of Giant Strength
+6 Strength
Buy 450 Sell 225
Used to make Sange, Necronomicon, Power Treads, Cranium Basher
Boots of Elvenskin
+6 Agility
Buy 450 Sell 225
Used to make Yasha, Power Treads
Robe of the Magi
+6 Intelligence
Buy 450 Sell 225
Used to make Blade Mail, Oblivion Staff, Diffusal Blade, Power Treads, Veil of Discord
Circlet of Nobility
+2 to all stats
Buy 185 Sell 92
Used to make Bracer, Wraith Band, Null Talisman
Ogre Axe
+10 Strength
Buy 1000 Sell 500
Used to make Sange, Black King Bar, Aghanim's Scepter
Blade of Alacrity
+10 Agility
Buy 1000 Sell 500
Used to make Yasha, Diffusal Blade, Aghanim's Scepter
Staff of Wizardry
+10 Intelligence
Buy 1000 Sell 500
Used to make Eul's Scepter of Divinity, Dagon, Necronomicon, Aghanim's Scepter, Force Staff, Rod of Atos
Ultimate Orb
+10 to all stats
Buy 2100 Sell 1050
Used to make Linken's Sphere, Eye of Skadi, Guinsoo, Manta Style
Blades of Attack
+9 damage
Buy 450 Sell 225
Used to make Crystalys, Phase Boots
+18 damage
Buy 1200 Sell 600
Used to make Blade Mail, Crystalys, Battlefury
+10% attack speed
+10 damage
Buy 900 Sell 575
Used to make Oblivion Staff, The Butterfly, Lothar's Edge, Force Staff
+21 damage
Buy 1400 Sell 700
Used to make Battle Fury, Lothar Edge
Ring of Protection
+2 armor
Buy 175 Sell 87
Used to make Ring of Basillius, Arcane Ring, Tranquil Boots
Stout Shield
60 % chance block 20 damage
Buy 250 Sell 125
Used to make Vanguard, Poor Man's Shield
+21 damage
20 % chance add 40 damage for each attack
Buy 1500 Sell 750
Used to make Monkey King Bar, Cranium Basher
Mithril Hammer
+24 damage
Buy 1600 Sell 800
Used to make Maelstrom, Black King Bar, Stygian Desolator
+5 armor
Buy 550 Sell 275
Used to make Natherezim Buckler, Blade Mail, Assault Cuirass , Phase Boots
Helm of Iron Will
+5 armor, +3 HP regen/seconds
Buy 950 Sell 475
Used to make Helm of the Dominator, Hood of Defiance, Armlet of Mordiggian, Veil of Discord
Plate Mail
+10 armor
Buy 1400 Sell 700
Used to make Assault Cuirass, Shiva's Guard
Quelling Blade
+32% bonus attack damage on non-hero units. +12% (ranged)
Tree Chop (Active)
Tree Chop destroys a target tree.
Cooldown : 5 seconds
Quelling Blade cannot be held by Admiral
Buy 225 Sell 112
Demon Edge
+46 damage
Buy 2400 Sell 1300
Used to make Divine Rapier, Buriza-do Kyanon, Monkey King Bar
+25 Agility
Buy 3300 Sell 1650
Used to make The Butterfly, Mjollnir, Ethereal Blade
Messerschmidt's Reaver
+25 Strength
Buy 3200 Sell 1600
Used to make Heart of Tarrasque, Satanic
Sacred Relic
+60 damage
Buy 3800 Sell 1900
Used to make Divine Rapier, Radiance, Abyssal Blade
+55% attack speed
Buy 2100 Sell 1050
Used to make Assault Cuirass, Mjollnir
Ring of Health
+4 HP regen/seconds
Buy 875 Sell 437
Used to make Perseverance, Vanguard, Hood of Defiance
Void Stone
+100% mana regeneration
Buy 875 Sell 450
Used to make Perseverance, Eul's Scepter of Divinity, Guinsoo
Mystic Staff
+25 Intelligence
Buy 2700 Sell 1350
Used to make Shiva's Guard, Guinsoo
Energy Booster
+250 mana
Buy 1000 Sell 500
Used to make Soul Booster, Arcane Ring
Point Booster
+150 mana
+200 HP
Buy 1200 Sell 600
Used to make Soul Booster, Eye of Skadi, Aghanim's Scepter
Vitality Booster
+250 HP
Buy 1100 Sell 550
Used to make Soul Booster, Heart of Tarrasque, Vanguard, Rod of Atos
Orb of Venom
Adds a poison effect to your attacks. Deals 3dps and lasts 4 seconds. 4% slow for range, 12% for melee.
Buy 275 Sell 137
Used to make Eye of Skadi
(Last Update Dota 6.75)
Buy 135 Sell 67

Smoke of Deceit (active) Places a buff on all allied player-controlled units in a 1200 AoE. Makes them invisible, grants 15% movespeed bonus, and prevents them from appearing on minimap to enemy players. If you get within 1025 AoE of an enemy hero or tower, or if you attack any unit, the buff wears off. Buff lasts up to 40 seconds. Has a 12 minutes stock cooldown.
Buy 100 Sell 50
Sena The Accessorizer

+3 Strength
Buy 150 Sell 75
Used to make Bracer

+3 Agility
Buy 150 Sell 75
Used to make Wraith Band, Poor Man's Shield

+3 Intelligence
Buy 150 Sell 75
Used to make Null Talisman

+1 to all stats
Buy 57 Sell 28
Used to make Headdress of Rejuvenation, Netherezim Buckler, Magic Wand

+6 Strength
Buy 450 Sell 225
Used to make Sange, Necronomicon, Power Treads, Cranium Basher

+6 Agility
Buy 450 Sell 225
Used to make Yasha, Power Treads

+6 Intelligence
Buy 450 Sell 225
Used to make Blade Mail, Oblivion Staff, Diffusal Blade, Power Treads, Veil of Discord

+2 to all stats
Buy 185 Sell 92
Used to make Bracer, Wraith Band, Null Talisman

+10 Strength
Buy 1000 Sell 500
Used to make Sange, Black King Bar, Aghanim's Scepter

+10 Agility
Buy 1000 Sell 500
Used to make Yasha, Diffusal Blade, Aghanim's Scepter

+10 Intelligence
Buy 1000 Sell 500
Used to make Eul's Scepter of Divinity, Dagon, Necronomicon, Aghanim's Scepter, Force Staff, Rod of Atos

+10 to all stats
Buy 2100 Sell 1050
Used to make Linken's Sphere, Eye of Skadi, Guinsoo, Manta Style
Weapons Dealer

+9 damage
Buy 450 Sell 225
Used to make Crystalys, Phase Boots

+18 damage
Buy 1200 Sell 600
Used to make Blade Mail, Crystalys, Battlefury

+10% attack speed
+10 damage
Buy 900 Sell 575
Used to make Oblivion Staff, The Butterfly, Lothar's Edge, Force Staff

+21 damage
Buy 1400 Sell 700
Used to make Battle Fury, Lothar Edge

+2 armor
Buy 175 Sell 87
Used to make Ring of Basillius, Arcane Ring, Tranquil Boots

60 % chance block 20 damage
Buy 250 Sell 125
Used to make Vanguard, Poor Man's Shield

+21 damage
20 % chance add 40 damage for each attack
Buy 1500 Sell 750
Used to make Monkey King Bar, Cranium Basher

+24 damage
Buy 1600 Sell 800
Used to make Maelstrom, Black King Bar, Stygian Desolator

+5 armor
Buy 550 Sell 275
Used to make Natherezim Buckler, Blade Mail, Assault Cuirass , Phase Boots

+5 armor, +3 HP regen/seconds
Buy 950 Sell 475
Used to make Helm of the Dominator, Hood of Defiance, Armlet of Mordiggian, Veil of Discord

+10 armor
Buy 1400 Sell 700
Used to make Assault Cuirass, Shiva's Guard

+32% bonus attack damage on non-hero units. +12% (ranged)
Tree Chop (Active)
Tree Chop destroys a target tree.
Cooldown : 5 seconds
Quelling Blade cannot be held by Admiral
Buy 225 Sell 112
Leragas the Vile

+46 damage
Buy 2400 Sell 1300
Used to make Divine Rapier, Buriza-do Kyanon, Monkey King Bar

+25 Agility
Buy 3300 Sell 1650
Used to make The Butterfly, Mjollnir, Ethereal Blade

+25 Strength
Buy 3200 Sell 1600
Used to make Heart of Tarrasque, Satanic

+60 damage
Buy 3800 Sell 1900
Used to make Divine Rapier, Radiance, Abyssal Blade

+55% attack speed
Buy 2100 Sell 1050
Used to make Assault Cuirass, Mjollnir

+4 HP regen/seconds
Buy 875 Sell 437
Used to make Perseverance, Vanguard, Hood of Defiance

+100% mana regeneration
Buy 875 Sell 450
Used to make Perseverance, Eul's Scepter of Divinity, Guinsoo

+25 Intelligence
Buy 2700 Sell 1350
Used to make Shiva's Guard, Guinsoo

+250 mana
Buy 1000 Sell 500
Used to make Soul Booster, Arcane Ring

+150 mana
+200 HP
Buy 1200 Sell 600
Used to make Soul Booster, Eye of Skadi, Aghanim's Scepter

+250 HP
Buy 1100 Sell 550
Used to make Soul Booster, Heart of Tarrasque, Vanguard, Rod of Atos

Adds a poison effect to your attacks. Deals 3dps and lasts 4 seconds. 4% slow for range, 12% for melee.
Buy 275 Sell 137
Used to make Eye of Skadi
(Last Update Dota 6.75)
Related links : Dota Recipe Guide
grabe... gudluck naman!>.< heheheheXD
Deletebagsik./,pr sayang ky d kompleto ang items/.,;next tym,its to complete the items to attrack more readers
ReplyDeletewhat's go0d in playing d0ta?
ReplyDeletego0d's Of PlaliNg Dota Is n0tiNg But It's Fun.
Deleteyeahh!!!!! iys true
Deletehello dude!!! i wanna tell you about my dota map error... in my dota i cannot read the recipe list... i think i have to download some staffs to see themm... pls help me with that... in 6.59 i can remember the recipe.. but in 6.60 there are lots of different recipe... so pls tell me how i can do to see the recipe... thx a lot dude!!!
ReplyDeletehello mga frend>>??
Delete......medyo marami pang xtra slots pra sa new items...hehehe
...aWw nMan bkit nDi kumpLeTo ung mGa iTem sNA kumpLeto pRa mAs LaLo pa aQng ma22 mAg dOtA....
gue nxt tym uLit
...aWw nMan bkit nDi kumpLeTo ung mGa iTem sNA kumpLeto pRa mAs LaLo pa aQng ma22 mAg dOtA....
gue nxt tym uLit
where is the marketplace
ReplyDeletemarketplace???we call it secret shop (even if its not that secret)
hello dude!!! i wanna tell you about my dota map error... in my dota i cannot read the recipe list... i think i have to download some staffs to see themm... pls help me with that... in 6.59 i can remember the recipe.. but in 6.60 there are lots of different recipe... so pls tell me how i can do to see the recipe... thx a lot dude!!!
cnu gx2 1v1 d2 dota add nyu aq sa GG > Punit04
ReplyDelete2 lng ang binago??
ReplyDeletephase boots (blades of attack)
mjollnir (hyperstone)
ReplyDeleteif nevermore buy desolator, assault cuirass, butterfly, boots of travel, vanguard & buriza then axe will definitely dead
ReplyDeletepm me to my GG acount Bakana01 thats my nym in GG
ReplyDeletetwo Planeswalker's Cloak or two Hood of Defiance can the effect stack each other ?
ReplyDeleteRampage !
ReplyDeleterak en rol
Deletep add s FB mga tols..
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
ReplyDeletehello why benelemental can kill directly to his opponent???this is a bug for the 60 map?
ReplyDeleteHey have you ever wondered that buying 4 Quarterstaff will make a Fullstaff
ReplyDeleteThe Items name says it all:
"Quarterstaff"- quarter meaning 1/4
so 1/4+1/4+1/4+1/4= 1 haha Fullstaff
Who will win...
ReplyDeleteRazor wid a Wraiths vs. Wraiths Band wid a Razor
Choose one and expecting 2 see many comments
wtf i cant find marketplace/secret shop help
ReplyDeletecan you give me the best item for nevermore
ReplyDeletemy favourite item boots of speed 8)
ReplyDeletewho wants to be my first meat?
oh uh
ReplyDelete... no icarus..zzzz
ReplyDeletenice game.....
ReplyDeletedude about ur problem bout not being able to read the recipes.. go to options n switch on the details!!! zzzzz noob!!!
ReplyDeletedaMn sHiT..♥i'M addicTed!!!
ReplyDeletephilippines is the best in playing dota!!!!!
ReplyDeleteTrue story bro.
ReplyDeletewhat are the basic dota item that shall we have for begining?
ReplyDeletecan anyone pls guide me?
ReplyDeletethis new hero aincent aparation is stupit
ReplyDeletei lilly lilly like it ,, !!!
ReplyDeleteimba ako gusto mo dota tyu ..!!! tahahah add me FB ..
lol XD.....
ReplyDeletelol i love this game.
ReplyDeletedota is the best men!! .. nakaka adik ...
ReplyDeleteyahhhhh!!!!!!!! tama ka
Deletebagal nyo
ReplyDelete@aziel mercado
ReplyDeleteit depends on someone perception.
playing dota or any game for some, can be a stress reliver. :) masama ba loob mo dahil nagdodota muna syota mo bago ikaw? hehehe
nevermore,mirana,slardar or axe??
ReplyDeleteNEVERMORE KUYA PAKI ADD SA FB CONZFLORES@YAHOO.COM grl po nag dodota minsan :)
DeleteHow do you like to Watch Movie?
ReplyDeletebulok mga anonymous
ReplyDeleteas u r :D
DeleteI love tuskarr sO much...where cn i found the frogs for the icefrog quest and icarus in i think 6.67?? Ryt???please reply
ReplyDeleteif u need any type of help
ReplyDeletejust call me
i am always ready
It’s really a very good article,I learn so much thing from it,thanks.
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ReplyDeleteYou are right! Thanks for the correction :)
ReplyDeleteiron wood branch. . probably the costliest item in dota ever made...xDxD cheap maker.
ReplyDeletehahaha dont u think its clarity portion
heLLo can you please change the graphics of venomancer and make him look alike the ALIEN in the movie alien vs. predator
ReplyDeleteand for shadow demon.. he's ugly.. can you please return the image of a dog. it's kinda cute!!.. thanks
ReplyDeleteweak kau lahat
ReplyDeleteStout Shield is triggered before any other possible effect applies, even before armor reduction
ReplyDeleteand for shadow demon.. he's ugly.. can you please return the image of a dog. it's kinda cute!!.. thanks
ReplyDeletehello dude!!! i wanna tell you about my dota map error... in my dota i cannot read the recipe list... i think i have to download some staffs to see themm... pls help me with that... in 6.59 i can remember the recipe.. but in 6.60 there are lots of different recipe... so pls tell me how i can do to see the recipe... thx a lot dude!!!
hello dude!!! i wanna tell you about my dota map error... in my dota i cannot read the recipe list... i think i have to download some staffs to see themm... pls help me with that... in 6.59 i can remember the recipe.. but in 6.60 there are lots of different recipe... so pls tell me how i can do to see the recipe... thx a lot dude!!!
ReplyDeletebagal nyo
ReplyDeletelol XD.....
ReplyDeletepaanu po ba mag dowload ng yung bagongversion ng dota po pls...
galing q magdota!!!
ReplyDeletedota tau,,kung magaling ka?
ReplyDeleteits my favoreti
ReplyDeletemy favorit Mrn
ReplyDeleteSINO pwede makpag 1on1 sa akin weak lang naman ako ehhh..Geh thanks... :)
ReplyDeleteah ganun vah
ReplyDeletewla kyung kaya sa akin laban tyo tra ay wag na baka ma gg ka pa pag tatawanan lang kita
ReplyDeletehaha baka after 10 minutes iwanan ko lng yung pc ko baka matalo ka pa?
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ReplyDeletedota !! di umun aco mrunong eii .. nkpag-godlike lhan aco 9min.
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i was search but nothing i can't find it where i can buy it ???
please reply
and thanks for sharing
You can found two place on the map.
Deletefisrt on left way sentinel not far with third tower you can turn right and turn left again.
second not far with roshan stay.
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Deletei will kick your arse!!!!!!!!!!!
Deletehuskar yong idol ko
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ReplyDeletenmn nagtatanong lng ang tao yabang nyo pang sumagot..parang di kau naging noob sa simula..
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ReplyDeletewhere is 6.73AI?tell me everybody
ReplyDeletetataLon ka
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ReplyDeletenevermore idol cu
ReplyDeleteNEVERMORE talaga ang malakas
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